Tuesday 11 July 2017

Riaz Ahmad Samdani Forex

Dawn News Caro leitor, os anúncios on-line nos permitem entregar o jornalismo que você valoriza. Por favor, apoie-nos tomando um momento para desativar Adblock na Dawn. Caro leitor, os anúncios on-line nos permitem entregar o jornalismo que você valoriza. Por favor, apoie-nos tomando um momento para desativar Adblock na Dawn. Caro leitor, por favor, atualize para a versão mais recente do IE para ter uma melhor experiência de leitura Home Últimas Popular Paquistão Todays Paper Opinião Mundo Sport Business Magazine Cultura Blogs Tech Arquivo Multimédia Em profundidade mdash Publicado 28 de agosto de 2005 12:00 am CHAKWAL, 27 de agosto: Duas facções dissidentes da atual Liga Muçulmana do Paquistão (PML), do grupo Sardar e do grupo Geral, ensacaram 42 dos 68 assentos para os slots dos nazims do conselho sindical, resultados não oficiais e fontes independentes disseram a Dawn. A oposição PPP e os partidos apoiados por PML-N, que contestaram as eleições sob a bandeira do grupo Saleem Iqbal e da Frente Unida, deram 24 lugares, enquanto que dois assentos foram para candidatos independentes. O grupo Sardar, liderado pelo ex-distrito nazim Sardar Ghulam Abbas, chegou a 28 sindicatos nazim ao seu lado, enquanto o grupo Geral, liderado pelo vice-presidente sênior da PML Lt-Gen (aposentado) Majeed Malik, Nazims no distrito. No tehsil Talagang PML-N e aliança PPP foi eleito 15 nazims conselho da união sob a bandeira do antigo grupo de Saleh Iazal nazims tehsil. Em Chakwal e Kalar Kahar, os candidatos apoiados pela oposição sob a bandeira da Frente Unida receberam 9 cadeiras. No entanto, em Choa Saidan Shah tehsil a oposição não conseguiu mostrar a sua presença. Os candidatos bem-sucedidos para os slots de nazims em tehsil Chakwal são os seguintes: Raja Khizar Iqbal, Conselho de União Chakwal-1 Imran Aslam Kahoot, Chakwal-2 Mohammad Afzal Gujar, Chakwal-3 Ali Nasir Bhatti, Chakwal-4 Mohammad Nazeer Shami, Chakwal -5 Ghulam Shabbir Jandial, Muríd Agha Amir, Odharwal Mohammad Zaheer Bhutta, Kuriala Iftikhar Ali, UC Dab Muzaffar Khan, UC Balakassar Musarrat Iqbal, Dhudial Nisar Abbas, Sarral Nazar Abbas, Mangwal Chaudhry Amjad Hassan Ali, Chak Umra Chaudhry Sarfraz, Padshahan Arshad Nazar, Chak Malook Chaudhry Ghazanfar Ali, Bhean Maqbool Hussain Shah, Balkassar Sardar Najaf, Warwal Chaudhry Mohammad Shoaib, Dulha Sajjad Hussain, Baigal Qazi Mohammad Qadoos, Kot Chahdurian Pir Nisar Qasim Joji, Karsal Raja Ijaz Ahmad, Jand Awan Arshad Mohammad, Mulhal Mughlan Mushtaq Ahmad Bhatti, Jand Khanzada Subedar Mohammad Amin Gujar, Dhumman Chaudhry Mohammad Azad, Saigol Abad Syed Qurban Husnain Shah, Choa Ganj Ali Shah e Advogado Amir Butt, Jaswal. TEHSIL KALAR KAHAR: Malik Mohammad Ashraf, Conselho da União Kalar Kahar Farooq Cheema, UC Bhaun Pir Bhawal Haq, Bharpur Malik Hameed Raza, Munara Mohammad Nazeer, Noor Pur Akhtar Shahbaz, Bauchal Anayat Hussain, Miani e Noor Hussain, Khairpur. TEHSIL CHOA SAIDAN SHAH: Malik Mohammad Mukhtar, UC Choa Saidan Shah Raja Noor Mohammad, Dandot Raja Nasir Ali, Dalwal Malik Khuda Buksh, Dulmial Chaudhry Mohammad Munir, Lehr Sultão Pur Nadeem Ahmad Khan, Basharat e Tassadaq Hussain, Ara. TEHSIL TALAGANG: Malik Mohammad Aslam, Tala Sharq, Nasir Jamal, Tala Gharb, Malik Feroz Dudial, Tehae Engenheiro Mohammad Nawaz, Jassial Raja Altaf, Kot Sarang Mohammad Arshad, Nukka Kahoot Amjad Ilyas, Jabbi Shah Dilawar Hakeem Riaz, Multan Khurd Malik Mohammad Ejaz , Budhial Pir Qasim Ali Samdani, Saghar Hafeezur Rahman, Pehra Futal Nawab Khan, Taman Imtiaz Malik, Laytee Malik Mohammad Aslam, Tha Mahram Khan Qadeer Altaf, Lawa Wazeer Hussain, Dullar Raza Abbas, Jhatla Malik Abdul Aziz, Bhalomar Malik Mohammad Tariq Dhulee, Budhar Sikandar Hayat, Kot Qazi Malik Khizar Hayat, Puchnand Qazi Ghulam Yasin, Dhurnal e Azmat Jameel, UC Kot Gulla. PML-N varreu em Murree: candidatos apoiados por PML-N ganharam 10 assentos de nazims fora do total 15 na segunda fase de eleições de governo local em Murree tehsil, relata nosso correspondente de Murree. Os candidatos apoiados pela PML no poder ficaram em segundo lugar ao conquistar três cadeiras, seguidos pelos apoiados pelo Partido dos Povos do Paquistão e Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal, assegurando um assento cada. De acordo com os resultados, os candidatos foram: Haroon Mehfooz (PML-N) em Murree City UC, Haji Irshad (PML-N) em Musiari UC, Haq Nawaz (PML-N) em Phagwari UC, Arshad Abbasi (PML-N) Em Potha UC, Talat Abbasi (PML-N) em Sehr Bagla UC, Abid Abbasi (MMA) em Darya Gali UC, Ishtiaq Abbasi (PML) em Deval Sharif UC, Raja Shabbir (PML-N) em Charihan UC, Irum Satti PPP) em Gehl UC, Raja Khalil (PML-N e PML) em Ghora Gali UC, Salim Satti (PML e PPP) em Bann UC, Zahoor Abbasi (PML-N) em Angoori UC, Arshad Nawaz Abbasi Em Numble UC, Shaukat Mehrban (PML-N) em Tret UC, e Majeed Abbasi (PML) em Rawat UC. Mulher morta: uma mulher foi morta a tiros por seu parente na vila de Nirala no conselho sindical de Darya Gali. Fontes disseram que Imran, um dos parentes do falecido, havia pedido à família da mulher para não votar contra o candidato apoiado por ele. Mas a família recusou, enfurecendo o suposto assassino. No dia da votação, Zaib, irmão da mulher, foi interceptado por três pessoas fora de sua casa. Os três homens começaram a discutir com Zaib em que sua irmã, Zarya, saiu da casa. Mais tarde, Imran abriu fogo, matando Zarya no local e ferindo Zaib. Comentários (0) ClosedGlaxo Wellcome Paquistão 8211 Relatório de Política Gerencial 038 Estudo de Caso A Glaxo Wellcome plc é uma das principais empresas farmacêuticas baseadas na pesquisa de world8217s. O Grupo foi formado em março de 1995, após a integração da Glaxo e da Wellcome. Ambas as empresas tinham longa tradição no campo de medicamentos de prescrição 8211 ea fusão de suas operações criou a segunda maior empresa farmacêutica do mundo. A Glaxo Wellcome tem 76 empresas operacionais e mais de 50 fábricas em todo o mundo 8211 e sete produtos no top 50 do mundo. No Paquistão, é a maior empresa farmacêutica com maior participação no mercado farmacêutico local e vendas anuais de Rs. 3296 milhões em valor. A Glaxo-Wellcome Pakistan Limited é uma subsidiária da Glaxo Wellcome plc, uma empresa baseada em pesquisa, cujas pessoas estão comprometidas com a luta contra a doença, trazendo medicamentos e serviços inovadores para pacientes no Paquistão e para os prestadores de cuidados de saúde que os atendem. A intenção estratégica da Glaxo Wellcome Paquistão é ser uma empresa ética, empreendedor e agressiva, buscando oportunidades de negócios a longo prazo. Para atender sua missão, a empresa possui um amplo e bem equilibrado portfólio de produtos com cinco linhas de produtos principais: gastrointestinal, respiratória, Dermatológicos, antivirais e antibióticos. A Glaxo Wellcome também desempenha um papel de liderança na exportação de matérias-primas farmacêuticas. Os departamentos da Glaxo Wellcome estão amplamente classificados em: Unidade de Recursos Humanos e Assuntos Corporativos. Este departamento inclui: Administração de Recursos Humanos 3. Assuntos Jurídicos e Corporativos A função de RH está ativamente envolvida no planejamento de programas freqüentes de treinamento e desenvolvimento, recrutamento, planejamento de carreira, avaliações de desempenho e avaliação de cargos. O departamento administrativo cuida de questões como disciplina, segurança, transportes, restauração, etc. As actividades jurídicas e de secretariado são asseguradas pela Unidade de Assuntos Corporativos. Unidade Técnica: Inclui os seguintes departamentos: Produção Controle de Produção 3. Garantia de Qualidade 4. Projetos 5. Lojas Pesquisa amp Desenvolvimento 7.Engenharia 8.Processo 9. Saúde, Ambiente de Segurança Estes departamentos estão envolvidos na manutenção do bom funcionamento das instalações e máquinas, Garantia de qualidade, aderência estrita aos padrões e especificações predeterminados para matérias-primas e materiais de embalagem, produtos a granel e acabados, auditorias de saúde e desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Unidade de Finanças: Esta unidade está envolvida na manutenção de livros de contas, preparação de orçamentos, variações de relatórios, gestão fiscal, fornecimento de informações de gestão atempadas e realização de estudos de viabilidade de grandes projectos. Estas funções são da responsabilidade de: Planejamento de Sistemas de Informação amp. Contabilidade de Gerenciamento 3. Informações de Custo Contabilidade Financeira Ampliação da folha de pagamento Gerência de Risco 6. Auditoria Interna amp Business Systems Unidade Comercial: Esta unidade está envolvida na realização de cursos de treinamento e desenvolvimento para a força de vendas, Para estratégias de marketing no campo, e para avaliar as atividades promocionais da empresa em relação aos concorrentes. Ele inclui: Vendas 2. Marketing 3. Distribuição 4. Treinamento de vendas 5. Publicidade e Promoção de Vendas ampères médica Regulatory Affairs ESTRUTURA DA INDÚSTRIA Paquistão Indústria farmacêutica pode ser classificada em empresas farmacêuticas multinacionais e empresas farmacêuticas nacionais. Em 1997, as 31 maiores multinacionais do setor de controle representaram cerca de 70 do mercado local. Atualmente, existem 36 multinacionais e 573 empresas farmacêuticas locais atualmente operam no Paquistão. As empresas locais não podem competir com essas multinacionais devido a restrições de recursos, por isso não há grande expansão nas linhas de produtos das empresas farmacêuticas locais. As multinacionais gastam enormes quantidades para promover seus produtos no mercado. No entanto, apenas 54 empresas estão ativa fabricação de produtos farmacêuticos o resto das empresas locais têm licenças para importar produtos farmacêuticos. Tradicionalmente, a indústria farmacêutica paquistanesa tem sido uma indústria altamente fragmentada, onde 609 empresas atualmente competem pelo mercado total. A Glaxo-Wellcome tem a maior quota de mercado de quase 7 do mercado total. OBJETIVO DO RELATÓRIO E METODOLOGIA O objetivo deste relatório é realizar uma análise da cadeia de valor de todos os departamentos funcionais da Glaxo-Wellcome, determinar suas capacidades básicas, identificar áreas de fortalezas e fraquezas e avaliar a relevância e adaptabilidade de suas estratégias ao meio ambiente. Durante o processo, propomos também identificar os problemas internos e externos enfrentados pela organização em vários níveis funcionais e como eles impedem a eficiência geral. Dados preliminares: Para este propósito, visitaremos as instalações da empresa e entrevistaremos os chefes de cada departamento, bem como um ou dois gerentes de nível médio, a fim de melhor compreender os drivers de valor exclusivo que operam lá. Será realizada uma análise ambiental, incluindo a análise dos concorrentes, para avaliar a posição da empresa em relação à indústria e a eficácia das estratégias por ela prosseguidas face às forças ambientais que o afectam. Dados secundários: (a) demonstrações financeiras (b) relatórios impressos de corretoras e bolsa de valores (c) IRS (d) Notícias e revistas como PAGE, Business Recorder, The News e DAWN etc. ) Relatórios da Pharma Bureau (g) ​​Economic Survey. PROBLEMAS Principais Problemas Política de Preços Adversos e Impacto das Políticas de Câmbio: Não houve aumento nos preços dos medicamentos regulamentados nos últimos três anos, reduzindo a rentabilidade do setor diante do aumento dos custos. O último aumento de preço de 6 para medicamentos controlados foi em 1996 contra um aumento de custo de 21,73. Não houve ajustamento dos preços em 1997 em relação aos constantes aumentos dos custos relacionados com a desvalorização, os direitos de importação, o investimento em tecnologia, a inflação, etc. O impacto total de todos os insumos foi superior a 200. Considerando que todas as outras indústrias estão autorizadas a repercutir O fardo para o consumidor, o farmacêutico não pode fazê-lo devido aos rígidos controles de preços. 2. Problemas Menores A falta de infra-estrutura adequada para a eliminação de resíduos prejudiciais ao meio ambiente a instalação de sistemas de drenagem cobertos para fins de disposição eficaz e ambientalmente viável requer altos investimentos da empresa, uma tarefa que deveria ter sido realizada pelo governo. Uma das fábricas de Wellcome localizada em Karachi enfrentou um processo e teve que ser fechado para baixo devido a alguma edição relacionada Ameaça de produtos falsificados: A companhia enfrenta ameaças dos lawsuits / vendas perdidas devido aos danos infligidos pelo uso dos produtos falsificados que são empacotados em seu nome. A aquisição da Wellcome em 1996 não aumentou significativamente o valor combinado da empresa como era esperado, devido à não-materialização de certas expectativas de valores ocultos (em termos de atividades de pesquisa). A joint-venture ainda está em processo de racionalização de operações e criação de sinergias a partir da aquisição. 1700 pessoas foram demitidas. Há, no total, quatro fábricas em Karachi de Glaxo-Wellcome. A empresa está realizando a fabricação de diferentes linhas de produtos em cada fábrica devido à falta de infra-estrutura que conecta todos eles e problemas de transporte e comunicação. Isso também criou certa duplicação de processos em cada um. Há também evidências de confrontos culturais entre os empregados das empresas incorporadas. As multinacionais e as empresas locais enfrentam problemas culturais no país. O nível de consciência das questões relacionadas com a saúde são muito baixos e as pessoas visitam os médicos não qualificados que são incapazes de diagnosticar a doença e prescrever os medicamentos certos para os pacientes. Além disso, nas áreas rurais, as pessoas dependem de erva para curar doenças. Assim, um grande mercado permanece indisponível. O mercado paquistanês não é um mercado viável para uma grande presença para qualquer multinacional farmacêutica, devido ao seu baixo PIB e baixa renda per capita e crescimento que elimina a possibilidade de preços justos dos medicamentos. Nos últimos anos, as despesas públicas com a saúde têm vindo a diminuir. O Paquistão está entre o grupo de países onde a despesa em saúde como percentagem do PIB é a mais baixa do mundo. A empresa tem vindo a considerar a redução de seu portfólio de 187 fármacos da Glaxo combinado e Wellcome, particularmente no Paquistão. Além disso, a alta taxa de inflação tem corroído o poder de compra do consumidor, afetando negativamente as vendas de medicamentos especiais no mercado local concorrência intensa: Embora as multinacionais controlar um total de 75 partes de mercado, no entanto, nenhuma empresa controla mais 7 do mercado . Glaxo-Wellcome tem a parte a mais elevada de 6.8 do mercado total. A intensa competição impede as empresas farmacêuticas de aumentar os preços por conta própria. Formação de Pessoal: Pharma é um sector muito especializado ea gestão a todos os níveis tem de ser informada das especificidades e sinergias associadas ao sector. Assim, a empresa enfrenta altos custos de treinamento. Consequentemente, o custo de qualquer volume de negócios pode ser elevado. Impacto adverso da lei A situação e o desligamento de plantas e operações devido a greves criam atrasos na produção e entrega. A Glaxo Wellcome plc é uma das principais empresas farmacêuticas baseadas na pesquisa de world8217s. O Grupo foi formado em março de 1995, após a integração da Glaxo e da Wellcome. A Glaxo Wellcome tem 76 empresas operacionais e mais de 50 fábricas em todo o mundo 8211 e sete produtos no top 50 do mundo. No Paquistão, é a maior empresa farmacêutica com maior participação no mercado farmacêutico local e vendas anuais de Rs. 3296 milhões de dólares em valor. A Glaxo-Wellcome Pakistan Limited é uma subsidiária da Glaxo Wellcome plc, uma empresa baseada em pesquisa, cujas pessoas estão comprometidas com a luta contra a doença, trazendo medicamentos e serviços inovadores para pacientes no Paquistão e para os prestadores de cuidados de saúde que os atendem. A intenção estratégica da Glaxo Wellcome Pakistan é ser uma empresa ética, empreendedora e agressiva Legal e Assuntos Corporativos A função de RH está ativamente envolvida no planejamento de programas freqüentes de treinamento e desenvolvimento, recrutamento, planejamento de carreira, avaliações de desempenho e avaliação de cargos. O departamento administrativo cuida de questões como disciplina, segurança, transportes, restauração, etc. As actividades legais e de secretariado são asseguradas pela Unidade de Assuntos Corporativos. Unidade Técnica: Inclui os seguintes departamentos: Produção 2. Controle de Produção 3. Garantia de Qualidade 4. Projetos 5. Lojas Desenvolvimento de Pesquisa Desenvolvimento 7. Engenharia 8.Processo 9. Saúde, Ambiente de Segurança Estes departamentos estão envolvidos na manutenção do bom funcionamento da planta e Maquinaria, garantia de qualidade, aderência estrita aos padrões predeterminados e especificações para matérias-primas e materiais de embalagem, produtos a granel e acabados, auditorias de saúde e desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Unidade de Finanças: Esta unidade está envolvida na manutenção de livros de contas, preparação de orçamentos, variações de relatórios, gestão fiscal, fornecimento de informações de gestão atempadas e realização de estudos de viabilidade de grandes projectos. Estas funções são da responsabilidade de: Planejamento de Sistemas de Informação amp. Contabilidade de Gerenciamento 3. Informações de Custo Contabilidade Financeira Ampliação de Folha de Pagamento Gestão de Risco 6. Auditoria Interna amp Business Systems Unidade Comercial: Esta unidade está envolvida na realização de cursos de treinamento e desenvolvimento para a força de vendas, Para estratégias de marketing no campo, e para avaliar as atividades promocionais da empresa em relação aos concorrentes. Ele inclui: Vendas 2. Marketing 3. Distribuição 4. Treinamento de vendas 5. Publicidade e Promoção de Vendas ampères médica Regulatory Affairs ESTRUTURA DA INDÚSTRIA Paquistão Indústria farmacêutica pode ser classificada em empresas farmacêuticas multinacionais e empresas farmacêuticas nacionais. Em 1997, as 31 maiores multinacionais do setor de controle representaram cerca de 70 do mercado local. Atualmente, existem 36 multinacionais e 573 empresas farmacêuticas locais atualmente operam no Paquistão. As empresas locais não podem competir com essas multinacionais devido a restrições de recursos, por isso não há grande expansão nas linhas de produtos das empresas farmacêuticas locais. As multinacionais gastam enormes quantidades para promover seus produtos no mercado. No entanto, apenas 54 empresas estão ativa fabricação de produtos farmacêuticos o resto das empresas locais têm licenças para importar produtos farmacêuticos. ANÁLISE AMBIENTAL EXTERNA Economia As condições econômicas prevalentes no país têm um enorme impacto no setor farmacêutico. Nos últimos anos, o país tem experimentado uma alta taxa de inflação e um baixo crescimento do PIB. A alta taxa de inflação corroeu o poder de compra do consumidor, afetando negativamente as vendas de medicamentos especiais no mercado local. A posição de reservas cambiais se deteriorou nos últimos anos. Devido à falta de reservas cambiais e à incerteza dos acordos económicos com o FMI eo Banco Mundial, o sector farmacêutico tem de importar matérias-primas a uma taxa composta superior à taxa oficial a que as empresas deste sector têm vindo a importar Últimos anos. A vigilância da saúde nunca foi uma prioridade no Paquistão. O estado actual das instalações de saúde e as despesas com a saúde deixam muito a desejar. As despesas de saúde nas políticas governamentais foram muito abaixo do nível desejado. A despesa total do governo proposto (federal + provincial) em saúde no EF 1997-98 é Rps. 19,7 bilhões, o que representa 0,72% do PNB total. A OMS recomenda que 7 do PNB sejam gastos em saúde. Isso significa que, em média, um paquistanês recebe Rs. 141 de seu governo para a saúde. Ao longo dos últimos anos, as despesas do governo em saúde tem vindo a diminuir. O Paquistão está entre o grupo de países onde a despesa em saúde como percentagem do PIB é a mais baixa do mundo. Isso se deve ao fato de que os governos nos anos anteriores têm déficits orçamentários, principalmente devido à incapacidade de gerar receitas da fonte de tributação. Além disso, a maior parte da receita arrecadada é gasta em financiamento de dívidas e defesa, pelo que o montante gasto com saúde diminuiu consideravelmente. Governo, política e jurídica O preço no setor farmacêutico é monitorado de perto pelo governo. Nos últimos anos, o governo não permitiu um aumento nos preços dos medicamentos. Para as empresas multinacionais farmacêuticas, que importam até 90 das matérias-primas da empresa-mãe1. Esta é a principal área de preocupação. A desvalorização do dólar de cerca de 10 por ano ea taxa de inflação de cerca de 12 p. a. Tem corroído os lucros das muitas empresas do setor. Além disso, após a detonação nuclear, o setor farmacêutico foi removido da lista de itens essenciais e as empresas têm que importar matérias-primas à taxa composta (e não a taxa oficial) e fornecer uma margem de abertura da Carta de Crédito. A maioria das empresas é forçada a tomar emprestado a margem dos bancos e, assim, incorrer em custos de juros pesados ​​sempre que as matérias-primas são importadas. Como resultado, desde novembro de 94, o custo aumentou 56, contra o qual só foi permitido um aumento de preço de apenas 25, deixando um hiato de 49 para ser preenchido.2 A falta de uma indústria petroquímica paralela para a fabricação de matérias-primas para fármacos, E o tamanho relativamente pequeno do mercado interno (US 680 milhões em comparação com o mercado mundial de US 220 bilhões 3), tem incentivado um viés na indústria para uma formulação e instalações de embalagem, em oposição ao fabrico básico total. A importação de matéria-prima constitui, portanto, o maior fator de custo 8211, aproximadamente 80 dos custos totais de produção. Para economizar divisas e promover a transferência de tecnologia, o governo forneceu incentivos fiscais para o fabrico básico total localmente. No entanto, muito poucas empresas assumiram o desafio, Glaxo e Wellcome sendo duas excepções notáveis. Com o outro grande custo ser mão-de-obra (normalmente 10 das vendas), a linha de fundo é altamente sensível às flutuações em Pak-Rupee, bem como, naturalmente, o aumento das operações. Com desvalorização anual historicamente na região de 10, e inflação de dois dígitos, as empresas farmacêuticas normalmente olhar para aumentos de preços para manter suas margens. Mas a sensibilidade política e social desta indústria tem exigido sua regulação pesada, particularmente nesta região. O governo impôs um direito aduaneiro de 10 sobre a importação de drogas manufaturadas e um dever que varia entre 30-50 sobre a importação de matérias-primas, desencorajando assim a fabricação de drogas no país. Da mesma forma, um imposto sobre as vendas de 10 foi imposto sobre os medicamentos vendidos no país que aumenta ainda mais o encargo para os consumidores. Governos sucessivos emitiram licenças para a fabricação de drogas muito além das exigências no país. Como resultado, a indústria está operando em 33 da capacidade instalada4. E com as condições atuais, há uma probabilidade muito baixa de que a utilização melhoraria num futuro próximo. O excesso de capacidade poderia ser utilizado pela exportação de drogas nos países vizinhos. O setor farmacêutico é altamente controlado no país. O governo controla os preços de 821 drogas que compreende cerca de 71 do mercado. De acordo com os padrões da OMS, apenas 200 a 300 medicamentos devem ser colocados na lista controlada, muito abaixo do nível dos preços dos medicamentos controlados no Paquistão. Social, Cultural, Demográfico e Ambiental As questões sociais e culturais também têm impacto na indústria farmacêutica. As empresas locais estão envolvidas em práticas antiéticas na medida em que produzem medicamentos protegidos por patentes5. Tais práticas desestimulam as multinacionais a trazer novas moléculas no país. Além disso, o sistema legal é tal que, mesmo que as multinacionais decidam recorrer ao tribunal em matéria de patentes, o procedimento é tão demorado que leva muitos anos até que a decisão seja tomada. O outro aspecto das práticas antiéticas diz respeito aos intermediários ou aos distribuidores. Esses distribuidores que fornecem medicamentos para as empresas multinacionais e locais, acumular medicamentos para criar uma escassez artificial no mercado para lhes permitir cobrar preços exorbitantes dos consumidores. As multinacionais sentem que se os intermediários forem removidos e se as empresas criarem seu próprio canal de distribuição, esse problema pode ser superado. No entanto, ao longo dos anos apenas algumas empresas multinacionais criaram sua própria rede de distribuição para superar esse problema. As multinacionais e as empresas locais enfrentam problemas culturais no país. O nível de consciência das questões relacionadas com a saúde é muito baixo e as pessoas visitam médicos não qualificados que são incapazes de diagnosticar a doença e prescrever os medicamentos certos para os pacientes. Além disso, nas áreas rurais, as pessoas dependem de erva para curar doenças. Assim, um grande mercado permanece inexplorado, onde se o nível de consciência é aumentado, as empresas seriam capazes de aumentar as receitas de vendas, principalmente a partir do genérico. A indústria não contribui muito para a poluição ambiental. No entanto, um pouco de poluição é criado durante o processamento químico resultando em: Água e impurezas de esgoto Resíduos tóxicos Infecção química de trabalhadores O quadro regulamentar que consiste nos serviços de inspeção, sistema de licenciamento, controle de qualidade e registro estão bem equipados para lidar com problemas de poluição. Além disso, a prática de seguir as orientações Boas Práticas de Fabricação, a consciência ambiental na indústria é relativamente alta na indústria. Tecnologia A Glaxo-Wellcome não tem um aspecto tecnológico devido ao fato de que as atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento são realizadas pela empresa-mãe. A pesquisa para os novos produtos é realizada pela empresa-mãe. A empresa acredita que o mercado paquistanês não é grande o suficiente para realizar atividades de pesquisa no país e nem Glaxo-Wellcome tem amplos recursos para realizar pesquisas no Paquistão. Portanto, a pesquisa no Paquistão para a empresa é feito na medida do produto de teste as moléculas básicas e compostos são preparados pela empresa-mãe. Concorrentes Os principais concorrentes da Glaxo-wellcome são Abbott, Novartis, Hoechst, Smith Kline e Beecham e Cynamid / Wyeth. Ameaça de novos operadores A única barreira mais importante para a entrada na indústria é a Investigação e Desenvolvimento facilidade. As empresas locais só podem entrar no mercado de genéricos devido à falta de experiência e recursos para desenvolver moléculas. Nas patentes de produtos a entrada torna-se difícil para os novos jogadores, as empresas locais têm dificuldade em competir com os nomes de marcas MNC estabelecidas. O alto custo fixo das instalações e equipamentos também serve como um impedimento para entrar no mercado. Inconsistentes e desfavoráveis ​​regulamentações governamentais sobre preços e registro de drogas é outra barreira. Disponibilidade de produtos de substituição O mercado farmacêutico é dividido em duas categorias principais: patentes e genéricos. No que diz respeito aos fármacos de patente, existem poucos substitutos disponíveis devido à natureza da molécula de fármaco que é protegida por patentes. Mesmo se outro MNC traz uma droga similar, pode não ter as mesmas características e, portanto, não tão eficaz como o concorrente. Portanto, tais drogas não seriam prescritas pelos consultores e profissionais. As multinacionais não enfrentam nenhuma concorrência das empresas locais neste segmento do mercado. No que se refere ao segmento genérico, as empresas multinacionais enfrentam uma forte concorrência das empresas locais. Isto é devido ao fato de que as empresas locais comprometer a qualidade das matérias-primas que é comprado localmente. Por outro lado, as multinacionais que têm de cumprir com os requisitos de qualidade estabelecidos pela empresa-mãe, importar cerca de 90 da matéria-prima e, portanto, custo mais elevado devido à desvalorização da rupia. Além disso, os produtos de substituição na forma de terapias não-drogas como a cura da natureza, terapia à base de plantas também são amplamente utilizados no Paquistão. Poder de Negociação dos Fornecedores Os fornecedores da indústria têm pouco poder, uma vez que a maioria das empresas está verticalmente integrada, todas as empresas multinacionais importam matérias-primas das empresas-mãe. Apenas uma pequena quantidade de matéria-prima para as drogas é adquirida localmente. No entanto, a maioria do material de embalagem é adquirida localmente e os fornecedores estão fragmentados no mercado local e, portanto, os fornecedores têm pouco poder de barganha. Para os materiais adquiridos localmente, as multinacionais geralmente têm um número de fornecedores, aproveitando assim a concorrência de preços entre os fornecedores. Poder de barganha dos consumidores Os consumidores podem ser classificados como hospitais / farmácias e os consumidores individuais / pacientes. Hospitais têm alguma influência sobre os preços e vendas, portanto, obter descontos de preços. Os pacientes não estão concentrados e não compram em volumes, portanto, eles não representam uma força importante. O mercado local é tal que os produtos são diferenciados e, portanto, os consumidores não têm poder de negociação sobre os preços. Outro ponto a destacar é o fato de que as drogas são inelásticas preço, portanto, os consumidores não têm escolha, mas para comprar os produtos a preços que estão disponíveis no mercado. Além disso, o tamanho maior devido às fusões dá mais poder de barganha às empresas e lhes permite diminuir seus esforços de marketing. Rivalidade entre empresas concorrentes De acordo com uma estimativa existem cerca de 6096 unidades licenciadas no Paquistão que estão supervisionando a fabricação e comercialização de 13.188 drogas e outros produtos relacionados. Em 1997, as 31 maiores multinacionais do setor de controle representaram cerca de 70 do mercado local. No entanto, a indústria continua altamente fragmentada com nenhum fabricante ter mais de 7 partes. Essas multinacionais definiram segmentos de mercado e até mesmo em produtos de volume que não infringem os mercados de cada um. Devido à natureza da indústria farmacêutica, existem muitos nichos de mercado (medicamentos de patentes), onde as multinacionais controlam a maioria da ação. As empresas locais têm 30 do mercado e ganharam essa participação ao longo de um período de sete anos antes de que eles eram uma parte muito pequena do mercado. Concentram-se principalmente nos medicamentos genéricos e enfrentam a concorrência feroz das multinacionais e outras empresas locais, no entanto, com a expiração dos direitos autorais de várias drogas líderes o fator preço favorece as empresas locais. A cadeia de valor da indústria consiste no abastecimento de matérias-primas, intermediários, produção de drogas em massa, formulações, comercialização e distribuição. A investigação eo desenvolvimento como actividade de apoio é muito importante, mas no Paquistão o seu papel é subestimado. O ciclo de investimento e crescimento em produtos farmacêuticos é o seguinte ANÁLISE FINANCEIRA As empresas farmacêuticas são caracterizadas por baixa base de ativos. As empresas do setor têm base de ativos de operação muito baixa, uma vez que a indústria não é altamente capital intensivo em sua situação atual. As empresas não assumem grandes planos de investimento. As empresas farmacêuticas importam todas as suas necessidades de matéria-prima. Isso exige que eles mantenham uma planta que pode converter as matérias-primas em produtos acabados. Conseqüentemente, o ativo circulante consiste em grande parcela do ativo total. A baixa base de ativos permite que as empresas farmacêuticas desfrutem de elevadas taxas de rotatividade de ativos. Começando com a linha de fundo, Glaxo-Wellcome fez lucro semestral para o ano fiscal de Rs 189 milhões e Rs. 356,8 milhões (FY 1998), apresentando assim um EPS de Rs.2.8 por ação, que é 23 inferior ao de 1996. Este resultado pode ser atribuído ao aumento de preço zero, inflação substancial, taxas de câmbio desfavoráveis, perda de valor de Pak Rupee as compared to other currencies. Comparing Glaxo-Wellcome profitability with the key players, it seems that Glaxo-Wellcome has performed well above the industry. It is he market leader in terms of market capitalization, sales and profit. Glaxo-Wellcome has shown a Net Profit Margin of 9.5 (FY 98), whereas Heocst had a 6 margin, Novartis 7.5 and American Home Products (Cynamid/Wyeth) had a 7.2 net profit margin the overall industry average was 5.2. Since the merger (1995-1998), the company has shown a tremendous growth in terms of sales, 165.5 and the net profit margin for the same period has grown by 96.5. however the increase in profits for FY 97-98 can be attributed to the gain of 262.9 million from the sale of Glaxose-D to Rafhan foods. Liquidity Ratios The company enjoys above average liqidity. However, large portion of its current assets comprise of inventory stock. being built up as a contingency plan for the Y2K compliance project. Activity ratios The companys asset utilization and activity ratios have declined and are presently below the industry average, (fixed asset turnover for FY 97 Glaxo-Wellcome 1.79x whereas industry average 4.99x). This is due to the merger of Glaxo-Wellcome and a subsequent increase in fixed asset base. Glaxo-Wellcomes debt ratios reflect its degree of conservatism, as seen by a declining long term loan amount and healthy debt coverage ratios. INCOME STATEMENT Unlike the other players in pharma industry Glaxo-Wellcome has not diversified its income base, concentrating on its core competence pharmaceuticals. With the pharma industry facing declining profit margins due to severe price controls and escalating costs, Glaxo-Wellcome has to depend on increases in production units to gain economies of scale (capitalize on its large base of fixed assets) and consequently increase revenues. Due to an un-diversified business, Glaxo-Wellcome faces a threat of increasing cost of goods sold which are higher for the company as compared to the industry average (Glaxo-Wellcomes CGS 74.1 industry average 68) The future outlook for the company is not encouraging at all industry growth is declining and costs are rising due to economic conditions in the country. Furthermore, for almost two years no price increases has been allowed despite government promises made in this regard. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Glaxo-Wellcomes structure is characterized by shorter span of control and greater flexibility. This structure encourages informality and communication between hierarchical levels. However, presently the company is in the process of adaptation due to the marked difference between the structures of the two companies merged to form Glaxo-Wellcome. The companys objective is to achieve a structure which would facilitate delegation. Critical success factors Pakistan8217s explosive population growth rate (3 p. a.) and rapid urbanization (5 p. a.) ensure a rising marketing demand for pharmaceutical products. It has grown at a compound rate of 23.7 over the period 1993-97. According to an estimate the contribution to GDP is gradually increasing. The per capita consumption in the country has increased from Rs. 95 in 1987-88 to Rs. 141 in 1996-977 . Basic Manufacturing facility In fact, there is no real basic manufacturing in Pakistan although Glaxo is the closest to operate under comprehensive basic manufacturing plants for all its therapeutic categories. Wellcome and Wyeth have also set up semi - basic manufacturing plants for the manufacture of intermediary components of a small number of products (primarily for the respective classes of antibiotic and antacid). Hoechst has recently completed a base-manufacturing unit for Haemaccil (a plasma suspension). Quality standards The biggest factor keeping the national companies from fixing comparable prices is the low faith of doctors and the patients in the pharmaceutical products made by these companies. The public believes that the national companies do not follow the same strict quality control measures which the multinational companies follow. The difference in quality standards is an outcome of the attitude of the local manufacturers towards quality control. Since the multinational companies are more concerned about their corporate image, they make extra efforts to maintain quality by following the procedures and guidelines provided by the parent company. In this regard, another edge that the multinational companies have is an extensive detailing of the doctors, including the free sampling. This has helped them develop the brand loyalty of the doctors and building their confidence in the efficacy of the products. Detailing is less practiced by the national companies. GENERIC PRODUCTS Glaxo has not take advantage of the favorable government policies towards generic products. This is highly important as generic products are the fastest growing segment, and favorable government policies would greatly help in bringing in new products and capturing this growing market. Glaxo-Wellcome does not have a active share generics sector. Parent Company We believe that the support of parent company is a critical success factor (CSF) because of the research and development and financial support provided by the head office. Glaxo-Wellcome has strong support of Glaxo-Wellcome International both financially and in the field of RampD. Trained workforce Medically qualified and trained workforce is important due to the nature of specialty products sold in the market. Qualified product managers help train the sales representatives and thus have a direct impact on the sales volume for specialty drugs. Product managers are preferably medical graduates and the Medical and Medical Services help train the sales representatives. Market leader in Patent products Patent products are the new innovative drugs formed as a result of the RampD activities of the firm. These molecules are an important source of revenues due to the mass volume of sales involved. Glaxo-Wellcome is world wide leader in patents, due to its strong RampD the company introduces a number of patent products every year in the market and increasing market share in the segment. Distribution network Glaxo-Wellcome out-sources its distribution requirements. This can be viewed as a critical success factor as the company could integrate forward and acquire a distribution firm, thereby increasing its profits. This eliminates the possibility of unethical practices followed by several distribution agencies (as already discussed earlier) thus any chances of harming the brand loyalty. High Market Share A high market share is a critical factor in specialized drugs where niche markets are targeted by the players in the industry. High market is necessary to be able to serve the market segment. The company has been able to maintain higher market shares than its competitors. Wide Product Line In most product category, the company has more products as compared to the competitors. The company has been trying to decrease its product line and has withdrawn a number of products from the market. Introduction of new products In the this field of medical science, research in diseases common to the developing countries is import to maintain and improve market share in developing nations. Research carried out by the parent company is mostly applicable to diseases common in the developed countries. Glaxo-Wellcome is unable to directly influence the research program of the parent company. Introduction of new products in the market is critical for the survivor of players in the market. Competitors in the industry come up with new products every year, thus making the industry highly dynamic in terms of competition. Untapped rural market The second most important critical success factor is the untapped rural market. Currently the pharmaceutical market is mainly located in urban areas. If the companies start marketing and selling in the huge rural market they will have strong sales growth. Glaxo-Wellcome is aware of the opportunity of this segment and they are educating the rural population of the benefits of their products. Increasing health consciousness The increasing health consciousness is the next most important factor. The market is becoming more aware of the problems of heart disease and other illnesses other than that there is increasing consumption of vitamins, this increased consciousness will only continue to grow and will prove to be an important source of growth of sales for companies. Glaxo-Wellcome has presently introduced a new vaccine for hepatitis B, a growing concern in Pakistan. Therefore Glaxo-Wellcome is actively trying to tap this growing awareness of health consciousness. Available Niche market of life saving drugs Currently many essential life saving drugs are missing from the market. This represent a niche market and any company which introduces these products will be able to capture these markets. The company is not doing anything about bringing these drugs in to Pakistan even though they are aware of the potential of this niche market. The industry is currently producing at 33 of its capacity therefore by producing at full capacity not only will it be able to benefit from economies of scale but will also be able to export the surplus. Therefore the export market is an important critical success factor. The export market is being ignored by Glaxo-Wellcome, they are not trying to develop this market and are not doing anything to tap this market even though they are aware of its potential. Continuous devaluations Continuous devaluations are the most important critical success factor. These devaluations have led to a continuous increase in the cost of raw materials for the company of which 90 are imported. Leading to an increase in the cost of production. With control on the prices of drugs, the increasing cost of production have led to falling margins for the pharmaceutical companies. Glaxo-Wellcome is unable to influence policies regarding devaluation, foreign exchange controls and LC opening. They are aware of this problem but cannot influence these policies. Inconsistent government policies Inconsistent government policies continue to be a hinderance for the pharmaceutical market. The government continues to control prices which is the cause behind the falling profitability in the industry. Glaxo-Wellcome cannot respond to poor government policies and change them. They have however made the government aware of the problems they are facing due to inconsistent policies. Poor economic conditions Poor economic conditions continue to pose a strong threat for the industry. These have led to a fall in the purchasing power of consumers and therefore a fall in the sales of the pharmaceutical companies. Glaxo-Wellcome can do little about the poor economic conditions in the country. The company is aware of this problem but is unable to change the situation. Unethical manufacturing practices Unethical manufacturing practices of local companies are a strong threat to MNCs, these companies flout patent laws and manufacture drugs whose patents are still valid, whereas MNC companies cannot carry out such practices. This gives the local companies an unfair advantage in capturing market share in patented products. The company is trying to counter these practices by informing patients as to the danger of consuming low quality drugs, the company is also trying to educate doctors as to the unethical manufacturing practices of local companies. Herbal medicines The rural market only uses herbal medicines which are sold by hakeems. The hakeems do not prescribe drugs manufactured by pharmaceutical companies. This practice poses a great threat as the rural market is the largest segment of the population. The company can only spread the use of their medicines but they can do little to influence the decision of hakeems who will only prescribe herbal medicines. HUMAN RESOURCES amp CORPORATE AFFAIRS UNIT This department includes: Human Resources Administration 3. Legal and Corporate Affairs The HR function is actively involved in planning frequent training and development programs, recruitment, career planning, performance appraisals, and job evaluation. The administration department looks after issues like discipline, safety and security, transport and catering facilities, etc. The Corporate Affairs unit handles the legal and secretarial activities. The major function of the Human Resource Department is to obtain. maintain and retain a satisfied and motivated workforce. It is the job of the HR head to travel to all the cities in the country and solve any problems that the workforce might be encountering. After the merger took place between Glaxo and Wellcomes Human Resource Department was given the responsibility to redefine the various jobs as the organization structure in both the companies was considerably different. The task of integrating the organizational cultures of both the companies poses the major problem for the department. To counter this the head of the department is thinking of hiring an outside consultant who will revise and integrate the job analysis and job design information. An efficient and a motivated sales force is of prime importance to any pharmaceutical company. GlaxoWellcome realizes the need for providing training and other learning opportunities to its sales force, which is one of the major functions of the HR department. The major strength of the HR department has been its success in creating informal communication among the staff and different departments, the company organizes a number of social events in which all employees and the top management participate actively. TECHNICAL UNIT Technical Unit: This includes the following departments: Production Production Control 3. Quality Assurance 4. Projects 5. Stores Research amp Development 7.Engineering 8.Procurement 9. Health, Safety amp Environment These departments are involved in maintaining smooth functioning of plant and machinery, quality assurance, strict adherence to predetermined standards and specifications for raw and packing materials, bulk and finished products, health audits, and development of new products. 1. PRODUCTION 2 PRODUCTION CONTROL 3.ENGINEERING 4.STORES 5.HEALTH, SAFETY amp ENVIRONMENT 6. PROCUREMENT GW does not believe in changing its suppliers often because of the nature of the products, as the product and raw material consistency has to be according to the standard. The local suppliers are Rafhan for glucose, Lever Brothers for glycerin. The raw materials are mostly imported from two companies, BASF and Rhodia, who have these materials as a part of their primary manufactures and supply them to GlaxoWellcome The criteria for selecting suppliers is quality, cost and consistency of supply. The company keeps a safety stock of between two to four weeks. The packaging material is supplied mostly by local sources - 80 is supplied by the local firms and 20 is imported. The company has extensive experience and market knowledge, both on a local and international level. The opportunity is that China and India provide materials at a lower cost, but this is a threat to the present suppliers, and to developing long term relationships with them. Another opportunity is the development of local industry as more and more firms are entering the industry to manufacture basic chemicals. The JIT system is not employed because of the political setup 8211 there are too many strikes and power breakdowns that disrupt supply. The rates with suppliers are set at the beginning of the year because of recurring business. The procurement effectively adds value by utilizing the companys assets to add to overall profitability. It ensures that production gets the materials on time so that the finished product can be promptly brought into the market. Overview of the Procurement Department The Procurement department is involved in the purchase of raw materials such as glucose, glycerin and sugar, along with certain packaging materials. Local glucose is supplied by Rafhan, while glycerin is supplied by Lever Brothers and Kohinoor, imported supplies are provided through BASF and Rhone-Poulenc (Rhodia) also the primary suppliers to GlaxoWellcome. As far as packaging material goes, 20 is imported while 80 is procured locally. Imported packaging material includes aluminum foil, PVC film, components of inhalers etc. The local packaging material includes boxes, tubes, ampoules, glass bottles etc. GlaxoWellcome does not change suppliers frequently because of the nature of the product, requiring only the best of ingredients and processes. All suppliers need prior approval and monopolies in supplier terms of supplier clout are not allowed to form. Specifications according to which suppliers are judged are: Quality of material Cost of material Timely delivery of material Suppliers are given a long-term schedule, which may be tentative, but GlaxoWellcome tries its best to stick to the initial game plan. Safety stock is kept on a consumption basis. The more certain items are used in the production process the longer the duration of their stock in safety batches. Such commodities on average are kept in a two to four week usage quantity. The company cannot adhere to the JIT system because political uncertainty in Pakistan requires that stocks be kept in advance to counter the threat of cut-off future supply owing to political turbulence. The management of the department is run with close ties to principles of ethics such as stringently dealing with approved suppliers. As far as management decision-making goes, lower level employees are allowed to take decisions regarding the fulfillment of orders, while vested authority rests with top management with regard to matters such as choosing new sources of supply. Strengths and Weaknesses S: Experienced personnel, knowledge of market (local and international) W: Time lag involved as a product has to be tested for 6-month stability, currently the procurement department has taken on a new chemical supplier O: Local industries are developing basic chemicals such as sulphametaxazol T: Suppliers will face price competition from Indian and Chinese imports, customs stall goods when documentation is not at par with requirements. Such documentation is at times difficult to get hold of on time e. g. Forms 7 and 3 which give the date of manufacturing and country of origin respectively if not reproduced at the right time can lead to spoilage of imports. The Procurement department expenses the companys assets which is why it is all the more cautious of providing value to the end product. As procurement deals with the ultimate external customer, it is very conscious of value-addition. Internal Customer: Planning department, RampD department Internal Supplier: IT department, marketing department External Customer: End consumer, doctors, and medical organizations External Supplier: Supplier of materials, government RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The mission statement just about wraps up the importance eof research and development for GlaxoWellcome in a nutshell. GlaxoWellcome is a research-based company whose people are committed to fighting disease by bringing innovative medicines and services to patients throughout the world and to the healthcare providers who serve them. The research and development laboratories of GlaxoWellcome are engaged in developing new products for the local market and for other group companies, along with being associated with the countrys premier research institutions. At GlaxoWellcome, new product development over the course of the 1998 1999 period has seen both the development and launch of the following: Wellcodox injection Floxy infusia Calpol Plus tablets Dicofen Emulgel The birth of a drug technically is an eight to twenty-eight year process. The break-up is done on the following basis: This is followed by considerations in selecting the activity in various dimensions be they acute toxicology or general pharmacology amongst others. The candidate drugs are then arrived at of which first detailed, technical and economic appraisal is conducted. This appraisal is inclusive of the development of formulations, bio-availability of the formulations, a stability test, devising of quality control methods, process development, detailed animal pharmacology, synthesis of radio-labeled ingredients, blood level methods developed, acute and six-monthly toxicity studies are conducted, followed by reproduction studies, absorption, excretion and metabolism in animal species, and finally the outlining of the clinical trial program. The appraisal is linked to the Safety in Animals phase, which lasts for a period of 2 3 years. More specifically, preceding this phase firstly is documentation, internal approval of proposals for clinical studies and secondly the submission of data to health authorities. Linking these two prerequisites to the appraisal are volunteer studies. The appraisal then links itself to the third phase, that is, Safety and Efficacy (in man) which lasts for a period of 3 5 years through the carcinogenecity factor. If one goes by order though, the phase starts off with open studies, safety activity, dose finding and absorption, going on to initial controlled trials and then subsequently the second detailed technical and economic appraisal, which in turn links it factors to the carcinogenecity studies. The factors are: establishment of the manufacturing process, plant design and building, development of sales formulation (local and internal), bio-availability studies, packaging development, stability studies, international clinical trial, detailed absorption, excretion, and metabolism studies, and overseas pharmacy, pharmacology, and toxicology when necessary. Medical publications then follow, and finally the submission for sale to committee on safety of medicine is made. Submission then proceeds to the Marketing phase, where data sheets, packaging, leaflets, and promotional literature are created, followed by a local launch, then basic documentation is made to overseas health authorities, after which an overseas launch takes place, followed by continuous monitoring and further clinical studies. The marketing department raises a request for a new product, then after acquiring raw material for the product development, the crux rests with stability studies in the lab where the effect of temperature is monitored as well as the impact of humidity after which the type of packaging required for the product is formulated. Strengths and Weaknesses S: Nine High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) in RampD along with a couple others in other departments Three PhDs amongst the personnel, along with countless MScs and Bpharms. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) helps in combining structure of compounds and formed due to decomposition Funds largely controlled by finance department and stalled during austerity drives. O: Initiative in product development through application of latest techniques. T: High amount of government regulation in terms of registration with the Ministry of Health. Internal Customer: Marketing department Internal Supplier: Procurement department, finance department External Customer: End consumer, doctors, and medical organizations External Supplier: Market research analysts, doctors, medical organizations, and government Finance Unit: This unit is involved in maintaining books of accounts, preparing budgets, reporting variances, managing taxation, providing timely management information, and carrying out feasibility studies of major projects. These functions are the responsibility of : Information Systems 2. Planning amp Management Accounting 3. Cost Information Financial Accounting 5. Payroll amp Risk Management 6. Internal Audit amp Business Systems INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES 2. PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING SERVICES 3. INTERNAL AUDIT AND BUSINESS SYSTEMS SERVICES Requirement of a an accurate sales forecasting system. This system is the starting point of the planning process in the Finance Department, and as demand for products is not known to a great degree of accuracy, sales forecasting becomes dependent on guesswork. Scientific data is not easily available in Pakistan, and there are not many institutions that provide data of this nature. The pharmaceutical industry is so heavily dependent on the IMS, an international medical journal, that at times there is a tendency to make sweeping generalizations on the basis of extrapolating past figures and trends, and even basing present market forecasts on foreign markets. There are many people in various departments who are responsible for planning with respect to their departments requirements in general. However, there is a severe need for an effective planning system along the lines of an MRP System. Finance is a service department, which serves the company as a whole. The Finance Department deals with a whole range of inter-firm activities be it budgeting, investing in certain levels of stocks, or conducting feasibility analysis amongst other things. It is a customer-oriented department that ensures the release of analytical information to departments, in the forms of budgets, profit and loss statements and balance sheets, and cost-benefit analysis. The responsibility to tell the Marketing Department which products ought to be pushed and which areas are adding value or for that matter are eroding value for the company also at times rests with the Finance Department. With regard to the Control and Audit Areas, there are internal control systems in the company for the safeguarding of procedures, for ensuring that management policies are followed, and that ethical standards are adhered to. An internal efficiency control program seeks to improve systems within the organization, and encourages new ideas from company employees to improve efficiency, so much so that ideas regarding the thickness of packaging are also highlighted meetings and review programs on a monthly basis. The Finance Department tries its best to reduce response time to people within the company and releases needed information to a great degree of precision in timing and accuracy. Value-addition by the Finance Department is done through pointing out to other departments how and where costs can be cut or processes shortened. At times the department is makes a thorough analysis of suppliers on the basis of price and if deemed necessary, goes on the lookout for additional sources. There is a special mention of purchase prices of materials here, because they are a major chunk of the company expenses. The bottomline is to provide guidance to management to maximize profit. Where community service is concerned GlaxoWellcome continues to produce loss-making products as they under the head of lifesaving drugs e. g. Zeffix (for Hepatitis B). The company engages in short-term in small volumes, there are times however, when there are overdraft problems to pay interest on. Management is made aware on a monthly basis of the needs to take corrective actions in their areas of concern by the Finance department. With regard to the implications of the recent change in government, the GM Finance expects there to be a price increase in the near future, perhaps in the first quarter of the next year. SWOT of Company: S: Quality of products, personnel, RampD, affiliation with GlaxoWellcome International, strong financial standing. W: Improving planning system to become more efficient. O: Increasing population that gives an expanding market base, increasing awareness levels regarding health issues which results in increasing sales for quality medicines. T: Price control, currency devaluation, government duties, (GST), national companies providing cheaper products and capitalizing on illiterate markets, law and order deterioration. SWOT of Department: S: Well qualified personnel (CMAs, MBAs, CAs), Business Planning and Control System (BPCS) implemented, automation in many areas, training personnel in computers, management and individual development programs. W: Improving upon the planning process. Annual objectives are set by all senior officials of the company and they are set in terms of automating the company, the budgeting process, automating the accounts payable systems etc. The personal annual objective of the GM Finance this year is to automate the management reporting system by December entirely in the company and all over Pakistan. Consultancy services are hired from the likes of Sidhat Haider, Nobel Computers, Shah Rehman and Co. and others. The entire process of setting objectives can be defined as a cycle to be broken down into the following components. It all begins with a sales plan made by the marketing department on which basis each department sets their own budget, which in turn is sent to the Finance department for approval. Adjustments are made on the basis of resources by the Finance department. The objectives are set in unit terms require the provision of resources to subsequent departments, thus purchases are made, manpower allocated and the process gets under way. Short-term objectives are set in terms of constant game plans that are studies meticulously before being given the go ahead. If corrective actions are required the people involved in the process come back to the department heads who in turn also require status reports from them at regular intervals. As far as the devising of policies goes, it is done at the Group level, and at the senior management and director level. Internal Customer: Every department Internal Supplier: Entire company External Customer: Group officers, tax authorities, and bankers External Supplier: Auditors, consultants The Finance and Control department carries out three major functions: Planning, Budgeting and Operational control. Before a new product is launched, the companies are required to get an approval from the Ministry of Health. However, due to Government red tape and inefficiencies it takes approximately 2 to 3 years to get the product approved. This procedural delay is the major problem faced by this department. Slow growth of the pharmaceutical sector coupled with unethical practices of the local companies are also hindering the growth of the company and posing a problem to this department. The department works in close contact with the marketing and finance department when it comes to making annual budgets, acquisition of new machines and product feasibility. COMMERCIAL UNIT Commercial Unit: This unit is involved in conducting training and development courses for the sales force, monitoring adherence to marketing strategies in the field, and to benchmark the companys promotional activities in relation to competitors. It includes: Sales 2. Marketing 3. Distribution 4. Sales training 5. Advertising and Sales Promotion Medical amp Regulatory Affairs MARKETING DEPARTMENT The pharma market in Pakistan is Rs. 38 billion and is growing at a rate of 7 per annum . In this market, the share of GlaxoWellcome is 7, about Rs. 2.8 billion. At present, the goal is to consolidate and maintain the position of the existing portfolio and new products. GlaxoWellcome is present in 55 segments and in 60 of these segments it is the market leader. Where the rest of the market, that is, the remaining 40 is concerned, GlaxoWellcome is merely servicing the market. Four to five new products are developed by GlaxoWellcome per year, and versus their nearest local competitor, that is, Abbot, the ratio of new product development per year is similar. Both worldwide and in Pakistan, GlaxoWellcome is the number one company. It is one of the top 5 companies in Pakistan, with the other four being SmithKline and Beecham, Wyeth, Cynamide, Hoechst Marion Rusell and Novartis. The organization of the marketing department is such that the General Manager, Marketing has three Group Product Managers under him. There are ten Product Managers, each having a portfolio of between Rs. 200 to 400 million. The function of the Group Product Managers and the Product Managers under them is planning. In the marketing department, the long-term plan is for a period of five years, while the marketing plan is for one year. The marketing plan depends on the season for example, medicines for coughs and colds are promoted more during the winter season. The marketing plan contains the following elements-marketing background, marketing objectives, both qualitative and quantitative, promotional strategies, advertising plan, etc. The marketing plan is based on the overall corporate plan and is consistent with the marketing budget. The Product Managers work with the medical sales representatives as a method of market research to get feedback to see that strategies are being implemented and check any deviations between the expected and the actual results. Cycle meetings are conducted on a six-monthly basis through which the performance of the field force is reviewed. In these meetings, performance evaluation is done and guidance is given for the next six months. The corporate and annual objectives and the strategies and policies to achieve them are laid down by the top management, but feedback is taken from the lower level staff since it comprises the front line people. This is especially important in the case of the sales managers and the field force( the largest for a pharmaceutical company in Pakistan), which is in direct contact with the customers. Currently the annual objective revolves around sustaining the level of profitability and the product portfolio in the face of decreasing profits and increasing prices. There is a renewed emphasis on cutting down promotional expenditure and decreasing sales of products that drag the rest f A major source of information about the players in the market is the IMS, (Information Medical Statistics). At present, there are 476 pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan, of which 27 are multinationals. The IMS gives volume sales, value, market shares and growth rates of products on a company-wise basis. The Regional Index (RI), gives the unit-wise sales of products in units and value. The Medical Index (MI) contains prescription data on the sixteen segments, product-wise and indicator-wise. Another source of research are management trainees and internees. SWOT ANALYSIS The company has well-qualified people with plentiful experience, so there is a blend of youth and experience. The marketing department has creative and innovative individuals who come up with unique promotional strategies to market the products effectively, while at the same time utilizing the companys resources efficiently. The coverage of doctors is one of the largest in the country since about 20-25,000 doctors are called upon by the sales force per quarter. Since GlaxoWellcome is a British concern there are communication barriers due to which the flow of communication, both internally and externally, is not up to the mark. Another weakness is the conflicting objectives of the marketing department and the finance department. While marketing wants an expansive budget for greater promotional expenditures, finance is more interested in curtailing these expenses. There are new products in the pipeline, which shall be introduced, in the next five years. These are breakthrough products that will provide a competitive edge to the company, especially if it has a first-mover advantage. The current economic situation is that there is a recession, but the management has forecasted that the situation will improve in the next two years. The biggest threat are the competitors, both the existing ones and the potential entry of new ones, who can introduce new products faster and gain market share. This is a threat especially so because survival in the pharmaceutical industry depends on introducing new products on a timely basis. GlaxoWellcome deals with the potential entry of competitors through benchmarking, whereby it compares itself with the competition and sees how it can improve. Differentiation of the products is also used whereby the unique selling proposition of a new drug is highlighted. For example, antibiotics are promoted by saying that they are to be taken twice daily instead of the normal three times a day. The introduction of new products in Pakistan is not always effective as evidenced by the fact that a Trans-dermal patch was introduced, which was not accepted locally. Brand loyalty is encouraged by giving reminders to them through the field force like gifts, product literature, etc. Promotional techniques include conducting clinical meetings with 8-10 doctors at a time, where the functioning of the product(s) is discussed extensively. In addition, the company arranges symposiums in which 200-300 doctors take part. Lectures are imparted by both local and foreign speakers. These symposiums generate goodwill and enhance the corporate image. It takes, on average, 2-3 years to introduce a new product in Pakistan, since they have to be registered with the Ministry of Health. DIVESTITURE : Galaxies-D, a business worth Rs. 260 million, was divested because the top management wanted to concentrate on the core businesses - pharmaceuticals. So it was sold to Rafhan 8211 10 years. Animal Health division is a separate business unit, having a value of Rs. 160 million and a separate field force comprising 27 individuals. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT : The company has introduced tablets for the treatment of Hepatitis B as opposed to vaccines that are produced by companies like SmithKline amp Beecham. Pakistan is the fifth country in which GlaxoWellcome has introduced these tablets. Some products now have a broadened indication base and the company has developed new uses for the some products like Zantac, which is used for both ulcer and dyspepsia. The research and development department takes a long time to develop a new product, and competitors may introduce it first and have a first mover advantage in the form of patent rights. In 1997, GlaxoWellcome launched Floxy, but if it were launched in 1995, the sales would have been larger since there was a growing market. The Group Head Office takes plenty of time to approve launch of mew products in Pakistan. Further, there are time lags involved in acquiring patents and threats of infringements of patents owing to rampant counterfeiting in the local market. Local doctors are also price conscious in Pakistan, which means that products launched locally have to priced competitively. The government has no regular health policy, the time required to register new products is very long. If the patent of another company has not expired, a new product cannot be launched. Antibiotics account for 25 of the total pharma market. GW operates in 11 out of 16 segments. From theme booklet Moving On given to the sales force every quarter. POR EXEMPLO. Dicofen Objective: Establish brand identity by highlighting image as a quality drug available at an economical price. Theme: The key to freedom is Dicofen. Strategy: Select Voltaren-minded doctors and offer them Dicofen at economical price. Target all orthopedic surgeons, A class general practitioners, and selected dental surgeons. Literature brief: A two-page drop card in which the first page depicts the human body with all major joints where pain and inflammation is generally reported. On the second page two characteristics of Diclofenac sodium are mentioned which highlight why Diclofenac is such a good drug for arthritis and other pains. Model detail: Doctor, you must be getting many patients who complain of arthritic pain, dental pain, and muscoskeletal sprains and aches. The key to freedom is Diclofen. Doctor, Diclofen has a prolonged duration of action. Doctor, we offer you these qualities of Diclofen in the shape of Diclofenac at a much more economical price. May I request you to prescribe Diclofenac to all your patients requiring a potent anti-inflammatory agent. SALES DEPARTMENT DISTRIBUTION SALES TRAINING ADVERTISING amp SALES PROMOTION The sales department has yearly marketing budgets, which are to be accomplished and to achieve these the department sets up half-yearly, quarterly, and monthly sales budgets so as to set short-term objectives to reach long-term goals. The department holds meetings with Production department once every month. The Sales Department comprises of different divisions. The reason for this is that owing to diverse product portfolios, one team is not enough. Thus the many divisions. Salesmen in each division are trained for specific GlaxoWellcome products thoroughly because each salesperson on an average gets ten minutes to sell his product to so many prospects and he must be well-versed with all the products in the group in order to do a good job. The total strength of the department comprises 397 Medical Representatives, 50 Area Managers, 5 Division Sales Managers, 2 General Sales Managers and a Unit Head. There are three basic types of products namely Prescriptional, Bonus and Over-the Counter drugs categorized as A, B and C respectively. The A category products are the ones prescribed by doctors and they contributes 86 of total market share of the company. The B category products for example Calpol offer discounts and bonuses to push sales and contribute 2 towards the market share. Category C consists of products for example multivitamins that provide after sales service to achieve incremental sales. Out of the total, 3 of market share is derived from imported products example Tracrium injection that is used in anesthesia. GlaxoWellcome has an edge because its the leading company in the areas of supply, distribution and market knowledge. There are forty-five distributors in the major towns all over Pakistan: 8211 Karachi RC Distributors 8211 Lahore Paras Distributors 8211 Islamabad Nasim Traders 8211 Quetta Qasim and Sons Nadeem Traders Through this distribution network the company reaches 27,000 chemists all over the country. The company provides first class training for its sales force. During the training period that lasts for about six months, monthly expenditure of Rs. 50,000 is incurred on each trainee. At the time of the merger, GlaxoWellcome had too large a field force and the company had to reduce the number in order to cut down the high costs it was incurring. This problem took two years to resolve since the company had to decide which product category needed how much field force strength. Basic company problem stems from the inability to increase prices. GlaxoWellcome had entered into an agreement with the government five years ago according to which it was allowed to increase prices on certain categories of products. The terms of the agreement were adhered to for two years but for the past three years the company has not been allowed to raise prices. As a result of this GlaxoWellcome has been unable to make desired profit margins, increments to personnel have been inadequate while simultaneously the R amp D costs have risen due to inflation. Since it cannot sell at the desired prices, the company is making efforts to increase sales and cut unnecessary expenditure, that is, it is trying to work towards achieving volume sales and at the same time culminating huge amounts spent on promotional expenses. The sales department receives input from suppliers and provides output to customers. The functions Internal and External Supplier-to-customer chain is as follows: Internal Customer Accounts Department Internal Supplier Marketing Department, Sales force External Customer Doctors, distributors External Suppliers Doctors Currently the departments major source of problem stems from the companys inability to charge higher prices on their products. As a direct repercussion of reduced profit margins, in the past the department has faced cost cuts on its expenditure on sales promotional activities. Besides this the size of medical representatives had to be reduced because the company was not expanding at the rate where it could sustain such an elaborate field force. The Sales department of GlaxoWellcome is a function, which comes in direct contact with the customers through the many medical/ sales representatives and thus largely influences their perception of overall quality of the companys products. The department has its major strength in the medical representatives it trains to perform the required tasks. To reduce high turnover the field force gets sufficiently paid. However, the training expenses are very high since during the period that the training lasts, the company has to bear expenses for the trainees accommodation, meals and training sessions and stipend which is also given over the six months period. Even after the training has ended and during the course of job, all travelling expenses are borne by the company. However, these expenses are partly justified by minimal turnover of the sales reps. Internally the Sales departments customers are the accounts department while the suppliers are the Production department and the sales force. Their external sets of customers include the doctors and the distributors with the doctors also forming the major external suppliers. The departments interrelationships are critically important since it takes input from the production department and from the marketing function regarding the sales targets to be achieved for the year. Marketing function provides for the sales targets while production is given the volumes that need to be produced based on these targets. DEPARTMENT: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Overview of the RampD Department The mission statement just about wraps up the importance eof research and development for Glaxo Wellcome in a nutshell. Glaxo Wellcome is a research-based company whose people are committed to fighting disease by bringing innovative medicines and services to patients throughout the world and to the healthcare providers who serve them. The research and development laboratories of Glaxo Wellcome are engaged in developing new products for the local market and for other group companies, along with being associated with the countrys premier research institutions. At Glaxo Wellcome, new product development over the course of the 1998 1999 period has seen both the development and launch of the following: Wellcodox injection Floxy infusia Calpol Plus tablets Dicofen Emulgel The birth of a drug technically is an eight to twenty-eight year process. The break-up is done on the following basis: This is followed by considerations in selecting the activity in various dimensions be they acute toxicology or general pharmacology amongst others. The candidate drugs are then arrived at of which first detailed, technical and economic appraisal is conducted. This appraisal is inclusive of the development of formulations, bio-availability of the formulations, a stability test, devising of quality control methods, process development, detailed animal pharmacology, syntheis of radio-labelled ingredients, blood level methods developed, acute and six-monthly toxity studies are conducted, followed by reproduction studies, absorption, excretion and metabolism in animal species, and finally the outlining of the clinical trial program. The appraisal is linked to the Safety in Animals phase, which lasts for a period of 2 3 years. More specifically, preceding this phase firstly is documentation, internal approval of proposals for clinical studies and secondly the submission of data to health authorities. Linking these two prerequisites to the appraisal are volunteer studies. The appraisal then links itself to the third phase, that is, Safety and Efficacy (in man) which lasts for a period of 3 5 years through the carcinogenecity factor. If one goes by order though, the phase starts off with open studies, safety activity, dose finding and absorption, going on to initial controlled trials and then subsequently the second detailed technical and economic appraisal, which in turn links it factors to the carcinogenecity studies. The factors are: establishment of the manufacturing process, plant design and building, development of sales formulation (local and internal), bio-availability studies, packaging development, stability studies, international clinical trial, detailed absorption, excretion, and metabolism studies, and overseas pharmacy, pharmacology, and toxicology when necessary. Medical publications then follow, and finally the submission for sale to committee on safety of medicine is made. Submission then proceeds to the Marketing phase, where data sheets, packaging, leaflets, and promotional literature are created, followed by a local launch, then basic documentation is made to overseas health authorities, after which an overseas launch takes place, followed by continuous monitoring and further clinical studies. The marketing department raises a request for a new product, then after acquiring raw material for the product development, the crux rests with stability studies in the lab where the effect of temperature is monitored as well as the impact of humidity after which the type of packaging required for the product is formulated. Strengths and Weaknesses S: Nine High-Pressure liquid Chromatography (HPLC) in RampD along with a couple others in other departments Three PhDs amongst the personnel, along with countless MScs and Bpharms. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) helps in combining structure of compounds and formed due to decomposition Funds largely controlled by finance department and stalled during austerity drives. O: Initiative in product development through application of latest techniques. T: High amount of government regulation in terms of registration with the Ministry of Health. Internal Customer: Marketing department Internal Supplier: Procurement department, finance department External Customer: End consumer, doctors, medical organizations External Supplier: Market research analysts, doctors, medical organizations, government Overview of the Procurement Department The Procurement department is involved in the purchase of raw materials such as glucose, glycerin and sugar, along with certain packaging materials. Local glucose is supplied by Rafhan, while glycerin is supplied by Lever Brothers and Kohinoor, imported supplies are provided through BASF and Rhone-Poulenc (Rodia) also the primary suppliers to Glaxo Wellcome. As far as packaging material goes, 20 is imported while 80 is procured locally. Imported packaging material includes aluminum foil, PVC film, components of inhalers etc. The local packaging material includes boxes, tubes, ampules, glass bottles etc. Glaxo Wellcome does not change suppliers frequently because of the nature of the product, requiring only the best of ingredients and processes. All suppliers need prior approval and monopolies in supplier terms of supplier clout are not allowed to form. Specifications according to which suppliers are judged are: Quality of material Cost of material Timely delivery of material Suppliers are given a long-term schedule, which may be tentative, but Glaxo Wellcome tries its best to stick to the initial game plan. Safety stock is kept on a consumption basis. The more certain items are used in the production process the longer the duration of their stock in safety batches. Such commodities on average are kept in a two to four week usage quantity. The company cannot adhere to the JIT system because political uncertainty in Pakistan requires that stocks be kept in advance to counter the threat of cut-off future supply owing to political turbulence. The management of the department is run with close ties to principles of ethics such as stringently dealing with approved suppliers. As far as management decision-making goes, lower level employees are allowed to take decisions regarding the fulfillment of orders, while vested authority rests with top management with regard to matters such as choosing new sources of supply. Strengths and Weaknesses S: Experienced personnel, knowledge of market (local and international) W: Time lag involved as a product has to be tested for 6-month stability, currently the procurement department has taken on a new chemicals supplier O: Local industries are developing basic chemicals such as sulphametaxazol T: Suppliers will face price competition from Indian and Chinese imports, customs stall goods when documentation is not at par with requirements. Such documentation is at times difficult to get hold of on time e. g. Forms 7 and 3 which give the date of manufacturing and country of origin respectively if not reproduced at the right time can lead to spoilage of imports. The Procurement department expenses the companys assets which is why it is all the more cautious of providing value to the end product. As procurement deals with the ultimate external customer, it is very conscious of value-addition. Internal Customer: Planning department, RampD department Internal Supplier: IT department, marketing department External Customer: End consumer, doctors, medical organizations External Supplier: Supplier of materials, government MARKETING From theme booklet Moving On given to the sales force every quarter. POR EXEMPLO. Dicofen Objective: Establish brand identity by highlighting image as a quality drug available at an economical price. Theme: The key to freedom is Dicofen. Strategy: Select Voltaren-minded doctors and offer them Dicofen at economical price. Target all orthopedic surgeons, A class general practitioners, and selected dental surgeons. Literature brief: A two-page drop card in which the first page depicts the human body with all major joints where pain and inflammation is generally reported. On the second page two characteristics of Diclofenac sodium are mentioned which highlight why Diclofenac is such a good drug for arthritis and other pains. Model detail: Doctor, you must be getting many patients who complain of arthritic pain, dental pain, and muscoskeletal sprains and aches. The key to freedom is Diclofen. Doctor, Diclofen has a prolonged duration of action. Doctor, we offer you these qualities of Diclofen in the shape of Diclofenac at a much more economical price. May I request you to prescribe Diclofenac to all your patients requiring a potent anti-inflammatory agent. EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Governmental, Political and Legal Aspects Economic Aspect Social, Cultural, Demographic and Environmental Concerns The Element of Technology Tabs on Competitors Inhibiting Entry Substitutability of Glaxo-Wellcome Products Extent of Supplier Clout Customers Bargaining Power Rivalry Amongst Competing Firms GLAXO-WELLCOMES INTERNAL ASSESSMENT OF STRENGTHS amp WEAKNESSES Departmental Analysis Operations Procurement Marketing Finance Administration Human Resources Value-Chain Analysis CONDUCTING A FACTOR ANALYSIS External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) APPENDIX Summation of Findings A Statement of Contribution BIBLIOGRAPHY The News October 13, 1998 Pakistan amp Gulf Economist October 5-11, 1998 Business Recorder January 16, 1997 October 18, 1997 November 13, 1997 December 29, 1997 CORPORATE CULTURE Glaxo-Wellcomes people are its pride and source of initiative. Operating in the competitive and fast-moving pharmaceutical industry, the company ensures its people are dedicated to the entrenched values of the company. Though the lapse of time since the merger has been short, the management norms widely shared by the company personnel are as follows: Glaxo-Wellcome should hire people committed to the welfare of mankind Glaxo-Wellcome must encourage enterprise and innovation in individuals and their work Glaxo-Wellcome should capitalize on long-term business opportunities based on commitment by individuals to the organization Glaxo-Wellcome and its people must keep pace with changing times and needs of the market. The companys formal management systems stem from these shared beliefs. General evaluation of performance of employees is carried out on the basis of leadership, organizing, communication and technical abilities. The company values continuous growth in the industry, and stability within the company. Promotions are made from within, and top management is chosen from the ranks of the Glaxo-Wellcome people as opposed to hiring from external sources. Management Glaxo-Wellcome lays considerable emphasis on research and development, and its operating principles and management policies are geared towards this. Considering Glaxo-Wellcome to be in a business where ii-conceived new product development is very expensive, and at times apt to be unsuccessful, integrated strategic planning amongst the functions is of vital importance. Distribution of Authority The parent company Head Office is located in the United Kingdom, while the Group Office for Asia-Pacific operations is situated in Singapore. The strategic direction for the company is provided by the Group Office. On the whole, the parent company provides the entire gamut for research and development through transfer of technology, as well as financial support for such activities. The provision of strategic direction through the Group Head Office preempts the direction to be taken by Glaxo-Wellcome Pakistan. For product launches and introductions, approval has to be given by the Group Office. Such interventions are also required in matters of retrenchment 8211 such as the recent shut down of the Lahore set up. As far as functional departments are concerned, they are semi-autonomous units with the authority to set their requisite budgets as well as co-ordination amongst the other departments. Organization Chart Glaxo-Wellcome is headed by Sir Richard Sykes, who is the company chairman. The next-in-command is the chief executive, Mr. Bob Ingram. Directly under the chief executives supervision fall the Functional Group Directors and Regional Group Directors. The country chairman or regional group director for Glaxo-Wellcome Pakistan Ltd is Mr. Alan Eldridge. Mr. Eldridge has been appointed as the managing director of Glaxo-Wellcome Pakistan from September 1, 1997 and deputy chairman from September 8, 1997. Mr. Eldridge first joined Glaxo-Wellcome in Australia, in 1979 and has since held a number of positions of increasing responsibility within the Asia-Pacific region, including senior appointments in Korea and Hong Kong. He also served as chairman and managing director of Glaxo-Wellcome new Zealand from January 1994 till his appointment in Pakistan. Serving under Mr. Alan Eldridge are the functional directors of Glaxo-Wellcome Pakistan. These include Mr. S. Riaz Ahmed 8211 Commercial Director Mr. Masood Ahmed Financial Director Mr. Muzaffar Iqbal Technical director and Mr. Shahid Mustafa Qureshi Human Resources amp Corporate Affairs Director / Company Secretary. Glaxo Wellcome Pakistan The Marriage Between Two Giants On the cool and pleasant evening of August 8, 1999, a long service award giving ceremony was held in the throngs of the Banquet Hall at the Sheraton Hotel, Karachi. The auspicious hosts, being the management of Glaxo Wellcome Pakistan Limited. Twenty awards for auspicious service were given away by Mr. Alan Eldridge, the Country Chairman, Glaxo Wellcome Pakistan Limited. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Eldridge congratulated the recipients on their achievement, and emphasized the need for all Glaxo Wellcome employees to work with even greater zeal for the companys progress. He had good reason to broach the topic too. As the ending words of his speech were drowned by thunderous ovation, Alan Eldridge thought back to the news items coming from time to time that had hung over his head like a cloud. It is estimated that it takes an average 15 years from patent filing to the launch of a major innovative medicine at a total cost of around U. S. 500 million, as compared with US 100 million in 1985. Even so there is no guarantee of success in a highly competitive market where novel products are constantly and rapidly made obsolete or entirely replaced by innovations. In addition to disease, we must also contend with the shifting sands of Government policies around the world, the escalating costs of Research amp Development, the slow pace of regulatory approval, and the tough new realities of the marketplace all of which threaten our ability to keep up the flow of innovative medicines. Here in 1998, our industry is in crisis. Inconsistent government policies towards the pharmaceutical industry in recent years, the dramatic fall in value of the Rupee together with stringent and punitive price controls since June 1993, have dramatically eroded profitability and brought the industry to its knees. The inevitable result of these misguided policies will be to undermine the viability of all those companies who are committed to investing in quality, both multinational companies and national companies, so that the high quality products will eventually disappear from the market, leaving the field clear for those who only manufacture the cheapest, poor quality and even spurious medicines. The losers will be the people of Pakistan. He swiveled the fruit punch in his hand and recalled his secretary taking down his own remarks to be recorded in the Annual Report 1998. With no price increase in sight, at least in the near future, the Company will continue to attempt to minimize pressure on profitability by achieving high sales volume and holding down costs through sustained efficiency improvement measures. (Alan R Eldridge, Chairman Glaxo Wellcome, in Annual Report 1998) The Company will continue to focus on our core Pharmaceutical Business. (Alan R Eldridge, Chairman Glaxo Wellcome, in Annual Report 1998) Everything was in black and white, solid print. Ironically, Glaxo Wellcome, the company that has built its success on the gi-normous size and health care-for-all idealism, now finds itself in a haze of rose tint. Glaxo Wellcome A Panoramic View The newly found company has a blue blood of discovery in the field of prescription medicines. It is one of the worlds leading research-based pharmaceutical company. The Group was formed in March 1995, following Glaxos acquisition of Wellcome. The two companies date back to a long history of success stories. Joseph Nathan founded Glaxo in 1873 as a general trading company in New Zealand. Two American pharmacists, Henry Wellcome and Silas Burroughs established Burroughs Wellcome amp Company in London in 1880 which was later changed to Wellcome plc in 1985. By the 1980s, both Glaxo and Wellcome were both highly successful with strong and well-developed research capabilities. Glaxo had grown through the acquisition of smaller companies and the discovery and commercialization of revolutionary treatments such as a novel anti-ulcer treatment which was to become the world8217s best selling prescription medicine. Wellcome plc had become the home for Nobel prize-winning research in areas such as HIV. The histories of the two companies merged when on January 23 1995 Glaxo launched a takeover bid for Wellcome. The Group was formed in March 1995. In September, the same year, the new group is launched worldwide. The logic for the Glaxo Wellcome merger was simple combining drug discovery processes to improve the fight against disease. Both, Glaxo and Wellcome had long traditions in the field of prescription medicines 8211 and the merger of their operations created the second largest pharmaceutical company in the world. It allowed the integration of world class research and business skills, it also created a 12 billion medical and scientific trust, the largest in the world. I Hereby Pronounce You Glaxo Wellcome Glaxo Wellcome PLC and its subsidiaries operate an international pharmaceutical company engaged in the creation and discovery, development, manufacture and marketing of prescription medicines. It has 76 operating companies and more than 50 manufacturing sites worldwide. With global annual sales of around 8bn in 1998 Glaxo Wellcome currently ranks as one of the top 3 pharmaceutical companies in the world, with a market share of 4.5. The leading companies have a relatively similar share of the world market which reflects the tough competition faced by the Group. Seven of their products are ranked in the world top 50 for sales. These are Zantac, Imigran, Zovirax, Zofran, Zinnat, Flixotide and Serevent. In all, Glaxo Wellcome has some 48 principal prescription medicine products, these can be grouped into nine therapeutic areas: respiratory, bacterial infections, viral infections, central nervous system disorders, gastrointestinal, oncology, cardiovascular, dermatologicals, and anaesthesia. It spends around pounds 1.2 billion in research every year, which is the largest budget in the pharma industry. In 1996 Glaxo Wellcome announced a new regionalised organization structure, setting the stage for the next chapter of global growth. It is designed to take advantage of emerging global business opportunities. Glaxo Wellcome Pakistan is part of the Asia Pacific Region Division with headquarters in Singapore. GLAXO WELLCOME PAKISTAN A COMPANY PROFILE In Pakistan, it is the largest pharmaceutical company with the highest share of the local pharma market, i. e. 6.8 and annual sales of Rs. 3,296 million in value. The country headquarters are in Karachi. Pre-merger Glaxo was engaged in the manufacture of bulk actives and formulations amp markets pharmaceuticals for human and veterinary use, and fine chemicals, whereas Wellcome manufactured amp marketed bulk actives amp formulations for human use. These capabilities are now being capitalized in the combined entity. Sales and distribution is also managed through their combined network of distribution points across the country. Management at Glaxo Wellcome The companys formal management systems stem from these shared beliefs which are also transferred to all its subsidiaries. General evaluation of performance of employees is carried out on the basis of leadership, organizing, communication and technical abilities. The company values continuous growth in the industry, and stability within the company. Promotions are made from within, and top management is chosen from the ranks of the Glaxo-Wellcome people as opposed to hiring from external sources. Glaxo-Wellcome lays considerable emphasis on research and development, and its operating principles and management policies are geared towards this. Considering Glaxo-Wellcome to be in a business where ill conceived new product development is very expensive, and at times apt to be unsuccessful, integrated strategic planning amongst the functions is of vital importance. The parent company Head Office is located in the United Kingdom, while the Group Office for Asia-Pacific operations is situated in Singapore. The Group Office provides the strategic direction for the company. On the whole, the parent company provides the entire gamut for research and development through transfer of technology, as well as financial support for such activities. The provision of strategic direction through the Group Head Office preempts the direction to be taken by the subsidiaries, including Glaxo-Wellcome Pakistan. Such interventions are also required in matters of retrenchment 8211 such as those required in order to streamline the facilities of both Glaxo and Wellcome as one operation. For product launches and introductions, approval has to be given by the Group Office, which is mostly a procedural requirement only. The year-to-year operations and management of the company is the responsibility of the board of directors and is left at their discretion. As far as functional departments are concerned, they are semi-autonomous units with the authority to set their requisite budgets in co-ordination with the other departments. Organization Chart Those Who Rule The Roost Glaxo Wellcome is headed by Sir Richard Sykes, who is the company chairman. The next in command is the chief executive, Mr. Bob Ingram. Directly under the chief executives supervision fall the Functional Group Directors and Regional Group Directors. The country chairman for Glaxo-Wellcome Pakistan Ltd is Mr. Alan Eldridge. Mr. Eldridge was appointed as the managing director of Glaxo-Wellcome Pakistan on September 1, 1997 and deputy chairman on September 8, 1997. Mr. Eldridge first joined Glaxo-Wellcome in Australia, in 1979 and has since held a number of positions of increasing responsibility within the Asia-Pacific region, including senior appointments in Korea and Hong Kong. He also served as chairman and managing director of Glaxo-Wellcome New Zealand from January 1994 till his appointment in Pakistan. Serving under Mr. Alan Eldridge are the functional directors of Glaxo-Wellcome Pakistan. These include Mr. S. Riaz Ahmed 8211 Commercial Director Mr. Masood Ahmed Financial Director Mr. Muzaffar Iqbal Technical director and Mr. Shahid Mustafa Qureshi Human Resources amp Corporate Affairs Director / Company Secretary. A Prescription List of Business Segments As asserted by Eldridge, Glaxo-Wellcome is in business for pharmaceutical products only and operates pharmaceutical and animal health division. Glaxo-Wellcome has a broad and well-balanced product portfolio with six major product lines in gastro-intestinal, respiratory, dermatological, antibiotics, non-narcotic analgesics and vitamins. The antibiotic segment has the largest market value of Rs 8663 million (22.33 of total pharma market) with a CAGR of 7. This segment can be further divided into cephalosporins, and cotrimoxazoles. Three of Glaxo-Wellcomes top 10 revenue generating products belong to this segment. The top products being Septran (cotrimoxazoles market) with annual sales value of Rs 313 mn, and Ceporex (cephalosporins market) with a annual sales value of Rs. 185 millon. The antibiotic segment faces intense competition between both national and multinational brands, with the MNCs having a 698 share of the market as against a 31 share of local brands. The anti-ulcerants market is valued at Rs. 1221 mn, with a compound growth of 29 over last 5 years. This segment has 101 companies having 143 different brands. Almost every month a number of new brands or line extentions are introduced in this segment, which is predominated by local pharma companies. In 99 Glaxo-Wellcome achieved a sales value of Rs. 173.4 mn in this segment. The star product of the segment is Zantac contributing a revenue of Rs. 142 million. The anti-rheumatic market is valued at Rs. 2143 million. There are about 23 companies in the segment and 6 are MNCs, offering 63 brands and 80 packs. For the year 1999, 29 million prescriptions were generated for cough preparations, in addition to this the O. T.C market is estimated at 15-20 of the segmentss sales. A number of local herbal and combinations products also compete in this segment. Two of Glaxo-Wellcomes top ten products are from this segment, one star product is Actified P Cold generating Rs. 90.5 million (for the year 99). The dermatological segment is worth Rs. 1237 million and is growing at a rate of 7 p. a. there are about 27 companies in this segment five of which are MNCs. Three of the top 10 products of Glaxo-Wellcome are form this segment. The product portfolio for this segment includes established brands as Betnovate launched in 1964 and still generating a yearly revenue of Rs. 28 million (99) The Non-narcotic market is Rs. 1600 million which is 5 of total pharma market. This segment is growing at a rate of 9. The segment faces the highest generic competition in the pharma industry, there are about 231 products with majority being generic Paracetamols. Each year competition expands by numerous products mostly belonging to local companies, with the sole aim to reap profits from an already established therapeutic segment. Parke Davis is the leader with a 22 share and Rs. 342 millon in sales. Glaxo-Wellcome is the fourth major company with a 10 share and 11 growth, its star product for the segment being Calpol with sales ranging about Rs. 114 million. The vitamin market is the second largest segment of pharma market after antibiotics. It is worth Rs. 2208 million having a growth rate of 8. Vitamin market is divided in to many sub-segments Glaxo-Wellcome has a number of products in the plain Vitamin B Complex segment and the Vitamin D segment. Glaxo-Wellcomes Uniplex has a sales value 8 million, and a compound growth of 27 over the last 5 years. Animal Health Division Agrivet Farm Care is a veterinary activity of Glaxo-Wellcome Pakistan, which markets high quality, safe amp effective medicines amp feed supplements for cattle, poultry amp fisheries. This segment can be further categorized according to the product categories offered by Glaxo Wellcome. These categories are Animal Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Feed supplements, Hormone and Disinfectants. Functional Demarcations Operations amp Facilities In Pakistan, the manufacturing and administrative facilities of Glaxo Wellcome are located at four different sites in two major cities three at Karachi and one at Lahore, which employ over 3,600 people. The head office and F/268 factory is situated at SITE, Karachi and is named Salim Habib House as a tribute to the services of Dr. M S Habib, the last local chairman to have held the post till 1995 and the present Deputy Chairman of Glaxo Wellcome Pakistan Ltd. The Karachi Chemical Manufacturing Plant of trimethoprim, which is one of the basic ingredients of the anti-bacterial (Septran) is located at Salim Habib House. The factories at D/43 SITE and in West Wharf also undertakes the secondary manufacturing activities. The secondary manufacturing activities carried out at the three Karachi sites include: storage of raw materials, granulation, tablet compression, coating, blister packing, capsules filling, ointment and cream manufacuring, bulk manufacturing and filling of sterile products including injectibles, oral liquid manufacturing (10,000 litre batch sizes), and filling and packing on automatic fast lines. Beside this, filling of topical ointments, optic drops, nasal drops, and aerosols is also carried out on fast machines. The Lahore factory undertakes the basic manufacturing of Dextrose from locally grown maize Salbutamol, the active ingredient of one of the leading anti-asthmatic drugs, Ventolin Steriods such as Betamethasone Alcohol, used in the Betnelan tablets, Betamethasone Valerate, used in the Betnovate creams, Betamethasone DSP, used in the Betnesol tablet and Clobetesol, used in the Dermovate, Cephalexin, for oral Cephalosporins, and Ranitidine, the active ingredient of the largest selling anti-ulcerant, Zantac. Apart from the basic manufacturing (chemical) plants Glaxo Wellcome Pakistan also has the exclusive facility of a Fermentation Plant, which is currently in use for the manufacturing of Griseofulvin. It also has a dedicated facility for secondary manufacturing of cephalosporins (oral and injectable) at Lahore. Under the Technical Directorate The Production Control Department ensures timely availability of finished products in accordance with the sales demand and forecast. This involves utilization of latest planning concepts of MRP II. It serves as a link between the marketing and production functions by scheduling production runs in order to meet marketing demands. The Procurement function is also a function of this demand determination exercise. The unit is involved in the purchase of raw materials such as glucose, glycerin and sugar, along with certain packaging materials, that are to meet specified quality requirements and to be used in product formulations (improved and new) using the most efficient engineering and production processes. As far as packaging material goes, 20 is imported (aluminum foil, PVC film, components of inhalers etc.) while 80 is procured locally (boxes, tubes, ampoules, glass bottles etc.)9 . The company employs batch method of It has a flexible manufacturing setup for its Strategic Business Units for producing and packaging different volumes of medicines with minimal adjustments. For instance, all types of injections can be produced on one equipment setup and the setup can also be adapted for producing different milliliter (volume) requirements with minimal adjustments. Injections of one milliliter and five-milliliter can thus, be made on the same equipment setup. It works usually works for two shifts of eight hours each. There are breaks after every two hours for tea and lunch. The company is striving to minimize over-time and rescheduling through efficient scheduling, building up finished goods stock, minimum rework in order to reduce costs. The company cannot adhere to the JIT system as lack of real-time reporting can sometimes result in greater demand than expected. It currently keeps a four-week stock of finished medicines on hand as determined by the marketing department and is aiming towards an eight-week level to eliminate possibility of low market supply. The companys manufacturing procedures and environmental controls not only meet the requirements of the code of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), but also strictly adhere to the quality standards set by the Glaxo Wellcome Group. The production facilities and the production processes as well as the resultant products maintain a quality level much above that specified by the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000. Quality is built into the product and not merely inspected at the final stage. For this purpose, representatives from the Quality Assurance Department monitor operations on periodically on daily basis as well as conduct surprise checks. The Research amp Development Function: Glaxo Pakistan is today collaborating in a small, but increasing manner, with its parent company in terms of custom synthesis of new molecules and building blocks for new compounds. Laboratories are associated with the countrys premier research institutions e. g. The Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi University, H. E.J. Institute of Chemistry, Pakistan Council of Scientific amp Industrial Research and other institutions to enhance mutual scientific knowledge. Research work conducted here is published in national and international journals. The Research amp Development laboratories of Glaxo Wellcome Pakistan are recognized and registered by the University of Karachi for conducting research work leading to M. Phil amp Ph. D degrees in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. The Cat Force In Action The Lions, Leopards, Tigers, Panthers, and Jaguars, all had gathered to sharpen their claws for the next attack in the remaining two sales cycle for the year. The sales force itself is a niche player in the marketing set-up and sets the tone in achieving growth targets for the company. Alan Eldridge reiterated every chance that he got that change was exciting. It meant that seizure of opportunities and facing and overcoming the challenge of threats. Most importantly, it meant realistically analyzing, accepting, and adapting to change. Glaxo Wellcome Pakistan is one of the top 5 companies in Pakistan, with the other four being Smithkline and Beecham, Wyeth, Cynamide, Hoechst Marion Rousell and Novartis. Its market share is 7, about Rs. 2.8 billion in the local pharma market. At present, the goal is to consolidate and maintain the position of the existing portfolio and new products. Planning amp Sales Initiate Cost Saving CampaignUndertaking a fresh resolution, the marketing and sales division formally started their cost-saving campaign on August 25, 1997. The words imprinted on a banner resound in the work ethic of the marketing personnel at Glaxo Wellcome Pakistan: MARKETING IS ON A PAPER SAVING SPREE. Their resolution includes: Reduce Utility Expenses Use fax instead of lengthy long-distance calls Do not use hard copy by courier Use courier when absolutely necessary Put the lights off when leaving the room Cut down stationery usage Use less paper/toner, take out print-outs only once. Finish your jobs within working hours, preferably on day-to-day basis. The company relies extensively on market research to successfully introduce new products into the market. A major source of information about the players in the market is the IMS, (Information Medical Statistics). The IMS gives volume sales, value, market shares and growth rates of products on a company-wise basis. The Product Managers work with the medical sales representatives to get feedback to see that strategies are being implemented and check any deviations between the expected and the actual results. The Advertising and Sales Promotion department has the facilities of an in-house graphic design studio and desk top publishing unit involved in the designing of all publishing materials like promotional literature, calendars, greeting cards, in-house journals, brochures, annual reports, work diaries, etc. Promotional techniques include conducting clinical meetings with 8-10 doctors at a time, where the functioning of the product(s) is discussed extensively. The company also arranges symposiums in which 200-300 doctors take part. Both local and foreign speakers impart lectures. These symposiums generate goodwill and enhance the corporate image. The coverage of doctors is one of the largest in the country since the sales force per quarter calls upon about 20-25,000 doctors. Brand loyalty is encouraged by giving reminders to doctors through the field force like gifts, product literature, etc. In the pharmaceutical industry, the timely introduction of new products is what provides a competitive edge in the form of quick response to market demand. Glaxo-Wellcome is the only company in Pakistan, along with Abbot, which introduces 4-5 new products into the market every year versus the industry norm of only 2-3 products per year. An example of product development is the fact that in 1998, Pakistan became the fixed country in which Glaxo Wellcome introduced tablets for the treatment of Hepatitis B as opposed to vaccines that are produced by companies like Smithkline amp Beecham. At Glaxo Wellcome, new product development over the course of the 1998 1999 period has seen both the development and launch of the following: Wellcodox injection, Floxy infusia, Calpol Plus tablets and Dicofen Emulgel. In an attempt to achieve greater market penetration, some products now have a broadened indication base and the company has developed new uses for the some products like Zantac, which is used for both ulcer and dyspepsia. It takes nearly 4-5 years for the Research amp Development function to develop a product. It takes an additional 2-3 years to launch it in Pakistan since they have to be registered with the Ministry of Health. In 1997, GlaxoWellcome launched Floxy, but had it been launched in 1995, the sales would have been larger since there was a growing demand in the market. As far as the legal requirements are concerned, the government has no regular health policy. The Pakistani economy is largely undocumented and the information available on the patterns of demand is not always reliable. GlaxoWellcome deals with the potential entry of competitors through benchmarking, whereby it compares itself with the competition and sees how it can improve. Differentiation of the products is also used whereby the unique selling proposition of a new drug is highlighted. For example, one differentiating strategy employed by the company is that antibiotics are promoted by asserting that they are to be taken twice daily instead of the normal three times a day. Distribution GlaxoWellcome has nine sales and distribution stations, strategically located throughout Pakistan. There are forty-five distributors in the major towns and its sales force comprises of 600 members. Through them, the company reaches 27,000 chemists all over the country. In spite of this, the company does suffer at times since companies like Novartis has its own distributors, Lasani, with a 51 stake in the company. The company is currently trying to cut down cost by eliminating waste. They are also trying to improve their forecasting system which is not very accurate at the moment. The forecasting system functions on a Continuous Improvement (C. I.) system and the company is introducing better tools used for forecasting such as MRP 2 concept. The Sales Department comprises of different divisions. These divisions are assigned to teams which for purposes of classification are called Jaguar, Tiger, Leopard, Lion and Panther. Salesmen in each division are trained for specific Glaxo-Wellcome products. The total strength of the department comprises of 397 Medical Representatives, 50 Area Managers, 6 Division Sales Managers: five for pharma and one for animal health, 2 General Sales Managers and a Unit Head. There are three basic types of products namely Prescriptional, Bonus and Over-the Counter drugs categorized as A, B and C respectively. The A category products are the ones prescribed by doctors and they contributes 86 of total market share of the company. The B category products, for example, Calpol offer discounts and bonuses to push sales and contribute 2 towards the market share. Category C consists of products for example multivitamins that provide after sales service to achieve incremental sales. Out of the total, 3 of market share is derived from imported products example Tracrium injection which is used in anesthesia. The company provides first class training for its sales force. The marketing department, alongwith the medical department is also responsible for planning and conducting training and development courses for the sales force. During the training period that lasts for about six months, monthly expenditure of Rs. 50,000 is incurred on each trainee. Their job is to establish brand identity by highlighting a drug as a quality drug available at an economical price (considering the benefits). The sales trainees are trained through courses on product knowledge, interpersonal skills, complaint handling, approaching and qualifying prospects, etc. HEALTH CARE IN PAKISTAN The existing national network of health services in the public sector consists of 865 hospitals, 4,253 dispensaries, 5,121basic health care centres (BHUs), 853 maternity amp child health care centres (MCH), 513 rural health centres (RHCs) and 262 tuberculosis (TB) centres Health manpower and population per health staff Source: Federal Ministry of Health Private Health Care Sector: It accounts for nearly two-thirds of all health expenditure in the country. Private sector facilities are of varying quality and largely urban based and curative. The regulation of the private sector is rather weak. Moreover, there are many non-profit private institutions run by ethnic and religious communities or philanthropic associations and foundations. The non profit sub sector is mostly restricted to urban areas, but also provides some primary health care services in rural areas. There are large, medium and small sized Non Government Organizations (NGOs) in the social sector that provide significant health care and other social services to the public. Health and Nutrition Expenditure Public Sector Expenditure Million Rs. Source: Pharma Bureau Health watch has never been a priority in Pakistan. The current state of health facilities and expenditure on health leaves much to be desired. Health outlays in government policies have been much below the desired level. Total proposed government outlay (federal plus provincial) on health in FY 1997-98 is Rs. 19.7 billion, which is a paltry 0.72 of the total GNP. WHO recommends that 7 of the GNP should be spent on health. Per capita expenditure on health works out to Rs. 141 per annum. The true results of Glaxo-Wellcomes strategy are yet to be seen. In the three years after merger sales have shown a cumulative growth of 165.5. However, since the pricing regulation imposed by the Government, profits have not displayed such a clear trend. Financial results for selected post merger years are shown in Exhibit amp. A significant part of assets and income controlled by Glaxo-Wellcome is not shown in the companys regular financial statements. On average 18 of Glaxo-Wellcomes net income before tax comes from the other income account, details of which are reported only in the notes to the financial statements. The major sub-head of this account is the interest on short term deposits. Glaxo-Wellcome is making substantial progress in establishing the credentials of Glaxo-Wellcome as a possible supplier of world class products from this country. The exports of Betnovates, Ranitidine, and Griseofulvin. Since the merger, the exports have been growing at a steady annual rate of above 30. However, in 99 exports faced a sharp decline due to temporary discontinuation of Ranitidine exports, which have stopped due to the closure of the BMP facilities at Lahore. Financial Results for six months RECENT DEVELOPMENTS amp STRATEGY: The follow up to the merger meant cutting down on employees, severing duplicate facilities in both organizations, streamlining operations and distribution channels. Since the merger, Glaxo Wellcome Pakistan has spent Rs. 397 million in capital expenditure. This includes expenditure on streamlining of manufacturing facilities as well as investment for improving its information technology capabilities. The company is aiming towards reducing its number of factories in Pakistan to two. Product line is being pruned to eliminate similar products from the combined portfolio. Some loss-making products, such as Zantac, are being phased out. It is also investing in technology and to link its various factories and sales offices with each other in order to support real time reporting which would help in manufacturing and marketing decisions. The head office already has a direct connection with the Group Head Office in Singapore. The company was also into the food business in the period after the merger, with Glaxose-D of Glaxo as the sole product in the business. However, on December 29, 1998, this business was disinvested to m/c CPC Rafhan Ltd and m/s Rafhan Best Foods Ltd. Glaxose-D, at that time, contributed to 11 of total operating income and employed 10 of the total assets of the company. The sales proceeds from this decision totaled Rs. 329.5 million as against the net book value of 28.8 million of the assets transferred. Ghostbusting the Millenium Bug It is also building up raw material inventory and a three-month stock of medicine supply for next year to account for any unprecedented breakdowns due to the Y2K problem. Steps have also been taken to guard against disruptions in the production process due to power or communication breakdown by building up supplies of fuel, and acquiring additional number of generators and mobile phones among other things. GLAXO WELLCOME PLC amp GLAXO WELLCOME PAKISTAN LTD: OUR FUTURE TOGETHER Glaxo Wellcome plc had, last year, an annual research expenditure of 15 of its world-wide sales 8211 Pounds 1.2 billion or Rs. 8400 crores. Just the research budget of one company is thus equivalent to two thirds of the total turnover of the entire pharmaceutical industry in Pakistan. Glaxo and Wellcome Pakistan has some of the oldest and best brands in Pakistan and the question is how long will it be able to maintain this position They have the largest market share at the present time and they need to be continuously developing their brand in the years ahead. It is clear that growth, product development and brand building will be the pillars on which a future strategy must be based. Some of the developments currently in the pipeline with special reference to Pakistan and the developing world: Asthma and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) now reflect one of the company8217s largest therapeutic segments. There are 100 million sufferers of asthma in the world and rising numbers in the developing world. The long-term hope for asthmatics could lie in their genes. The unique work being done by Glaxo Wellcome on the genetic basis of the disease could result in, novel treatments in the years ahead. COPD accounts for 3 million deaths a year of which 67 are in developing countries. New combination treatments in this field have produced remarkable results. TB has become the leading cause of death among infectious diseases. It is certainly the number one killer disease in Pakistan. On World TB Day, Glaxo Wellcome plc announced additional funding of 10 million pounds for 8220Action TB8221, a multi-centre research project aimed at finding new treatments for the disease. AIDS is a major world killer. Wellcome8217s pioneering discovery of zidovudine has become the central pillar of AIDS therapies the world over. Combinations of zidovudine with newer drugs such as lamivudine, ambacavir and amprenavir have reduced the AIDS virus to undetectable levels allowing some sufferers to lead near normal lives. These drugs are also helping people to return to work and reducing the need for hospitalization. Malaria kills more than a million people annually with children especially at risk. Glaxo Wellcome8217s Malarone is perhaps yet another example of a remarkable combination to treat malaria, particularly plasmodium falciparum. The Hepatitis B virus resides in nearly 350 million people. In addition to lamivudine which is now registered for its treatment in several countries, Glaxo Wellcome have the exclusive rights to develop and market a Hepatitis B DNA vaccine delivered by the PowderJect system. Other areas in which Glaxo Wellcome research has produced path-breaking discoveries are influenza, epilepsy and migraine. This record should put to rest the widely held belief that little or no research is being done on the diseases of the third world. As well as medicines, Glaxo Wellcome is developing innovative vaccines and diagnostics. Fighting disease is not restricted to the developed world. Glaxo Wellcome has Action TB, an international programme to find new medicines and vaccines against multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, and the Malarone Donation Programme, which controls the use of our new anti-malarial in order to combat the problem of drug-resistant malaria. There are also programmes to make anti-HIV medicines available in poorer countries. Eldridge felt a tug on his arm and turned to look into his wifes eyes. He could see the world in his eyes a world where there was a cure an accessible cure for any kind of disease. One of the prime reasons for his success with the company had been his genuine concern for the welfare of mankind. It was in fact, she who had helped him write the conclusion to his well-received address: We must move beyond this in the years ahead. We can only survive if we are world class and a leader in the fields we have chosen to focus our attention. Environments change 8211 they become better and worse 8211 but a truly global and focussed company should be able to internalise these swings in the business cycle 8211 to expect them and to ride above them. With the enormous strides being made in research and product development 8211 some of which I have outlined 8211 we in Pakistan will need to use these resources and network very closely with our parent company with respect to global developments. Our own markets will have to be understood better so that we can effectively expand market share while at the same time save lives through the introduction and dissemination of truly life saving capabilities. In 1997, total sales of pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan amounted to Rs. 34.6 billion with a compound growth rate of 23.7 over the period 1993-97. Pakistan8217s explosive population growth rate (3 p. a.) and rapid urbanization (5 p. a.) ensure a rising marketing demand for pharmaceutical products. Presently, domestic production is only 75 sufficient for demand. Capacity utilization in the industry is between 65 8211 70 due to the unrestricted imports of drugs and medicine and lack of facilities to produce certain drugs. Traditionally, Pakistani pharmaceutical industry has been a highly fragmented industry where 609 companies currently vie for the total market. The industry can be classified into Multinational Pharmaceutical Companies and the pioneering National Pharmaceutical Companies. When Pakistan came into existence the country was completely dependent on imports. The number of local companies currently operating in the country is 573. Of the 150 local companies having licenses to manufacture pharmaceutical products only 54 companies are actively manufacturing. The rest of local companies have licenses to import pharmaceutical products. Pakistani pharmaceutical products also have large export potential. The share of pharmaceutical exports is rising gradually in the economy. Pakistani pharmaceutical products have a huge export potential in African Central Asian states. The multinational and transnational corporations have always dominated the pharmaceutical industry in Pakistan. Currently there are 36 Multinational pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan. The top ten companies by sales value (which are all MNCs) control 39 of the total sales of the industry and are substantially backed by their parent companies through extension of research and development capabilities and financial help. Fourteen pharmaceutical companies are listed on the stock exchange with listed capital of Rs.1.46 billion. Twelve of these fourteen listed companies are multinationals closely held by their parent organizations. Companies in the industry have very low operating asset base and very low paid-up capital. Almost 55 of the total assets consist of Current assets of which inventories comprise the largest portion. This is due to imports of raw materials as well as finished products. The raw materials constitute almost 80-90 of the cost of goods manufactured. Inventories for upto four months production have to be kept since raw materials need to be imported. The combined effect of regulatory duty on imported raw materials and packaging materials, continuous devaluation of the Pak rupee and inflation in the country, has been eroding the profit margins of Pakistan operations for the last few years. Local companies opt to import raw materials from destinations where cheaper substitutes are available. The MNCs can justify higher selling prices for the active substances of raw materials through transfer pricing for bigger tax-deductible expenses for tax return purposes. National Drug Policy 1996-97 tries to raise the issue of transfer pricing for the first time. It proposed that raw materials for all the drugs whose patent has expired can not be imported at a higher than 15 of open market prices. However, this issue has not been taken up again. Glaxo Wellcome is the closest to operate under comprehensive basic manufacturing plants for all its therapeutic categories. Wyeth has also set up semi - basic manufacturing plants for the manufacture of intermediary components of a small number of products Hoechst has recently completed a base-manufacturing unit for Haemaccil (a plasma suspension). Prior to 1970, there were no government regulations regarding the initial fixation or the subsequent increase in the retail prices of pharmaceutical products. In 1972, the Drug Generic Act was introduced under which the selling prices of the drugs were to be fixed by the Ministry of Health. The drug market was divided into essential and non-essential categories. Essential drugs were placed under price controls, while products falling under category non-essential were decontrolled. Furthermore, the industry gave an undertaking that price increases even for decontrolled drugs would be gradual. In 1977 the import of unregistered drugs was banned. In June 1993, the Nawaz Sharif government attempted to deregulate drug prices, which sky rocketed in no time at all (almost by 300) in six months. In FY 1994, pharmaceutical industry in Pakistan registered a sales growth of 30 against an average growth rate of 14. This was due to relentless price increases. By January 1994, regulatory measures were re-enacted. Since then, the Ministry of Health has not been willing to allow price increases even according to the pricing formulae. 1 Summary of Interview with Asad Mohsin Ali. 2 Pharma firms near collapse due to government lopsided policy, recorder report, 18 Oct 97 3 Information Medicine Statistics 1 st Qtr. 1998 4 Interview with Mr. Shahid Qureishi, Company Secretary. 5 Interview with Mr. Dawar Warriach, Sector Head, Generics. 6 Information Medicine Statistics 1 st Qtr. 1998 7 Economic survey 1997 Careers Ravi Magazine Do you have an interest in India Pakistani Culture, Arts, Literature, Poetry, Events, Politics, News, Food more Then RAVIMAGAZINE, cant wait to hear from you Click here for Open Positions at Ravi Magazine Freelance writers can drop us an email at EDITORRAVIMAGAZINE with specimen of writing or any area of interest. Best of Sufi Music from India 038 Pakistan From Qawwali of Nusrat and Rahat Fateh Ali Khan to Arfana Kalam of Abida Parveen . or Punjabi Kafi by Hans Raj Hans to Sufiana Music of A. R.Rahman . visit thesufi for the Largest Collection of Sufi Music, featuring 1500 MP3 tracks. About Ravi Magazine Ravi Magazine is a tribute to Ravians, alumni of GCU Lahore, who over a history of 150 years shaped Arts, Literature, Politics and History of South Asia. Click here to learn about the Ravians in top banner. Debabrata 10 My top 10 Facebook friend . Afrin Sultana . Mohi Uddin . Sadia Tanjin . Anupam Das . Manzurul Kabir Jamalpur . Neel Banerjee . Rima Barua . Nirmal Read more. Das . . Sanchita Das Chowdhury . Shahin Chowdhury . . Jwel Chowdhury . Konika Datta . Miah Zaman Barisal . Nazmul Partho . Shahin Cu . Lipi Das . Mihir Nag . Bipasha Das . Barsha Kanika . Sumi Paul . Mushtaque Hassan . Sebabrata Babu Barua . Rony Mitra . Shimanta Barua . Rajib Das . . Apurba Barua . Joysree Das . Md Jubair . Punam Barua . Mousumi Dey . Sabrina Kabir . Akter Kamal . Jobyda Nahar Sharmin . Anudita Aoroni . Ummekawser Sumi . Pinoy Lees . Mutminnatul Jannat Chowdhury . Sabuj Kanti Acharjee . Shafiq Rudra . Sadia Nadia . . Chandan Majumder . Jakia Sultana Boby . Sabet Ullah . Pranto Barua . Selina Akter . Mozammel Haque . Subarna Hore . Zaker Ahmed . Krishna Gopal Paira . . Shakhawat Hossain . Bipul Chowdhury . Shovon Barua . Sany Moharothee . Shuva Barua . Milon Sarker . Anayet Hossain Saptam . Hajee Rafique . Maliha Haque . Santosh Kumar Dey . Mahfuzur Rahman Arnob . Ema Paul . Biyol Samuel Tripura . Bijoy Kusum Mazumder . Nasreen Sultana . . Mukta Chakraborty . Abdul Hadi . Sheikh Mohammad Salim Ullah . Tipai Aich . Manidipa Basu . . Swarup Jumpa . Tilok Barua . Samiran Barua . Pritam Adhikary . Palash Kumar Barua . Sopnomoy Sourav . Sumi Islam . Chandra Nath . Tinku Barua . Debasis Bhattacharya . Shipon Barua . William Redhiman . Nazrul Islam . Sobuj Shafiqul . Champa Nath . Jharna Moni . Shahana Siraji . Md Yousuf Alam Noyon . M. a. Siddique Bappee . Bijoy Mohan Chakra Borty . Jahir Ahmad . Anindita Guria Banik . Samiran Sen . Sheikhh Frd . Tripti Kana Dey . fb. torbd. net Masuk Hridoy Read more. Bishwajit Paul Babu - Pijush Kanti Acharya, Bishwajit Paul Babu, Juton Banik m R Baharul Islam Molla , . bangla. bdnews24/bangladesh/article904960.bdnews m. banglanews24/detailnews. phpnid354135cid15 shar. es/1HdreZ chat , , comment -- Read more. Sourav Saha Riju Sumon Paul Jagannath Pal Rupon Chakraborty Badalkrishna Banik Nodi Chakraborty Nitai Das Avishekdey Avit Tushar Baidya Anup Mojumdar Dip NoNa MoMo Asim Paul Mukul Kanti Mitra Subro Nondi More Friends Abhijit Das Afrin Liza Akash Kanu Apu Nandi Arabiya Oishe Avi Barui Baktair Uddin Bitap Das Dev Das Halder Dolan Roy Ghosh Sujoy Hanif Khan Shajib Jahir Uddin Laxmi Boy Babu MN Murad Mahmodur Rahman Maniruzzaman Munna Masud Khan Md Arman Khan Md Jasim Uddin Jibon Md Tamim Md Wahidur Rahman Mehedi Hasan Choyon Mehedi Shagor Mehedy Hassan Rean Mithun Kumar Das Mhmmd sf Naghman Jatt Narod Barta Navneet Sharma Shady Nayan Sarker Ochena Pothik Akash Rabin Paul Rana Islam Ranjit Chakraborty Ratul Kumar Ray Rayhan Kobir Riad Arif Ronjon Kumar Dev Sajib Datta Nirob Sakib Jaman Sanjoy Mondol Sourav Biswas Sree Uthpal Chakraborty Joy Subrata Dev Nath Tapos Mollick Yumnam Sushanto Meeitei Asim Nath Asit Amit Debnath Read more. Dhrubo Banik Su M ON Nooruddin Sohague Fateha Jannat Rsd Setu More Friends A. b. Siddik A. h. Sajeeb Abdul Ahad Abdul Basit Atiq Abdur Rouf Abid Ali Abir Acharjee Abir Raaz RJ Abu Bakkor Active Boy Monir Active Liker Active Man Jamil Ahmed Nayem Aj Jubair Ajijul Islam Ajij Ak Anik Al Amin Al Muzahid Al Shadik Hossain appy Alamin Hosan Hriday Ami Poradhin Amin Blue Aminul Islam Asick Apu Paul Apurbo Chakraborty Dip Ar Arafat Arale Kady Mon Ashik Khan Ashraful Alam Khan Opu Azhar Uddin Bichitro Debnath Bidhan Sarkar Biswajit Das Bondu Rayhan Bzs RakIb CR Seven Captive Shah Cricketr Mohon Didarul Islam Dipto Debnath Disturbing Boy Pollob Djrana Khan Dreameboy Erfan Drm B Prtm Duronto Jamal Ekla Jibon Emam Hossain Rimon Emon Ahmed Emon Mir Jr. Foysol Ahmed Fuad Hasan Ovhi Fkrd Mw Frs lm G. m. Ashadullah Mahin GF Return Gabber Singh H. m. Naim Islam Rahid HM Rashedul Hamim Sekdar Hasan Husen Helal Hossen Shahen Hiron Robi Das Hridoy Reigns H H B Shbj Htbg Nafis KA Iceboy Shemul Illl Raihan Illl Impossible Anando Imprtv Tushar Itz Hany Khaled JM Mamun Rk Jahid Jorep Jiboner Golpo Rj Tamim Jobyar Ahmed Jolkona Rimi Jon Gracy Jones AL Amin Duronto Jony Ahmed Joysen Ajoy Barua Jubayer Ahmed Kabbo Preme Sajib Kamiab Islam Kishor Kamrujjaman Sarker Kamrul Islam Khan Md Imran Khayrul Islam Khola Janala Krsh M Mlkr Late Subhojit Biswas Liker Boy Jack Rockston Liker Boy Redoy Khan Liker Boy Shine Liker R Kaka Liton Deb Nath Lk Pain y MD Belal Ahmed MD Emon MD Jafar MD Nipu MD Samsul Arfin MD Tasbi Mahbubur Rahman Jabed Mamunur Rashid Maruf Chy Masud Rana Mata Gorom Cul Khara Md Abdullah Al Mamun Md Abir Hossain Niru Md Arif Md Bilal Hussain Md Hsn Ptwr Md Joynul Md Kamrul Alam Md Mahbub Khandoker Md Mannan Md Milon Khan Md Mizu Ahmed Md Onik Chy Md Raihan Topader Md Shaju Sujon Md Shakil Perfect Md Zakir Hossian Rakib Md Ziaul Liton Md. Rabiul Hossain Mir Sarwar Hossain Mohammad Rayhan Mohiouddin Ratul Mominul Islam Mamun Mostafa Kamal Bijoy Mp Shadat MrDj Washu Muhammad Jewel Ali Muhammad Shahan Ahmed Tajul Muhit Mars Mster Piec M Lfe Stus N R Deb Nath NO Entry Nadim Imran Nafiz Iqbal Eva Nayan Roy FN Roy Nazmul H Huda Nill Srabon Nirmal Devnath N Rdr Tshk Ogochalo Ek Chele Ohin Liton Prince Sulak Barua Prottoy Faysal Qul Tareq RaZty Abid Raihan Khan Raj Kumar Rajib Singha Raju Khan Rakib Hr Rayhan Madbar Rex Mamun Ripon Debnath Ripon Sinha Rj Mehedi Hasan Priom Robiul Haydar Robi Rofikul Islam Rubel Das Prince Rukon R Rahman Rfy hwdhur S M Tarek Islam Sahab Uddin Saidur Rahoman Saikat Islam Niyaz Sajid Rahaman Sakib Chowdhury Samad Mahumud Saraijam Pollub Singha Sentimental Boy Tuhin ShOcking SujOn Shaharia Rex Rana Shamim Hasan Shamol Spk Sharmin Akter ShiShir Shiba Hridoy Shihabur Rahman Shibu Shimul Deb Nath Sho Han Shovo Vai Shriful Islam Shawon Shuva Sinha Sk Sajib Sk Shohagh Hossain Smart Liker Shipon SmRt Lkr ArFt Tj Sohel Patwary Solaiman Prodhan Sourav Deep Souvohjitkumar Sondip G Sovar Maje Ami Sparkle Redwan Sparkle Shakil Star Boy Ahasanullah Nahid Suny Rahman Sce oVr Rbin Tariqul Islam Munna True Luvv Ustad Shahzada Amiri Vinayacck Mechon X Prmise Yash Dey Zisan Ahmed Rafie Zh Khn Swt l B hd l By Shofiq m Mm a angErous ZihAd HD vid Rn r hmd nnt u Ilm prh prto By Tmy rkn Hrt lr t M jwl sm Sbb esls B tyLsh Pr - - - . . . Turn Off Chat Titu Soumen Dutta Mrittika Dey Soumendu Majumdar Read more. Abhijit Khan Saheli Kundu Rimpa Chakraborty Pritam Khamrui Sonali Bhattacharya Susmita Barman Subhasis Som Priya Dey Soumyajit Biswas Iman Bhattacharya Ritika Pakhi Banerjee Moumita Sarkar Tisha Ekkbira Chowdhury Arijit Ghosh Nilabha Maity Luna Guevara Satrata Chakraborty Bharat Das Hrtlss Prnt Slt ght Supriya PapiYa Sil Diptanil Daw Indranil Kundu Tamal Mallick Rema RK Mitra Megha Mohua Glamdoll Riyanka Anirban Ganguly Soumyajit Datta Tanumay Dawn Twinkle Sen Arup Rups Sinha Tiyasha Roy Arpan Alex Dey Saparsha Bhatt Tanmoy Mukherjee Subho Forex Das Satyabrata Barman Saheli Chakraborty Rii Banerjee Piu Hazra Subhajit Mallick Rony Abhirup Pal Shilpa Daw Prince Sourav Smith AB Biswas Krishnendu Aryan Pal Abhishek Adak Puja Dutta Avisek Apiveliska Paul Arunabha Ray Ria Kitty Chatterjee Minu Singh Arghya Dutta Nayan Banik Sourav Dutta Abir Paul Saborni Banerjee Sibalika Kundu Sayani Chakraborty rnl Nath Camellia Banerjee Swagata Rudra Rock Amit Roy Ranita Daw Akash Chakraborty Avik Bhattacharya Sourav Pal Rounak Jana Stylishking Saikat Roni Das Silajit Sarkar Ujjal Pramanik Sandipan Papun Sarbartha Titu Chakraborty Shrabani Das Subhodeep Koiry Jhilik Chakraborty Arpita Misty Banerjee Hm Prdhn Sucheta Angle Ganguly Ankita Kundu Rahul Dawn Partha Pratim fb. torbd. net - The Anonymous Writer The Anonymous Writers list of some nice English movies to watch this season. The top 7 were picked by me and the remaining were suggested by the readers. Best Across Genres 1. Shawshank Redemption (Drama) - Picked for the excellent plot, loos Read more. ely based on Alexander Dumas novel The Count of Monte Cristo. Great performances by Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins. Written by Stephen King, a bestselling author, well-known among book lovers. 2. The Prestige (Mystery Drama) - Brings back magic into movies, literally. Fresh plot and cool picturisation, bordering on the dark side. One of the best opening dialogues explaining the parts of a magic trick, now part of urban folklore. The Illusionist is a close second in this genre, with The Prestige winning due to its multi-layered characterisation and frequent twists. 3. The Machinist (Neo-Noir Thriller) - Now people will find this movie a surprise pick. If there was a genre of movies that leave you baffled, this would top the list. 4. Inglourious Basterds (Alternate History Drama) - Christoph Waltz arrives on the international scene and leaves the audience spellbound. An interesting take on post World War 2 events, presenting an alternate history thats grim as well as funny. THE best opening scene ever created - Col. Landa seeks out jews to kill in a French village. 5. The Dark Knight (Superhero Action Drama) - One of the finest characters ever created portrayed to perfection by Heath Ledger. Together with Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises, part of the best ever Superhero series. Fantastic dialogues, most of which have been made into memes all over social media. 6. The Departed (Crime Thriller) - An unusual story in which the audience always knows the answer to the question the movie is based on. Jack Nicholson and Leonardo Dicaprio present one of their finest roles ever. Matt Damon in his Bourne mode here too. A remake of a Hong Kong movie, no other Hollywood movie comes close to the plot. 7. Catch Me If You Can (Crime Drama) - Leonardo Dicaprio portrays a real life crook - and does a fabulous job. Interesting background of the whole cheque forgery business. This movie made MICR numbers common knowledge. The life that Leonardo lives in most of this movie is the stuff teenage boys dreams are made of. Movies added from the comments - one movie per person - 8. Shutter Island - Recommended by Somesh Pranav 9. The Pianist - Recommended by Vagabond Joy 10. Pulp Fiction - Recommended by Shreyas Kartik 11. The Great Debators - Recommended by Akanksha Vatsa 12. Pursuit of Happyness - Recommended by Jeeten Gandhi 13. Blood Diamond - Recommended by Maria Ann 14. Whats Eating Gilbert Grape - Recommended by Utkarsh Mishra 15. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest - Recommended by Yash Abhi 16. Fight Club - Recommended by Shashank Kandra 17. The Green Mile - Recommended by Snigdha Pradhan 18. V for Vendetta - Recommended by Varun Katakam 19. Life is Beautiful - Recommended by Bijoy Banik and Deepak Kumar 20. Into the Wild - Recommended by Jigyasa Rana 21. Forrest Gump - Recommended by Ravish Ahmed Khan 22. The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Recommended by Sai Ganesh Pittala 23. Cast Away - Recommended by Himanshu Dimri 24. Perfume. Story of a Murderer - Recommended by Jitendra Meena 25. Now You See Me - Recommended by Pratik Vaibhav 26. Gravity - Recommended by Hemant Arora 27. Memento - Recommended by Deepak Joshi 28. Waking Life - Recommended by Dhruv Jain 29. 12 Years a Slave - Recommended by Rajat Sen 30. Cloud Atlas - Recommended by Jeet Chandra Bhanushali 31. Schindlers List - Recommended by Ankit Prasad 32. Dead Poets Society. - Recommended by Yazad Daruwala 33. Cinderella man - Recommended by Tanmay Mishra 34. Inception - Recommended by Srija De 35. August Rush - Recommended by Shivangi Singh 36. 12 Angry Men - Recommended by Manju Ks Reddy 37. Lucky Number Slevin - Recommended by Prasun Paul 38. The Green Mile - Recommended by Shyam Naren Chandra 39. Gone Girl - Recommended by Ashu Gupta 40. Dial M for Murder - Recommended by CJ Jacob Tell us what you think. Suggest more movies that can be added to this list. Edit - 10 movies added from the list just now. Albert Time - 11:44 pm Respond 2 your roll call Search Home Profile Groups Messages Notifications Chat(177) Friends RefreshChat Nilakshi Bora Drm Qwn Ena P. Purkayastha Jantee Hazarika Anshuman Bora Disakshi Kalita Pxe zl Suraj Gurung H Read more. ellrider Krixhi Punkygal Nikki Pathak Meghna Roy Sneha Kalita Prabin Shady Princez Sona Mainee MiSty Pathak Rohan Blssadwithinternation alkiller III Pratixhtha Xaikiah Sid Steven OConner Rajib Das Justin Lalnun Punk More Friends Aaron Ahmed Abhisek Dey Adicted Manish Affable Faruk Ahmed Akash Jyoti Kashyap Akash Singh Akshay Em Brainless Al Nori Ninagawa Amarjit Singh Amit SarKar Anchit Das Senapati Andrew Deep Punkbuzz Andrew Smith Namorkhatiaxomialor amoi Angel Hazarika Ankita Gohain Anuj Bora Aphrodiate Tuqutte Arunav Prem Sharma Arup Roy Asher Henrickz Avijit Das Awesh Anusko Axel Ax Ingland Ayana Hazarika Baivab Kashyap Bhargab Paul Bhobishnu Goswami BiTu P BorAh BiZit ChaKrabarty Bibek B Baruah Bicky Nath Birinchi Bikzz Dazz Binoy Cenas Bipanshi Bora Brow Zen Chandraneil Thakuria Chestha Das Chiranjib Bora Chirantana Borthakur ChocoBoy Tamal Daity Talukdar David Kalita DX Debajit Debarun Purkayastha Debasish Bania Deeksha Bangia Denix Basumatary Dhiman Das Diganta Kalita Dipankar Epitaph Dipesh Upadhyay Gungun Gaidinliu Gyandeep Lawrence Harshita Bhuyan Hell Chiss Ex Herock Aakritish Kashyap Hima Begum Himangxhu Das Himarika S Biswas Himonjyoti Deka Hirak J Sarma Hrishikesh Kakoti Hunter Pradeep Imraj Blessedwid Wildboy Iqbal Farid JaHid HussaIn Jananta Juri Jayanta Mukherjee Johny Johny Johny Joy Auspicious Saha Jst w Kangkan Goswami Karishmita Das Kaushik Saikia Kaustav Kalita Keisam Sandeep Krishan Abhijeet Kriti Kamal Malakar Kuldip Das KuTav Hzrik Maharshi Bharali Maitreyee Choudhury ManaXh Protim Kashyap Manees Bora Mayuri Saikia Mehebub Ali Milan Boywithadifference Mohit Singla Mrinmoy Saikia Neel Utpal Aditya Nick Eoin Nidarshan Kalita Niharika Sarmah Nipunjita Bordoloi Nupur Chandan Bora II Oi Kole PanKaz BaisHya Parag Bharadwaj Parag Saikia Paras Agarwal Parthajit Kalita Pijush Kashyap Polakh Das Pom P Roy Prachurjya Das Pratik Bordoloi Prianko Arius Kaulitz Priyam Bhaishya Priyanka Deb Priyankshu Paul Priyanshu Hazarika Pronoy Chowdhury Punk Rider Trinayan Punk nuh Quool Bouy RiKi RAhul Roy Rahul Deb Roy Rahul Gupta Rahul Hazarika Raj Gupta RiTuparna Borah Rijumoni Das Rishabh Sarma Riya Blasswid Khanjan Rohit Bothra Roop Khan Ruchika Kataki Rumi Boro Ryan Edwards SUmanjit BArman Sahittyam Nag Samar Jit Sarmah Saurav Kr Bhagawati Saurav Saha Sayan Ray Chaudhuri Shivam Das Shivangi Talukdar Shovna Dutta Shreeya Purkayastha Shyamanta Baruah Subham Chakraborty Suraj Kalita Swagata Kashyap Syed Kaichar Sarfraj Karim Tania Kumari Borah Tanumoy Chatterjee Tapasya Kakaty Tasnim Sattar Tom Choudhury Tonmoy Sharma Udi Zap D Stifler Victor Banik Vivek Borgohain ZEentoo NaHcnak Xaikia q hm rp hT h B Pratima Gdnyt frndz. ric Friends, Distilled water is THE water which runs through ALL water-based life forms. Ive put together the specific writings of twenty-four doctors who all support the benefits of Distilled Water. The first few pages of Dr. Hanishs book (Doctor Read more. 24) at the end of this, are really quite stunning. If, after reading this, you think you would like to try distilled water, I HIGHLY suggest you follow his instructions. EVERYONE we know, who has followed his instructions, has had results of a MOST SUCCESSFUL nature. Cheers Everybody needs to switch their drinking water to distilled water. A half gallon a day MINIMUM, most preferably a gallon, ESPECIALLY during the recovery period. DOCTOR 1 Here is what Dr. Allen Banik says Distilled water is the greatest solvent on earth. (It is) the only water that can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues. What we as scientists and the public have never realized is that minerals collected in the body from water are all inorganic minerals, which cannot be assimilated (digested) by the body. The only minerals that the body can utilize are the organic minerals (from fruits and vegetables). All other types of minerals are foreign substances to the body and must be disposed of or eliminated. Today, many progressive doctors prescribe distilled water to their patients. All kidney machines operate on distilled water. Allen E. Banik, MD Author, The Choice is Clear DOCTOR 2 Here is what Dr. Paul Bragg says The greatest damage done by inorganic minerals (hard)plus waxy cholesterol and saltis to the small arteries and other blood vessels of the brain (75 water). Hardening of the arteries and calcification of blood vessels starts on the day you start taking inorganic chemicals (and minerals from tap water) into our bodies. When distilled water enters the body, it leaves no residue of any kind. It is free of salts and sodium. It is the most perfect water for the healthy functioning of the kidneys(83 water). It is the perfect liquid for the blood(83 water), the ideal liquid for the efficient functioning of the lungs(86 water), stomach, liver(85 water) and other vital organs. Why Because it is free of all inorganic minerals. It is so pure that all liquid drug prescriptions are formulated with distilled water. Dr. Paul Bragg, ND Ph. T. from his book: The Shocking Truth About Water DOCTOR 3 Here is what Dr. James Balch says There is only one water, and that is clean, steam distilled water. No other substance on our planet does so much to keep us healthy and get us well as water does. Dietary Wellness 1993 Dr. James Balch, MD DOCTOR 4 Here is what Dr. CW DeLacy Evans says Used as a drink, distilled water is absorbed directly into the blood, the solvent properties of which it increases to such an extent that it will keep in solution salts already existing in the blood, prevent their undue deposit in various organs and structures, favor their elimination by the various excreta, and tend to remove these earthy compounds which have already accumulated in the body. There is no doubt as to the high value of distilled water used freely as a retarder of the ossifying conditions which appear to constitute the condition of old age. CW DeLacy Evans, MD, in his book, How To Prolong Life DOCTOR 5 Here is what Dr. Teofilio de la Torre says Instead of drinking the hard water of springs or the chlorinated water of the cities, it will be to our advantage to drink distilled water. to prevent calcification of the body. DOCTOR 6 Here is what Dr. Charles McFerrin says Distilled water is empty water a hungry water, a water capable of absorbing body poisons. You have had the experience of trying to use an old post office blotter on the desk. Everybody had used it and it is so full of ink that it will not suck up any more. So it is with a full water, a water full of chlorine, aluminum, etc. Such water does not have the capacity of absorbing body impurities. Dr. Charles McFerrin, writing in the July 1955 issue of Natures Path DOCTOR 7 Here is what Dr. Alexander Graham Bell says Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, recognized the health value of distilled water, and claimed that its daily use prolonged his life. Afflicted and bed-ridden with sciatica, Dr. Bell could find no relief for the pain. The attack came just as he was investigating the deposit of salts in the human system. A well-known scientist had written a book in which he said that old age came from such deposits, and that the ills of advanced years were due to the lack of their elimination. He believed that when such deposits went to the joints, man had rheumatism. When they went to the kidneys, he had kidney trouble and stones in the urinary organs and when they lodged in the arteries, they produced what is called hardening of the arteries. In the same way when such deposits coated the nerves, they caused sciatica. Dr. Bell wrote: I knew that distilled water was pure. I thought that if I drank plenty of it, I could get rid of some of the salts that were covering my sciatic nerves. I tried drinking it and it worked like a charm. I have kept up my drinking of distilled water and I attribute my almost perfect health largely to it. Dr. Alexander Graham Bell DOCTOR 8 Here is what Dr. Robert W. Flinchbaught says The evidence that distilled water acts as a solvent within the body, dissolving the inorganic mineral deposits, is very important. A growing body of evidence suggests that distilled water dissolves and removes these disease causing minerals and flushes out the hundreds of dangerous chemicals that have been taken into the body as well. Distilled water is not only free from pollutants, but it apparently helps remove them as well from the cells of the body, thus purifying the body so that it can function as it should. Dr. Robert W. Flinchbaught, from Pure Water is Life DOCTOR 9 Here is what Dr. David C. Kennedy says Even tap water invariably contains a variety of poisons such as chlorine, chloramine, asbestos, pesticides, fluoride, copper, mercury, and lead. The best way to remove all these contaminants is by distilling. David C. Kennedy, DDS: How To Save Your Teeth: Toxic-Free Preventitive Dentistry DOCTOR 10 Here is what Dr. Robert D. Willix, Jr. says If you decide on bottled water, make sure its distilled, (however), in the long run youll save money if you clean your water at home. Its more convenient than hauling gallon jugs from the store. The gold standard for purifying your water is a system that distills your water and filters it. You have the comfort of knowing there is no chlorine, fluoride, bacteria, viruses, pesticides, or lead. You get nothing but H2O. Robert D. Willix, Jr. MD:Maximum Health DOCTOR 11 Here is what Dr. John Yiamoyuiannis says The home distiller is the best method and also the best way to get distilled water. It is the only reliable home water purification for taking fluoride out of the water. John Yiamoyuiannis, Ph. D.:Fluoride: The Aging Factor DOCTOR 12 Here is what Dr. Charles Mayo says Water hardness (inorganic minerals in solution) is the underlying cause of many, if not all, of the diseases resulting from poisons in the intestinal tract. These (hard minerals) pass from the intestinal walls and get into the lymphatic system, which delivers all of its products to the blood, which in turn, distributes to all parts of the body. This is the cause of much human disease. Dr. Charles Mayo of the Mayo Clinic DOCTOR 13 Here is what Dr. Peter A. Lodewick says The only type of water that seems to be fit for consumption is distilled water, which is water that is absolutely free of any minerals or chemicals. Distilled water is made pure by first being heated to the point of vaporization, so that all of the impurities are left behind. Then, the water vapor is condensed. The process results in water that is in its purest form. Distillation is the single most effective method of water purification. Peter A. Lodewick, MD:A Diabetic Doctor Looks at Diabetes DOCTOR 14 Here is what Dr. Norman W. Walker says People who say that Distilled Water leaches minerals out of the body are, therefore, correct only in this respect. This is only 50 of the truth. It is virtually impossible for Distilled Water to separate minerals, which have become an integral part of the cells and tissues of the body. Distilled water collects ONLY the minerals which remain in the body, minerals discarded from natural water AND from the cells, the minerals which the natural water originally collected from its contact with the earth and the rocks. Such minerals, having been rejected by the cells of the body are of no constructive value. On the contrary, they are debris which distilled water is capable of picking up and eliminating from the system. Dr. Norman W. Walker, from Water Can Undermine Your Health DOCTOR 15 Here is what Dr. John Christopher says Water is so valuable to the entire system of the human body that it is wise to use only the BEST. Use pure steam distilled water for health and well being. Dr. John Christopher, from Regenerative Diet DOCTOR 16 Here is what Dr. Paul Conn says When one drinks impure, dirty water, the body acts as a filter, trapping a percentage of the solids suspended in the water. A filter eventually becomes clogged and useless fit only to be thrown away. The human body might well face the same fate. But the basic point that only distilled water avoids mineral buildups in the body is an inarguable one. The deposits, which build up in a teakettle from repeated use, are traces of minerals left behind as the water evaporates. Distilled water leaves no such traces in a teakettle or in the human body. It is true that in most hospitals distilled water is used for newborn infants distilled water is prescribed for heart patients in many cardiac wards. And it is true that kidney stones and other mineral-like buildups in the body are much more common in the areas where the drinking water has high levels in inorganic minerals and distilled water has none of those at all. It is without doubt the best water available to man - and the only truly pure water available in our waste-laden society. Dr. Paul Conn, from Not A Drop To Drink DOCTOR 17 Here is what Dr. Michael Colgan says The only water likely to be clean is distilled water. Dr. Michael Colgan, from The New Nutrition: Medicine For The Millenium DOCTOR 18 Here is what Dr. Raymond H. Bishop, Jr. says Distilled water is safe to drink and should have no adverse effects on your health. Distillation merely removes most of the dissolved materials, which are found in all natural waters. Raymond H. Bishop, Jr. MD Major General, Commander Medical Corps. Department of the Army, US Army Health Services Command Here is what Frank N. Hepburn, USDA, says There is nothing about distilled water that would make it harmful for the body. It may be helpful to remember that distilled water is the only water available for crews of Naval vessels at sea. Frank N. Hepburn, Chief, Nutrient Data Research Branch, United States Department of Agriculture, Consumer Nutrition Division Here is what Louis Pasteur says We drink 90 percent of our illnesses. Louis Pasteur Here is what Nick Pavlica says I have been drinking distilled water since 1981, almost half of my life, and given the choice, would not drink any other type of water. I recommend distilled water to all my friends and relatives and would not do so if I didnt think it is one of the very healthiest things a person can do. After a full body scan, the doctor told me that I have the cleanest arteries of anyone he has examined of my age. And I have never had a broken bone in my body. (Contrary to quack assertions that calcium and other minerals are leached from the body) Nick Pavlica, Director, H2o Labs, Ltd. DOCTOR 19 Here is what Dr. Edward M. Wagner says Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers are instructed to drink distilled water. Dr. Edward M. Wagner, from How to Stay Out of the Doctors Office Here is what author Vicki Glassburn says Distilled water is the purest form available. Distilled water helps to excrete excessive heavy metals from the body. Vicki Glassburn, from Who Killed Candida 1991 Here is what author Jonathan King says If properly maintained, distillers provide a constant supply of high-quality water. Filters and reverse osmosis units, on the other hand, are at their best when first installed, and efficiency inveritably declines with use. Jonathon King, author of Troubled Water Here is what Jack Bell, American Medical Association, says To the best of our knowledge, there would not be any adverse health effects from the continued ingestion of distilled water. Jack A. Bell Assistant Director, May 17 1985 American Medical Association Division of Personal and Public Health Policy DOCTOR 20 Here is what Dr. Clifford C. Dennison says Theres no absolute medical proof that drinking DISTILLED WATER will cure arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, or any other dozens of infirmities that humans suffer. Theres no absolute proof that drinking DISTILLED WATER will remove kidney and gall stones, reduce cataracts or cure emphysema. But, there are hundreds of case histories of people who have enjoyed success in alleviating or overcoming these health problems when they began drinking DISTILLED WATER exclusively. Dr. Clifford C. Dennison, Ed. D. an Associate Professor at Lee College in Cleveland, Tennessee, and a lifelong water researcher and expert DOCTOR 21 Here is what Dr. Ron Kennedy says Now as to the argument that distilled water leaches out minerals. This is true, and this is exactly what we want it to do. The minerals it leaches out are of the unusable, ionic form and we want these to leave the body rather than be deposited and cause disease. Distilled water does not leach out significant amounts of biologically available minerals because these are quickly taken up by the body on an as needed basis. If they are present in excess then they are filtered through the kidneys and this is exactly what needs to happen with all things which are in excess in the circulation. Distilled water cleanses the body through promoting healthy kidney function. Ron Kennedy, MD DOCTOR 22 For those that follow Dr. Andrew Weil, who has been drinking distilled water for years, here is a quote of his: You can try drinking bottled distilled water if you like. Its water that has been turned into steam so its impurities are left behind. The steam is then condensed to make pure water. The process of distillation kills and removes virtually all bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and other organic and inorganic contaminants. Once distilled, the water is as pure as water can reasonably be. While its true that distillation removes minerals as it eliminates various other contaminants from water, I dont feel this is a problem. We get our minerals from food, not water. As far as acidity goes, distilled water is close to a neutral pH and has no effect on the bodys acid/base balance. Distilled water is safe to drink, and the kind of water I use myself. DOCTOR 23 Here is Dr. Handleys article about distilled water The Importance Of Distilled Water In Aging by Dr. Chester Handley As our body begins to age, there are several things that happen. Cell dont produce as well, the body doesnt digest as well, the body does not absorb as well and the body does not eliminate as well. And areas of the body begin to feel pain and have sore spots that we never had before. One of the major causes of pain is the over consumption of grain in older people. It is softer, easier to eat and appears to be more easily digested. Well the true reality is that it is no benefit to the aging body at all and leaves an acidic residue that gets deposited in the joints which is the number one reason for arthritic pain. Many years ago when I was doing research on distilled water, I discovered that contrary to all the stories out there, distilled water does not take a single thing out of the body that the body needs. It never takes anything out of a cell. Everything that is cellularly locked remains within the body, but it is the greatest tool in the world for cleaning out the bloodstream, which is the only function water really hasto wash out, cleanse and purify the bloodstream. Remember that the bloodstream is primarily an organ of transport. People think of it as a liquid rather than an organ, but it is an organ. It transports nutrients, oxygen and red blood cells throughout the body and carries away waste products and carbon dioxide. Distilled water has been evaporated into a vapor, split apart into a molecule of hydrogen and oxygen, turning them into a gas that rises up in to the atmosphere, then cooled back down and condensed back in to water. The same process happens in a distillery when it distills water. It heats up the water in to a gas, all the impurities are left behind, all the waste products are left behind, then it is condensed and turned back into pure water and becomes the ultimate pure water because of one very important factor that is not present in any other waterit is molecularly unstable. It means that when it goes in your bloodstream it breaks apart easier and latches on to debris, waste products and unwanted materials that are floating round in your bloodstream. It is also one of the best ways there is for reducing blood pressure. I made up two charts years ago when I was doing my studies on body detoxification with distilled water, from 1865 to 1965. In 1865, diseases that ranked in the high 30s and low 40s became the first four killers in 1965and they were all cardiovascular. I then made another chart from 1865 to 1965 to show the reduction in the use of drinking rainwater. The two charts were virtually biometrically opposite. As people quit drinking rainwater, cardiovascular diseases went up. When the blood vascular system is clean you have less headaches, you have less pain, you have more oxygen and nutrients available for the body and more healing capacity for the body. It has been almost twenty years ago now that a man came down to my office that had arthritis so bad he could hardly get out of a straight backed chair. His pain was excruciating. We put him on the detoxification program, took him off of all grain in his diet, instructed him to eat only fruit, vegetables, protein and meat products, and put him on distilled water every half hour while he was awake. It is hard to believe a month later this same man was out working in his garden having the time of his life. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of drinking distilled water for cleansing the blood stream, for reducing arthritic pain and lowering blood pressure. It has also been known to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides. In fact, the only effect on the body is health. There are rules of thumb on how much water to drink. The rule of thumb on a normal day is one half your body weight in ounces per day. If you are sweating and exerting yourself you should drink more, not less. We have a tendency to grab pop, coffee, Kool-Aid and juices, but we need to get back to the habit of grabbing distilled water. To give you an example of what this means, if you are a man and you weigh 200 pounds, you should be drinking a minimum of 100 ounces of istilled water throughout the day. There is an interesting side note for people that like to study. Job, which is the oldest book of the bible, I believe it is in the 36th chapter, said God took up the water, distilled it, and poured it out abundantly on man. The logical argument is who knows better what we need than the creator, and he gave us distilled water. For those that follow the Bible The water God chooses to pour abundantly upon man is distilled water. JOB 36:27 For he draws up the drops of water, he distills his mist in the rain which the skies pour down, and drop upon man abundantly. DOCTOR 24. And finally, I would like to share with you the first 4 pages of a book from the early part of the last century written by Dr. Hanish, The Distilled Water Cure by Otoman Hanish, MD, DD printed 1946 by The British Mazdaznan Association Often times the blood becomes tainted and needs to be purified. There is only one way of washing the blood and that is by means of dead water, undiluted water, distilled water which contains no life organism, chemicals or similar substances. It has to be dead water, ie water condensed from steam. Distilled water, by virtue of its weight: effects a one pound pressure upon the minerals and acids which clog the bloodstream it presses them right through the system. Even in a short time it eliminates appreciable quantities of impurities from the blood. There is no hard and fast rule as to how to take The Cure it may be taken quickly or slowly, hot or cold. It is left entirely to the individual to decide according to temperament and physical condition. The main thing is to obtain the necessary pressure and to ensure that two cups are always taken at one time a total of seven pints per day. This is quite easy of accomplishment if the quantity is systematically regulated as follows: 1. On awakening take two cups. 2. Another two cups shortly before breakfast. 3. Two cups in the middle of the morning. 4. Two more 20 to 30 minutes before the mid-day meal. 5. Two cups in the middle of the afternoon. 6. Another two cups 20 to 30 minutes before dinner. 7. The last two cups in the evening shortly before retiring. page 2 If desired, two more portions may be taken one, two hours after lunch, and the other two hours after dinner. As regards to eating and drinking, it is a matter of individual choice. Nothing is forbidden and there is no need for fasting nor privation. One may eat and drink according to individual needs. One eats only moderately after having taken two cups of distilled water. The principle of The Cure must be maintained, ie, seven times per day, two cups of water at one time making sure to take two cups shortly before each meal. It will soon be discovered that even at breakfast time one eats very moderately after having taken two cups of distilled water. After three days one observes a loss of taste for this and that and quite different desires assert themselves for dishes which one may have previously disliked. Day by day one eats less: soon only half and then only a third of what one normally takes. After three days the complexion becomes clearer and more rosy and a feeling of lightness is experienced. After two to three weeks, the eyes become clearer and more penetrating one is able to think more clearly and one becomes less easily irritated. After three weeks, the thinner ones become a little stouter and the stouter ones become a little thinner. In case of sufferings of an acute nature, The Cure need last but three weeks in other cases five weeks. If The Cure be resorted to for from 5 to 12 weeks in succession, 65 percent of all ailments become eliminated, and the other 35 percent will be eliminated if one continues afterward with a correct diet. By the time one has almost completed The Cure, one has become so accustomed to the drinking of distilled water that one likes page 3 and takes regularly a couple of cups before each evening meal. The adoption of this habit wards off all disease. The body is already composed of 85 percent water, and by adding thereto two cups of water regularly each evening, all acids and crystals are eliminated there from in a natural way and the bloodstream is not burdened thereby. Three highly important effects are assured through The Water Cure: 1. The blood becomes washed and made free of all foreign substances. 2. It ejects a proper working of the individual organs and thereby that of the whole organism. 3. It provides a youthful freshness in a measure that often youth does not possess as the whole glandular system becomes normalized, thereby increasing the brain power, and life becomes more joyous. Always remember, therefore, to resort at interval to The Water Cure. If feeling unwell, start again for a few days or even weeks. Take The Water Cure as a serious treatment for five to seven weeks every three, five, seven, nine years, as it purifies the whole organism, and, becoming thus renewed, continuous progress is assured. Distilled water is therefore of the greatest value for the individual as well as humanity at large. After a few weeks on The Cure, one learns to choose the food that nature requires to build up the system one begins page 4 to live anew. Even after three days the purification and renovation of the bloodstream is noticeable. One does not necessarily gain or lose weight by taking The Cure. The purer the blood, the more normal the cells of the body become. If one gains too much weight one simplifies the diet by discarding butter and oils. The great advantage of The Water Cure is that one need ask no questions one just takes it, everything comes lay itself so long as one resorts thereto. As a result of The Water Cure, one begins to think for oneself instead of asking questions, one becomes a thinking human being. The Cure is so simple one cannot make a mistake, not even a mistake in diet. The wonderful feature of it is that no efforts are required and yet the maximum of benefit is obtained. Moreover, one is sure of the expected result, whether one resorts to it for a weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation or a liver which does not function normally, or because the kidneys are affected for the lungs, nerves, heart trouble, change of life or for growths. All ailments have to give way to Distilled Water, and in the ordinary way nothing needs to be added thereto. How to start acquiring Distilled Water You can buy it in plastic gallon jugs at first. Wal-mart tends to sell the best tasting. NOT because they make it the best, but because they move thru the most of it, and it spends the least amount of time picking up plastic flavor. Small drug stores tend to taste the worst, because it spends the most time sitting around. Do not worry that you are contaminating yourself with plastic, yes you will TASTE the plastic because it is running over your taste buds, BUT REMEMBER, that plastic is magnetically bonded with that water and it will pass out thru your excretory channels. ( of which, urine is not included ) I have numerous friends who have been on plastic-jug distilled water for months and years and they are experiencing COMPLETE fountain of youth type de-aging effects. It will take you a long time to realize just how powerful this water is. I have been studying it for years and it stills floors me everyday that such a calm, clear, unassuming liquid can work stupendous feats at blinding speed. Once you decide you like it, you can buy a small counter-top distiller that is good for one or two people for about 200. They sell a cheaper one for 100, but it empties into a plastic catch, whereas the 200 model comes with a glass catch. They sell bigger, more convenient family sized ones for about 500. A carbon pre-filter is a good idea for most kinds of waters, but ESPECIALLY important for any municipal tap waters as they contain HIGH amounts of VOCs or Volatile Organic Compounds which have a lower boiling point than water and actually make it through the distillation process. So, the carbon filter catches the VOCs before they ever get to the distiller. The bigger 500 units come with a carbon pre-filter so that is great, but for anybody who gets the smaller 200 units which dont come with a carbon pre-filter, they need to filter it first with a brita, or a refrigerator door water dispenser, anything which uses basic carbon filtering. There are some waters which dont have any VOCs in them and you dont need any carbon pre-filtering, just taste a batch and see. If the water tastes like nasty plastic even after it has been distilled, then you are tasting VOCs and need to do the pre-filtering. You can find them all over the internet like at waterdistiller, amazon, h2olabs and so on Next, I will list the Detox symptoms. It is VERY important that you do not confuse these with the idea that the distilled water is making you ill. FOOTNOTE. One more very important thing to tell you Detox Symptoms VERY IMPORTANT TO BE AWARE OF. The body DOES NOT make mistakes When you read the different doctors describe how distilled water melts garbage inside of you, make sure you understand that this translates into real world events. As in, garbage WILL start to pour out of you It has to come out But better out than in, right. So this means, you WILL have detox symptoms. And everybody is different as to how they detox, where they detox, and what they detox. It all depends on what YOU have ingested and inhaled your whole life and what routes your body chooses to eject the garbage. It could be RASHES IN STRANGE PLACES VOMITING DIARRHEA HEADACHES FLU-LIKE SYMPTOMS NAUSEA HEAVY SWEATING PIMPLES IN STRANGE PLACES TERRIBLE BREATH SMELLY ARM PITS But these are all GOOD things, be thankful that garbage is leaving. And know that is only temporary. You can dial in the speed too. If its too much detox for you, back off on the solvent. Then come back to it again when you feel stronger. Remember, when they say this is the greatest solvent known to the human body, THEYRE NOT KIDDING. Your friend, Aquarius Simple Facts Most people have no idea there exists a MASSIVE effort to suppress the knowledge of Distilled Water. If you Google distilled water you find at about the third hit down a ridiculously titled article called, Early Death comes from drinking Distilled Water. It is full of nothing but pure lies and obfuscation. Drinking a gallon of Distilled Water every day will bring your body to its perfect state. Distilled Water is magnetically attracted to all waste, debris, and inorganic substances inside you, which are then ejected. This is the ONLY type of water which will 100 perform this act, because it is the only water which is 100 free of garbage. Most people think spring water is awesome because it has minerals in it, but they generally never know that those are ALL inorganic minerals. Spring water, river water, lake water, well water, artesian water and so on, have been sitting in and flowing over rocks and sand and have picked up these dead minerals. These inorganic minerals will give you arthritis, cataracts, heart disease and so on, basically slowly turn you into stone over the years. You ONLY want organic minerals which come from live food. The inorganic calcium in spring water will get stuck in between your bones and give you arthritis, whereas the organic calcium in a live orange will REPAIR a spot in your bones. A human is ONLY made of, and can ONLY use organic minerals. There is zero position and/or zero use for inorganic minerals in humans. Ask any mechanic what you should do when your car battery is weak. He or she will tell you to open up the little row of caps and to pour in DISTILLED WATER. Why Because it is the ONLY water which is a 100 PURE BATH OF NEGATIVELY CHARGED MOLECULES. When your battery is weak it is in a positively charged ACIDIC state, a wasted state, a spent state. When you pour in the negatively charged distilled water it returns the battery to an ALKALINE, powerful, ready-to-go state. Whats the point of this fact Its to help you understand HOW distilled water is attracted to waste, debris, and inorganic minerals. These things ALL have a POSITIVE CHARGE and the NEGATIVE CHARGE of distilled water MAGNETICALLY sticks to them and rips them out of your body. Remember, OPPOSITES ATTRACT You dont want any of those OLD types of water, you only want NEW water which has not had time to pick up garbage yet. Where do I get this NEW water, you ask Whenever Mother Nature produces new water she ONLY uses the process of distillation. She doesnt use reverse osmosis, uv filtration, carbon filters, ionizing machines, or alkalizing machines. NO, she ONLY uses the process of distillation. These new waters can be found in all precipitation (rain, mist, snow, dew and fog,) all live fruit and vegetable juices, and urine. Machine-made distilled water is copying Mother Nature and is the next closest thing to any of these naturally made new waters. NO OTHER ARTIFICIALLY MADE WATER COMES ANYWHERE CLOSE TO THE PURITY OF MACHINE-MADE DISTILLED WATER. In fact, this is SO true that the WHO (world health org.) tells people NOT to drink distilled water. The WHO is part of the UN. The UN has a stated goal of reducing the worlds population by 80. So, if you want to help the UN reduce the worlds population, by all means, STAY AWAY FROM DISTILLED WATER. IF YOU WANT TO LIVE WITH A YOUTHFULNESS, REGAIN AND RETAIN FLEXIBILITY, HAVE STRONG VIGOR, OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE, ATTAIN FULL PSYCHIC POWER, HELP FORM A BEAUTIFUL NEW PARADIGM ON EARTH, AND ASCEND DRINK A GALLON OF DISTILLED LIQUIDS EVERY DAY. Sincerely, Aquarius the Waterbearer Dear Water Based Creatures Urine will not only make your plants grow like crazy, it will supercharge YOU right out of the stratosphere. Theres a book called, Liquid Gold which has all the info regarding usage on plants. Basic thing, for plants, is to cut it, 90 water and 10 urine. Every plant goes wild on it. Greener than ever, bigger than ever. Pour it at the roots and/or mist the foliage. As for you and your body/mind, it is the cleaner you always wished for. A liquid drano for human pipes. A chemtrail destroyer ( I dont care how small the nanobots think theyve made themselves ). A 3rd eye de-calcifier (very nice). A constant water source when there is no water. Its how one would spend 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. Look up Urine Therapy its all right there, waiting to be discovered. The bad taste is only from eating bad cooked food. People who eat just raw fruit have coconut water flavored urine as clear as rain water and it is a pleasure to drink. Believe it or not. On average, somebody with a terrible diet can achieve rainwater clear urine within 5-7 days of water fasting or fruit juice fasting, which is much easier AND a lot of fun Everywhere the Bible mentions, The Water of Life or Rivers of Living Water, they are talking about none other than urine. You know the amniotic fluid you all floated in for 9 months Its urine. For the first 3 months its mainly your Moms urine, and then for the last 6 months its mainly yours. Why do you think they say, the water broke Where do you think all of your pee is going while you are in there Theres no umbilical cord attached to your genitals is there No, that cord is connected to your intestines which is where ALL waste goes. Remember how you breath like a fish while in the womb Guess what you are breathing. Yes, urine. Your lungs would not have formed without it, your entire body would not have formed without it. My Friends, THIS IS THE LOST FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. This explains why you see cherubs and babies peeing into water fountains all over the planet. This is nothing less than a pictogram for the fountain of youth. They want you to think its lost so youll believe it can only be found out buried deep in the woods somewhere. When all along its your own fountain, your genitals. Theres not just one fountain of youth on the planet, theres 7 BILLION and counting Everybody comes with their very own built-in water distiller Do your really think the almighty creator would put you here without the complete ability to take care of yourselves. No, of course not. Ill tell you why its called the fountain of youth as well. When people fast for 30 days on just urine, not only do they vaporize WHATEVER illness they had, but also by the time they are done with the fast they lose 20-30 years in appearance. In the more than 20 books available on the subject, there are over 1000 case histories of what happens to people when they do this, and over and over again, without fail, this is EXACTLY what happens to people who dip their cup into the fountain of youth. Speaking of dipping your cup Nobody needs to look any further for THE HOLY GRAIL. There is no such thing as THE holy grail. Let me explain Do you remember why anybody would like to find the holy grail Well, it is said that long life and full health will come to anyone who drinks from the holy grail. Those are the EXACT benefits of drinking urine. The hidden joke is that its not the cup thats magical, its whats in the cup You can never find THE holy grail because ANY cup or vessel or grail can become A holy grail if you start dipping it into the FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. So there is no such singular item as THE holy grail. So you see, my precious human creatures, Urine is the ULTIMATE human growth medium. Whatever you touch it to, it restores it to its original genetic DNA instructions. If you put it in your eyes, it becomes your eyes. If you put it on a cut on your skin, it becomes your skin. Its living, liquid tissue Also, for those interested in ascension, the constant looping of YOUR water creates a circle of spinning energy which triggers your MERKABA to fire up. Thats a nice bonus too, huh I hope you research this. This is delivered this with pure sincerity. :- :- Read more. Shila Roy Km Nasir Sumon Mahamud MD Tushar Sttaar Powerr Tarrekk MD Suhel Rana Abu Bakkar MD Asadut Jaman Shakil Shapno Nil Dilip l B More Friends A To Z Rakibprodan AB Rahman AB Siddique AH Hriday AN Rony AR Emon II Abdul Alim Abdul Hamid Rana Abdus Salam Jahangir Sj Abhay Kumar Abir Khan Ablaze Akib Abul Kalam Abul Kashim Active Liker Niloy Adnan Adib Affectionate Boy Rahin Ah Shanto Ahel Abrar Ahel Abrar Ahmed Muhit Ahmmed Masud Ajoy Deb Nath Akaid Ahmed Akaki Josem Akash Ahmed II Akash Nil Akash Rahman Akib Islam Ashraf Alamgir Alam Alamin Forajee Alamin Rabby Alinur Islam Aliur Rohman Jaber Aloneboy Younus Khan Alyxiz Shorif Amanullah Aman Amar Tumi Je Chirodin Ami Nahid Ami Nihan Aminul Sheikh Ancient Nahid Khan Angel Nirjon Angel OrNabi Arafat Nerob Arfin Inzu Arian Shofi Arif Hasan Ramim Arif Mouban Arif R Hossain Arifkhan Joy Ariful Islam Arindam Armaan Malick Arnub Rasel Rana Arshadul Hoque Sardar Ashikur Rahman Ashik Ashikur Rahman Murshed Ashraful Alm Azmi Asraful Islam Nobel Ataur Mir Ataur Rahman Attn B Srabon Shuvo Aurthohin Liton Awara Dil Rafiq Bban ER MD Hossain Bear Gryll Betting Raja Birohi Joy Bondu Chara Impossible Bds Ttl Chandan Baral Chocodelight Shovon Cloudy Sakib CrazZy Akram Curning Boy Saiful Dipto Pall Dm Sajib Nsj Do Futti Nazmul DrLs rkRs pPy Dustu Sele Drk St Badhan EH Emran Khan Ebrahim Ridoy Emtiaz Ahmed Shovon Eshak Khan Esran Khan Saikat Evan Islam Anik Evan Khan Exceptional oy Iqbal Excited Shamim Faijul Foysal Farid Sarkar Flavour Boy Shagor Foysol Ahmed Hirdoy F s l Golam Robbany HB Suvo HD Masum HM Rezaul Karim HR Harun Ar Rashid Hafiz M Monirujjaman Hanif Miya Hartless Ahadul Harun Ar Rashid Mhafus Hasan Mahmud Hasan Mito Hasib Khan Hasibul Hasan Sagor Hd Nirob Kawsar Hkm Isahak Hossen Sahadet Honest Hossain Horidhon Chandro Hossain Ahmed Hridoy Ahamed Abir Hridraj Ahmed Hridoy Hml Hq Kh H Shml Hgr Hrt Idite Dhudhum Pecha Imran Hossain Shaon Inct Boy M Irfan Khan Irteza Sabir Antor It By F J S Sagor Islam Jahed Ahmed Jaheed Hasan Jahidul Islam Nayan James Bold Shofiq Jathir Dolavai Jibin Chemparathickal Jitendra Prajapati Jokser Boy Robiul Jon Adu Vi Joy Kumar Joy Kumar Ghosh Jumon Chowdhury Juwel Hossain Prem Jhd Hss Ksh Jwl R rb Jm hmd Kaji Uzzol Kamrul Islam Kaser Manush Ket Kat Boy Nafis Kh Hasib Mahabub Khan Imran Returns Khapa Don Kibria Khan Koile E Hoilo Koushik Astha LM Lalen Mondol Mon LM b Liakot Ali Liker Boy Farhad Liker Boy Rubel Liton Khan Log Out Loveless Imran Ll Hrt Hr M Rahman Chowdhury Habib MD AL Amin Kazal MD Abul Hasan MD Anamul Hoki MD Arif Khan MD Ariful Islam Nirob MD Biddut Hossan MD Cox Mojib MD Easin Arafat MD Habibur Rahman Tony MD Habibur Rohman Hasu MD Imran MD Kamrul Islam MD Mokshad Alam Babo MD Motiur Rahman MD Musfiqur Rahim MD M MD Nuruddin Buyan MD Oliul Islam Bamna MD Ratul Khan MD Riadul Salehin MD Rokonuzzaman Roman MD Salauddin MD Salim Khan MD Shakib Ahmed Sabbir MD Shawkot Hossain Bappy MD Sujon MD Yasin MH Birob Khan MH Raj Bcl MH Shuvo MJ Bakky Mahamudul Hasan Salihin Mahfuzur Rahman Rabby Mamun Ahmed Mamun Khan Manoj Khan Manuel Do Crime Bunga Masud Parvej Mazhaul Islam Mbh Munna Md Al Tarek Md Al-amin Shopnil Md Alu Khan Md Asif Khan Md Bappy Md Belal Hosen Md Falak Md Fariduzzaman Khan Robin Md Fijar Rahman Md Hafizur Rahman Md Harun Md Hasan Md Jakaria Hossan Md Kaoser Hamid Md Kawsar Ahammed Md Mikayel Hossain Md Mofassel Khan Md Momenul Md Obaidhul Islam Md Oronno Oronno Md Rakibul Islam Shohid Md Robiul Islam Hridoy Md Rony Md Rubel Hossain Md Saiful Chowdhury Md Sazu Feni Md Selim Khan Md Shabuj Md Shahalam Sojib Md Shahidul Islam Md Shakhaouat Hossen Rifat Md Shohag Md Siddikur Rahman Md Tanvir Ahmed Md Tuhin Talukder Md Wazed Mondol Megla Akash Onu Mehedi Hasan Mehedi Hasan Akash Mehedi Hasan Bhuiyan Mehedi Hasan Mihad Mh Rohan Khan Mishu Sabbir Bmc Missed Calls Missed Calls Mithun Biswas Mizan Shaon Mohammad Akil Mohammad Samdani Mohammed Risbi Mohammod Mynuddin Mohorom Sardar Moktajul Islam Monir Sardar Monirujjaman Wasif Mostofa Kamal Dakbangla Msr Himo Mustafa Al Hossain MyFthrCllm-Badoy MyMthrCllM - goodoy MySistrCllM-chockltyoy MyGrlfrindCllM-Playoy MyLife MyRules Mystrious Mehedi Mhmdl Hs M Lr Msm Mhd Jn Nafiz Ahmed Nahiyan Nahid Nanang Colang Nasim Islam Navi Punia Nayem Ahmed Ifti Nayemur Rahaman Nazmul Hasan Nazrul Islam Nemon Khan Nirjhon Alo Nirob Ahmed Nirob Khan Nishan BD Nissho Shuvo Nivvrito Bikel Tawhid Peash Niyamot Ali Nobe Hossain Nocturnal Sakib Normal Esan Nowshin Tabassum Easha Noyen Khan Noyon Robi Nur Nabi Nyn Ahmd Nkm Mohon Obuzz Nasir Ochien Manous Osohai Robin Ovi Khan II Pallob Deb Patwary Sharif R S Pervez Pervez Prince Al-Amin Prince Boy Mugdho Prince Nabab Ali Shaikh Priya Angeal Pronayjit Paul Pronay Pr zml R Raisul Xohan RA Mayin RJ Anik Ghosh RJ Morad RJ Reyaj K RM Reza RM Soypur RN Hredoy RS Shuvo Rabby Khan Raihan Sharif Raj Lisan Rajib Sarker Raju Rajon Ghosh Raju Nm Raju Raju Rakib Al Hasan Rakib Rahman Rakib m chana Rakibul Hasan Rasel Ahmed Rasel Ahmed Rasel Khan Rashed Khan Rashed RM Khan Raz Hm Razon Radoan Rejaul Islam Rafi Rejwan Sabuj Reloaded Suraf Remon Hossain Riaz Uddin Raja Riddy Rhaman Ridoy Khan Rj Abir Hasan Rj Nabir Hussain Spp Rj Rasel Rj Ronuk Rkk Hridoy Khan RoXta Sakib ReturnXz Robiul Sunny Rock Hasib Ron Jit Rony Rony Ahmed Rony Sheikh Rovin Hossain Royel Khan Rs Black Roj Rsm RK PrC Ruhan Akondo Rsl Sd Dr S M Shamim Ahamed S. m. Hamim S. m. Joy S. m. Sabbir Hasan SA Antor SK Jaman SK Prince Shiplu Sabbir Ahmed Sabbir Ahmed Rifat Saddam Sarkar Saif Anam Saimon Ahmed Saimoon Islam Mamun Sajib R Hossain Sajid Mahmod Jamal Samrat Sultan Sathi Banik Sayead Neroab Sayem Ahmed Autul Sayem Boss Shafirul Islam Shahadat Hossin Shahidul Islam Suton Shahin Shikder Shahnaous Rahman Nirjon Shaikh Rayan Ovi Shakhawat Raju Shakhor Babu Shakil Al Hasan Shamim Reza Sharif Sunda Part III Sharif Uddin Shariful Haque Shawkat Mir Babo Shawon Majumder Joy Sheikh Md Babu Sheikh Rahi Sheikh Rasel Arya Sheikh Robin Shemul Abir Shemul Abir ShiShir RiMon Shironamhin Mukul Islam Shish Mohammad Jerry Shohebur Rahman Shupti Ritu Singer Fahad Sk Masum Sk Shafiq Adnan SmoKer oy Sohag Zis Sohel Babu Sohel Rana Sohel Rj Sojol Roy Sojun Khan Sourob Sorker Srkth Mdth Strong Boy Saurov Subas Chandra Das Sumon Ahmed Gnl Sumon Dash Sumon Islam Sun Shakil Suvro Tusar Sylhety King Khan S N S J Svr Dv Barmon Tafsir Nasif Tasin Tahsin Ahmed Tanvir Hosain Target Man Tired Tuhin Tohidul Islam Emon Tomar Opekkhay Manik Touhidul Islam Treasure Hunter Tonmoy Tumi R Ami Thr h lps Wzd Valiant Boy Ridoy Xamx WaFt Zahirul Islam Zayed Mahmud Z Hd wr Sd l B M p tv Lkr Rtrs ltr bbr M H j HPp rkLrd rg Arft mi Muti rb Hassan rro Rm rk Hrt R hh Prh ourav Dey common Boy usmay - . . Ittz :-) :-) :-) Gultu Biswas Bhaswati Adhikary Hrithik Agarwalla R D Xtrm Biswajit Mandal Saheb Adhikary Riya Pahari Singer Abhijit Sujit Dey Bbrt d Read more. hkry Prience Somjeet Baidya Joy Das Parimal Sarkar Edward Adi Nandi Dlt b RtrZz Sanjib Mridha Sawpan Debnath Sbh Sobuj Royan Khan More Friends AL Amin Abhisek Sarkar Abir Hossain Abu Rayhan Ajauj Hoque Al Fahad Angel Shree Arc Razzak Arfan Ali Arfin Suhel Ariful Islam Arijit Mandal Ashraful Islam BM Babai Mandal Bappa Debnath Buj Balok Jamal Bg Hm D. j. Rony Dandy Anwar Devian Dancer Shayantan Dhusor Megher Chaya Dwayne Ritam Dx Prosenjit Shikder Emtiaz Habib Farhad Mizi Fast Bowler Tawshiq Hira Khan Honey Singh Hrihan Sikdar Indigenous Badhon JR Ananda Jeska Joy Kumar Das Kabir Gazi Kingsuk Bose Kool Faiz Ll B Partha MD Jamal MD R Bl MD Shahidul Islam Manidiptas Karmakar Md Sohan Mreda Mostafiz Rahman Joy NA Bola Kotha Neel Khan Neeraj Punjabi Nirhara Baten Obujh Sotto Shamim Ony Chisim Opu Das Ovi Halder Pranto Pankaj Chetri Paul Aarya Pollob Chowdhury Jb Pran Biswas Prasun Sen Pravakar Pal Prince Th Probudhya Guchait Rabiul Haque Rahat Rashidul Rahul Das Raj Banik Raja Dey Rajorshi Deb Ramu Roy Rasel Rasel RiedoAn RiyAd Rts Talukder Ruhul Amin S M Helal Udden SK Faisal Ahmed Sad Bali Sadman Shakil Saife Rahman Saikat Dhar Sakib Yov Saptarshi Sadhukhan Sarath Ks Shad Chowdhury Shahidul Islam Shan Chakma Sh S Snikdho Chowdhury Emon Sohel Rana Sonu Roxstar Suman Pramanik Sunju Rampal Supratim Deadman Chakraborty Tanmoy Das Tanmoy Saha Tum Hi Hoo Tusher Kumar Vanu Daa rmlss B Mm jy Ydv l j Turn Off Chat :-D :-D Mamun My chat list. ChatRefresh Irin Dola hrmg Pre mt Fnf Tuhin Polatok Ashami Mobarak Hassan Joy Read more. hsan Al-Hbb More Friends AN Abhay Khan Abu Raihan AdnAn HossAin Adnan Chowdhury Adnan Islam Nahid Ahmed Nesar Ahmed Shahjahan Akib Germany Akla Mon Majaharul S Ami Nished Ahmed Apurbo Rasel Arif Bin Pranto Arif Hossain Arnob Acharya Ar Gj Asikur Rahman Joy Ba Ppy Bapi Mondal Belal Prodhan Bijoy Khan Blesson Paul Bristi Veja Akash Cricket Boy Monir DM Polash Decoder Tipu Deluar Ahmed Deven Sil Rajput Drm By Dbg Shhb Dlt b RtrZz Emon Khan Emon Patwary Empty Rifatt Emran Ahamed Excptnl Zahead Fa Rh An Fayez Mahmud Nadim Faysal A Joy Flatter Boy Shimul Sam Habibur Rahman Hafiz Ziaa Harano Boy Dishan Hasan Mahmud Hasib Hasan Hasibul Hasan Hassas Afridi Helpless Boy Kawsher Hridoy Ahmed Hridoy Ahmed Hridoy Khan Nirob Humayun Kobir Munna Hrt f Pr Jb Hrtlss Sht Inauspicious Nadim Ismail Ibney Yousof Jadu Shuvo Jahed Juwel Jiblish Shadhin II Juvaraj Niloy Juyel Rana Jwl Aph KA Shishir KD Dhrubo Kamrul Islam Kazi Riyad Kazi Shahria Islam Sohag Lonewalker Sifat Lkr IQl M. m. Feroj MD Hridoy MD Mahfuzur Rahman MD Mozammel MD Rocky MD Shuvo Mahbub Khan Mahin Khan Mahmudul Saikot Mamun Ahammot Shobo Mamun Hossain Mamun Ovi Md Akram Hossain Md Ashiq Hossain Raaz Md Dipu Md Malek Md Nashrat Nashrat Md Prince Md Raju Md Rezu Ahmmed Md Ruman Md Shafik Ahmed Md Sraf Uddin Md Tanbir Md Yuonus Mehedi Hossain Memd Shine Kadir Meritorious Naim Messi Vokto Mijan Mir Mohammad Al Burhan Mohammad Noimuddin Jiku Mohammad Ornab Mohammed Sajjad Mon Shudu Tumake Dilam Monirul Islam Mridul Ovi Mhfuzr Rhmn Mhmmd Ahmd M wrfll Vmr Naeem Islam Nayem U Chowdhury Nazmul Haque Raj Niloy Chowdhury Nobel Ehsan Obuj Hridoy Omar Faruk Pragmatic Dipu Projapoti Nill Qo Qo Qo Amzu RI AD RJ Mehedi Hasan RJ Rakib Rabiul Islam Rahul Niloy Rahul Rahul Raj Sun Raj Verma Rasel Rasel Hosen Ridoy Rashadul Alam Khan Rashel Ahmed Tuhin Rashel Mahfuz Rayhan Kabir Rj lvr Rsl Robel Khan Rohan Mahmud Arvii Romeo Momen II Romulus Hridzz Rony Khan Rk B Hr SH Touhid Max SH V Sadikur Rahman Jamil Safaet Hossain Sagar Mazumder Saidul Islam Biki Sajedul Islam Shawon Sajib Biswas Sajjad Hossain Sakhawat Bhuiyan Sakibur Rahman Sr. Sam Sheikh Shabbir Hasan Shafik Parvaj Shahadat Hossain Shajal Sheikh Shawkat Hasan Suman Shiblu Ghosh Shihab Uddin Shironam Ahmed Sourav Shoel Mirja Shorol Golpo Shunno Oronno Shuvo Banik Shp Bvr rh Sk Mizan Sohel Ahamed Bappy Sourav Das Sujon Bondu Suvo Rx Suvon Roy Bittu Syed Shuvo Hossain Syem Khan Sjjd D Hrtlss Hrtzz Tahsan Shakil Tanvir Sajid Tarik Has Sourav Trisna now 382 online friends of mine. Sudipta Sourav Mondal Prosenjit Dutta Kumar Raj Manab Sarkar Mrinal Panda Gourishankar Paine Sukamal Sadhukhan Dipok Roy Sad Sajal Sudipta Dutta Nyn Das Parimal Roy Susanta Hazra Akhi Halder Sampa Bauri Parima Read more. l Kundu Soumya Roy Milan Sen Debnath Malakar Md Shamim More Friends Abdul Ahad Abhi Rajput Abhi Srivastava Abhijit Nandi Abhijit Patra Abinash Matabbar Abir Kr Chakraborty Abul Kasem Kasem Achinta Mondal Addhayan Das Ajai Pul Ajay Singha Ajim Mondal Aman Kumar Mahato Amaresh Paul Amjad Khan Animesh Roy Anupam Mondal Apple Green Apple Green Apurba Nandy Arabindo Baruy Arijeet Saha Arijit Das Arijit Singh Arindam Adhikari Arindam Mukherjee Arindam Sarkar Papu Arnab Roy Arun Kanti Das Arup Pal Arup Paramanik Arup Rai Arvind Kumar Ashim Barman Asim Das Badmass Indra Nil Balwinder Singh Banti Banik Bappaditya Ghosh Bappi Mondal Barun Das Bhalchandra Deshmukh Bidhan Mandal Bidyut Mandal Bidyut Paul Bijoy Dhar Bijoy Samadder Biju Roy Bikash Das Bikash Kumar Mahato Bikram Biswas Biplab Saha Bishnu Banik Biswa Ranjan Biswajit Das Biswajit Das Biswajit Jana Biswajit Roy Biswaswar Majumder Bittu Basfore Bittu Chakraborty Buddhadev Mandal Chaitak Dutta Chandan Banerjee Chandan Das Chandan Mondal Chandan Panda Chandru Ganesan Chhagan Sonule Chinmoy Saha Das Asis Deb Kumar Sardar Debapratim Chowdhury Debashis Sarkar Debasis Das Debasish Dan Debdip Mondal Deep Das Devdas Biswas Dibyendu Dutta Dibyendu Mohanta Dipak Kr Ghosh Dipankar Kar Dipankar Mandal Durgash Singh Farhan Khan G Gopal Khajuria Ganguly Rajkumar Gautam Saha Ghansyam Prajapati Ghuneshwar Yadav Gopal Rathore Gourove Ghosh Goutam Ray Ray Guddu Mondal Harry Sharma Heartbreak Raj Himadri Bhattacharya Hiran Chakraborty Hiranmoy Bairagi Ijaj Ahmed Imran Islam Indrajit Giri Jayanta Mondal Jayanta Mondal Jaynto Roy Jeet Banerjee Jibonpurer Pothik Jotan Sarkar Joynal Abedin Judhithir Das Kajal Das Kamal Sinha Kamal Suthar Kulariya Kamlesh Kumar Kanchan Sarkar Karan Kumar Ketan Parmar Kishor Roy Koushik Saha Kousik Dey Krishnendu Mondal Krishno Bagdi Kumresh Juttu Lakhan Dutta Lakshi Birhman Laltu Sardar Laxminarayan Sethi Lipu Lovely Prasenjit Lucky Roy Mahadeb Das Mahesh Jindal Malay Goldar Manendra Pratap Pratap Mangal Pradhan Manik Mondal Mon Manoj Mahato Mathuranath Chakraborty Mayank Dixit Md Habibur Rahman Md Sirazul Islam Mithu Das Mitlesh Kumar Singh Modak Subhankar Mohasin Sardar Mohit Kalal Mosibur Rahaman Mousumi Sarkar Mritunjay Chaudhary Msh Dipu Mukul Sarkar Mukul Sen Muna Mallik Narayan Patel Nayan Paul Nayon A Ahmmed Nazir Anshari Neel Mithun Manna Nik Somkuwar Nillu Telore Niloy Pramanick Nimai Basu Nimai Charan Bar Niroj Kumar Nsahoo Tunga Ovaga Roni Painter Sagar Pankaj Das Papai Das Partha Majumder Partha Partha Adhikary Parul Pal Payel Sanyal Poritosh Mondal Prabhat Shill Pradipta Dutta Pragyansha Verma Pranab Dey Pranesh Das Prasantapanja Prasantapanja Prasenjit Laskar Prasenjit Pramanik Prasenjit Sarkar Pravin Joshi Prem Roy Prince Abrar Prince Biswajit Pritam Biswas Pritam Chakraborty Prokash Pal Prolay Mondal Pr dty Puspendu Sadhukhan Rabijit Paul Rahul Kumar Singh Rahul Singh Rahul Singh Raj Chaterjee Raj Gupta Raj Ray Raj Sau Raja Basak Raja Raja Rajat Naskar Rajesh Bhansali Rajesh Debnath Rajesh Khan Rajesh Nayak Rajib Bera Rajib Bose Rajib Debnath Rajib Mahata Rajib Sarkar Rajinder Kumar Choudhary Rajiv Mandal Rajkumar Sarkar Gajol Raju Das Raju Ghosh Raju Joshi Raju Kumar Maity Raju Mondal Raju Sana Rana Pal Rana Singh Ranjan Das Ranjesh Kumar Gupta Ranjith Kumar Ratan Deb Sarkar Rehman Khan Rex Joy Ripan Sarkar Ritesh Kumar Rittik Das Rocky Goswami Rohan Roy Rohit Chakrabati Rohit Kali Roushan Kumar Ruku Biswas Sad Suman Safi Kul Mondal Safikul Islam Sahadev Das Saheb Banerjee Sai Manasranjan Sahoo Sajanta Bru Sambhudhana Das Sami DQuest Samir Bauri Samir Mandal Samrat Chakroborty Samrat Paul Sandip Guha Roy Sandip Sarkar Sanjib Biswas Sanjib Halder Sanjib Hazra Sankar Tarafdar Satish Kumar Satyajit Das Sayan Sengupta Seadate Biswas Shaban Khan Shabbir Hussain Shahalam Shaha Shamoun Shotta Shankar Kain Shibananda Ghosh Shibasis Das Shiv Gw Shrawan Kumar Shubhadwip Sur Shubhajit Kundu Shubham Deogharia Shubhankar Mondal Shyam Gopal Siddhart SH Sikandar Kms Sipua Sipua Sjd King Sk Asif Ali Smart Boy Sonu Yadav Smashng Sanjoy Som Deep Karmakar Soma Debnath Somnath Sarkar Somu Somu Sonu Chaudhari Soumen Chakrabarty Soumen Samanta Soumyadeep Bhowmik Sourav Ghosh Souvick Samanta Souvik Bag Souvik Mondal Subham Dutta Subham Rana Subham Shaw Subhojit Das Subhra Kanti Rudra Subinoy Dutta Subrata Gupta Subrata Saha Sudip Das Suersh Kumar Sugu Maran Sujan Paul Sanju Sujay Karmakar Sujit Bagdi Sujit Das Sujit Das Sujit Nandi Sujit Sheet Sujoy Bose Sukanta Biswas Sukanta Dutta Sukanta Mondal Sukanta Sarkar Suman Debnath Suman Sharma Sumit Bhandari Suneheri Lucky Sunju Naskar Sunny Icon Sunny Kumar Suparna Das Suraj Sarkar Surajit Goll Surjit Goll Surender Jaat Surojit Manna Surojit Pramanik Surojit Samanta Surya Patanaik Susil Das Suvankar Roy Suvojit Sany Sardar Swapan Barman Swarnadev Biswas Sd B tpl Tajamul Box Tanay Payra Tanmoy Roy Tapan Vroy Tapas Mishra Tapas Mondal Tapash Dey Tirlok Poswal Tirthankar Chakraborty Totan Tarafdar Umesh Kumar Utpol Devnath Vaibhav Prasad Victor Deb Vikash Kumar Vikash Kumar Choudhary Vilas Kolwate Wild Darkdevil Suman Yasar Arafath Yogesh Sutar Zaheer Ahmad Arshad Khan bRgh Srkr Model test -06 Farmgate branch S. L Name Marks 1 Mst. Tanvir Akter 156 2 Fahmida Afrin 126.5 3 Md. Zakaria Thoha 126.5 4 Shilpi Rani Banik 125.5 5 Joyita Das 124 6 Nure Alam Siddique 123 7 Tania Sultana 122 8 Saifunnahar 120.5 9 Md. Morsalin Saha 12 Read more. 0.5 10 Md. Rafiqul Islam (2) 117.5 11 Md. Maidul Islam 116 12 Rasel Ahamed 112 13 Rina Ahamed 112 14 Rumana Akter 110 15 yassin Arafat 108 16 Prosant Adhikary 107 17 imran Jewel 103.5 18 Abdul Hamid 102 19 Md. Mizanur Rahman 101 20 Hedayatul Islam 99.5 21 K. M Sakib 99 22 Mahbuba Chodhory 98 23 Asma Sultana 98 24 Rama Rani Karmokar 97 25 M. R. Mizan 96.5 26 Amina Katun 95.5 27 Mohua Afroz 95.5 28 Pijush Kumar Dey 95 29 Mst. Nurnahar 94.5 30 Mou Akter 93.5 31 Manna Das 93.5 32 Md. Abu Talha 93.5 33 Rafiqul Islam 93 34 Fahmida Faiza 91 35 Jakia Jannat 90.5 36 Jiabul Hossain 90.5 37 Jewel Khan 90 38 Md. Mehedi Hasan 90 39 Rajib Saha 88 40 Imran Hasan 87 41 Hasan Md. Emran 87 4243 Md. Rafiqul Islam (1) 86 44 nazrul Islam 84.5 45 Umme Habiba 84 46 Uzzjal Das 84 47 Aminul Islam 83.5 48 Fatima Nasrin 83 49 Monir 83 50 Sharmin Hossain 82 51 Ahteshamel Huque 81.5 52 Korbi 81 53 Md. Yousuf 79.5 54 Shah Jalal 77 55 Enamul Haq 76.5 56 Jannatul Ferdous 76.5 57 Shahida jahan 76 58 Dinesh Paul 75.5 59 Nadira Parvin Lucky 74.5 60 Md. Firoz Mahmud 74 61 Omar Maruf 74 62 Md. Rakibul Islam 73 63 Sharif Hasan 72.5 64 Parvez Ahamed 72 65 Gopal Chandra 72 66 Kanij Katema 72 67 Abu Bakar Raju 71.5 68 Momirul Islam 71.5 69 Sew Thui Ching 70.5 70 Ahamed Ali 70.5 71 Hamit Hasan 70 72 Anik Pal 70 73 Rabeya Sultan Liza 69 74 Al-Amir hossain 68.5 75 Pritylota Borman 68 76 Sarmin Sultana 67.5 77 Deepon Banik 67 78 Al-Mamun 66 79 Moniruzzaman 65 80 Md. Ferdoush Khan 65 81 Latifunnahar 64.5 82 Omar Faruk 64 83 Ibrahim Hossain 63.5 84 Md. Shariful Islam 62.5 85 Sonia Sarmin 62 86 Mukarrama Talukdar 61.5 87 Akter Jahan Bithi 60.5 88 Md. Mohsin 59.5 89 Farhana Afrin 59 90 Rabeya Khatun 58.5 91 Kaysar Ahamed 57.5 92 Charmara Marma 55.5 93 Farzana Tania Hossain 55.5 94 Md. Obaydur Rahman 55.5 95 Afzalur Rahman 55 96 Shanta Yasmin 55 97 Helimur rahaman 55 98 Kazi - Fauzia Tamanna 50 99 Tapoti Shikder 47.5 100 Afroza Sultana 47 101 Sheikh faysal 43 102 Sohag Hossain 40.5 103 Mir Firoz hasan 39.5 104 Lavlu khan 39 105 Saif Al Sharif 38 106 Janatun Nur Bithe 36 107 Sonia Ferdoush 35.5 108 Sadekun Nahar 34 109 Sardar Habibur Rahman 33.5 110 Abu Hena Khaled Mostofa 33 111 Shariar Sharif Jony 30 112 Sudip Mondal 24 113 Masum 22.5 114 Hakimunnahar 21.5 Jagannath - ( ) A Unit. Faculty of Science and Faculty of Life and Earth Science 2ND MERIT LIST (Science) ( ) Sl No. Admission Test Roll No. Students Name Read more. Merit PositionSubject 1 1110021 EZAZUL HASAN 798 BOT 2 1174823 MD. ABDUS SALAM 837 BOT 3 1140428 SANCHITA BANERJEE 908 BOT 4 1102341 HAMIMA KHOSHNOOR NIPU 964 BOT 5 1103742 JULENA JAFRIN 979 BOT 6 1129310 MT. RAZIA KHATUN 1038 BOT 7 1113510 MD. AL - AMIN BHUIYAN 1049 BOT 8 1134254 MD. ALAMGIR HOSEN 1125 BOT 9 1120405 MD. OBYDULLAH SARDER 1129 BOT 10 1143497 MD. SALIM HOSSAIN 1136 BOT 11 1106557 MST. JUYANATUN JANNATI MONIR 1146 BOT 12 1105437 MD. ZAHID HASAN RAZU 1160 BOT 13 1104902 KANIZ FATEMA 1164 BOT 14 1106617 ABDULLAH BIN HASSAN MAHEDI 1165 BOT 15 1173612 TANVIR AHMED 1183 BOT 16 1100015 H. M. ALVE AHMED 1184 BOT 17 1115573 MD ABDUL AWAL SAKIB 1186 BOT 18 1109912 SANJIDA AFROSE 1188 BOT 19 1111404 PROVA RANI DEV 1189 BOT 20 1139771 MITU BHOWMICK 1190 BOT 21 1117124 OMAR SANI 1191 BOT 22 1111511 DOLA KAR 1192 BOT 23 1107898 SAIDUL ISLAM 1193 BOT 24 1115291 MD. MUZAHIDUL ISLAM 1194 BOT 25 1132442 PRANOY DEBNATH 1195 BOT 26 1116616 TAHMINA BINTE SHIRAJ 1197 BOT 27 1145428 IMTIAJ AHMED EASTY 1198 BOT 28 1144476 MUJTAHID HASAN 1200 BOT 29 1108243 MST. ASHRUFIA 1202 BOT 30 1112184 NAZIA TASNIM 1203 BOT 31 1140429 JAKIA TASNIM MIM 1204 BOT 32 1174460 KANIZ FATIMA 1205 BOT 33 1115166 ORIA HALDER 1207 BOT 34 1136665 CHINA MOJUMDER 1208 BOT 35 1175971 AMTHAZUL HOQUE 1209 BOT 36 1103288 MD. MONJURUL ISLAM NAFIS 1210 BOT 37 1127834 MD. SABBIR HOSSEN SHUVO 1212 BOT 38 1143484 MD. ASHIKUR RAHMAN 1214 BOT 39 1172780 MAKSUDUL HASAN MISHU 1215 BOT 40 1115236 MD. HASANUL MOBIN AL HAMID 1216 BOT 41 1108516 SANJEEDA AHMED 1217 BOT 42 1102036 SIRAZUM MUNIRA 1218 BOT 43 1135090 MD. IFTAKHAR BEN ALI 1219 BOT 44 1101115 ALIF-AL-AHMED 1220 BOT 45 1121657 MILON CHANDRA SHIL 1223 BOT 46 1130955 KHADIJA AKTER 1224 BOT 47 1107978 HARUN-OR-RASHID HIMEL 1225 BOT 48 1142894 MD. SHOHAG MIAH 1226 BOT 49 1109997 SHANAZ ALAM SUNNY 1227 BOT 50 1101909 MD. TOFAZZAL HOSEN 1228 BOT 51 1119959 REDOUNUL JANNAT NAHID 1229 BOT 52 1101971 MD. SHAMIMUZZAMAN 1231 BOT 53 1140231 ISHRAT JAHAN 1233 BOT 54 1117568 MD-SADDAM HOSSAIN 1235 BOT 55 1175023 SAJIB DAS 1236 BOT 56 1133029 RAFIUL AHMED 1237 BOT 57 1101077 MD. ARAFAT JAHANGIR 1238 BOT 58 1111884 MD. IKRAMUL HAQUE 1240 BOT 59 1142616 MD. TAREQ HOSEN 1241 BOT 60 1100657 AZWAD RAJEEN 1242 BOT 61 1114065 MD. SHAKHAWAT HOSSEN BAPPY 1243 BOT 62 1116480 MD. HASAN TAREQ 1244 BOT 63 1121118 SHAHELA AKTER 1245 BOT 64 1142791 MD. DELWAR HOSSAIN 1246 BOT 65 1122848 SOURAV SARKER 1247 BOT 66 1172534 HASANUZZAMAN 1248 BOT 67 1116643 POUSHALI NAWER 1249 BOT 68 1178246 TUSHAR CHAKRABARTY 1250 BOT 69 1114827 MD. GULAM RABBANI 1251 BOT 70 1146452 NAFIS SADIQ 1252 BOT 71 1118289 MASUDUR RAHMAN KANCHON 1253 BOT 72 1100656 TAHMINA AKTER 1255 BOT 73 1147081 MD. SAKHAWAT HOSSAIN 1257 BOT 74 1112306 MD. MIZANUR RAHMAN 1258 BOT 75 1135259 SAMARITA BANIK 1259 BOT 76 1111824 SHAHRIAR RAHMAN FAHIM 1261 BOT 77 1100324 TAUFEEQ AHMED 1264 BOT 78 1178190 SYED SAMSUL AREFIN 1266 BOT 79 1121893 MD. RAFIQUL ISLAM 1268 BOT 80 1125723 PRANORAM KANTI CHOWDHURY 1269 BOT 81 1139813 ALI KODOR JAKY 592 CHE 82 1135559 MD. EMRAN KHAN 596 CHE 83 1176834 RAHAT MIA 692 CHE 84 1110132 MOHAMMAD ABIR HASSAN SARKER 716 CHE 85 1135794 MD. NASIR UDDIN 765 CHE 86 1106999 RASHIDUL HASAN 771 CHE 87 1129090 MD. ASRAFUL ISLAM 782 CHE 88 1133886 MD. SAKIBUL HOSSAIN 789 CHE 89 1116590 SADIA ISLAM 800 CHE 90 1128043 JAMIL KHAN 803 CHE 91 1130105 TUSHAR CHANDRA TEWARY 818 CHE 92 1100446 SHARMIN SULTANA 827 CHE 93 1107049 TANIA TAJRIN AKHI 828 CHE 94 1115255 KAZI HASIB 836 CHE 95 1110531 MD. ARAFAT AHMED SHAFPLE 839 CHE 96 1120144 NAZNIN HOSSAIN ESHA 844 CHE 97 1141870 JHARA BHOWMIK 845 CHE 98 1135674 APORAZITA YESMIN LABONEE 846 CHE 99 1118378 ARIFUL ISLAM 847 CHE 100 1107549 MD. SHIFUR RAHMAN SAKIL 850 CHE 101 1111666 KAZI FERDOUS SUMON 854 CHE 102 1101452 TASNIM RAHMAN 855 CHE 103 1102320 HIMUL CHANDRO ROY 861 CHE 104 1137411 MD. ANAMUL HASAN 862 CHE 105 1117407 MASRIFA AKTER MELE 863 CHE 106 1121219 MIZANUR RAHMAN 866 CHE 107 1173888 AL - AMIN GAZI 870 CHE 108 1146837 JHONE GHOSH 875 CHE 109 1111397 MD. RAKIBUL HASAN REDOY 876 CHE 110 1113021 NUSRAT JAHAN 879 CHE 111 1134614 MD AMINUL HAQUE PALASH 883 CHE 112 1120223 TOWKIR AHMED 886 CHE 113 1102042 SK. MOHIBUR RAHMAN 887 CHE 114 1128937 SANJIDA MAHAJABIN 888 CHE 115 1145648 MINHAZ UL KARIM BHUIYAN 889 CHE 116 1173753 MD. ASIKUL HOQ 890 CHE 117 1101377 MD. MUSFIQUR RAHMAN 891 CHE 118 1107968 MD. SAIHAM BISWAS 892 CHE 119 1125015 BISHWAJIT SARDAR 893 CHE 120 1173494 SHUVO JIT ROY 895 CHE 121 1118101 MD MEZANUR RAHMAN 896 CHE 122 1103996 MST. SALMA KHATUN 898 CHE 123 1111230 CHINMOY CHAKRABORTY 899 CHE 124 1110947 SAIRA JIM 901 CHE 125 1135098 ZABER-AL-HASSAN AYON 903 CHE 126 1121542 RAKIB BHUIYAN 907 CHE 127 1100972 MD. REZAUL ISLAM CHOWDHURY 909 CHE 128 1108836 SNEHA SARWAR 912 CHE 129 1135352 NAIM ZAHAN HIMIKA 913 CHE 130 1139436 MD. IFFAT RAIHAN 914 CHE 131 1103056 SEBAK SARKER 915 CHE 132 1122849 MD. MOSTAFA KAMAL 917 CHE 133 1131630 SUSMITA KUNDU 918 CHE 134 1132236 MD. HASIBUL HASAN 920 CHE 135 1115316 MD. ROFIQUL ISLAM TARIF 921 CHE 136 1135138 TOUFIQUR RAHMAN 922 CHE 137 1100730 LAIZU ARA SOHELI 923 CHE 138 1100460 MST. SHILPY KHATUN 928 CHE 139 1177892 MD. SIDRATUL ISLAM TUTUL 929 CHE 140 1176239 MD. GOLAM RABBY 383 CSE 141 1121752 TANVIR MUKIT 423 CSE 142 1172147 N. M. MERAZUL ISLAM 468 CSE 143 1112092 MD. MAHADI HASAN MARUF 538 CSE 144 1173906 SHAFIA SULTANA 793 GEO 145 1170956 MD. JUBAYARUL ISLAM 919 GEO 146 1111469 TAREQUE AHMED 944 GEO 147 1171511 MARIUM MEEM 959 GEO 148 1112844 MD. HAMIM REZVI 1001 GEO 149 1147381 TUSHER KANTI ACHARJEE 1020 GEO 150 1115087 MD. SUZON MIA 1029 GEO 151 1131724 TASNIM TANHA MIM 1048 GEO 152 1171649 S. M. MARUF HOSSAIN 1050 GEO 153 1149230 ANICA BUSHRA 1058 GEO 154 1126074 MD. NAYEM HOSSAIN 1071 GEO 155 1110361 FATIHA ELMA 1078 GEO 156 1134788 PRITI HALDER 1080 GEO 157 1120302 KHADIZA MOSTARI 1113 GEO 158 1117436 GAZI JILLUR RAHMAN 1121 GEO 159 1119287 MD. MIZANUR RAHMAN 1133 GEO 160 1119635 MD. MASUM RANA 1143 GEO 161 1134626 MD. ABIR HOSSAIN 1170 GEO 162 1143188 MD. HABIBUR RAHMAN 1182 GEO 163 1123215 PARSA SANJANA BINTE HOQUE 1187 GEO 164 1100993 MD. RAFIQUL ISLAM 1201 GEO 165 1145378 MD. RUBAETH-UL-AMIN 1211 GEO 166 1105052 PRODIP BISWAS 1221 GEO 167 1135492 TANJIM AFIA 1222 GEO 168 1102374 FARUK AHMED SHAJIB 1232 GEO 169 1131635 NISHAT WAMIA MUSTAFA ANTO 1234 GEO 170 1131676 MOHAMMAD SHAIF UDDIN 1239 GEO 171 1128275 FARAN MAHMUD HEMEL 1254 GEO 172 1106591 NUSRAT YASMIN 1267 GEO 173 1131973 MORTUJA YESMIN 1271 GEO 174 1175792 MD. EMON ISLAM RABBI 1272 GEO 175 1109992 FARJANA YASMIN 1273 GEO 176 1126093 MD ASIFUR RAHMAN 1274 GEO 177 1136958 MD. IMRAN HOSSAIN 1275 GEO 178 1142911 MOSIUR RAHMAN 1276 GEO 179 1147686 RONY CHOWDHURY RIPAN 1277 GEO 180 1146201 MD. TAMJID HOSSAIN 1279 GEO 181 1111147 YEAD RAHMAN 1280 GEO 182 1143305 MD. EMRAN HOSSAIN 1282 GEO 183 1117951 JABA TAHSIN EITY 1283 GEO 184 1122698 RUHUL KABIR RIAD 1284 GEO 185 1132695 PIYUSH KANTI DAS 1285 GEO 186 1132809 LIKHON KUMAR ROY 1286 GEO 187 1106422 MD. ABDULLAH-AL-NOMAN 1287 GEO 188 1121762 MD. ATIQUR RAHMAN 1288 GEO 189 1135459 FARHANA JAHAN JUHI 1289 GEO 190 1141826 RIADUS SALEH 1290 GEO 191 1109753 CHINMOY DE 1291 GEO 192 1133763 SHARMIN AKHTER 1292 GEO 193 1134496 AL SHAHARIAR SHOHAN 1293 GEO 194 1147172 MD. MUSHFIQUR RAHMAN 1294 GEO 195 1111336 MD. ATICK AL MAHMUD 1296 GEO 196 1130383 TANVEER ISLAM JOY 1298 GEO 197 1114602 JIBON CHANDRA BARMAN 1299 GEO 198 1100967 MD. SAZEDUL ISLAM 1303 GEO 199 1137313 MD. KAMRUL HASAN RAJIB 1304 GEO 200 1146590 FARHANA SUBHA TAHINA 1306 GEO 201 1122886 SHEIKH KAMRUZZAMAN 1307 GEO 202 1143517 TASBEHA ZAMAN 1308 GEO 203 1107400 S. M. IFTEKHAR HOSSAIN 1310 GEO 204 1133004 MD. AKTARUZZAMAN SORID 1311 GEO 205 1109207 RIDAY CHANDRA PAUL 1312 GEO 206 1101396 ISRATH JAHAN RUMI 1313 GEO 207 1105609 TANZINA SIDDIQUEE MEEM 1314 GEO 208 1101588 MITHILA FARHANA 1315 GEO 209 1123213 HOSSAIN AHMED RAIHAN 1316 GEO 210 1101606 RAMIM HASAN 1319 GEO 211 1118491 MD. SUMON HOSSAIN 1321 GEO 212 1100076 SABIHA AZAD SHORMEE 1322 GEO 213 1170180 SUPROVA PAUL 1323 GEO 214 1114366 JANNATUL FERDOUS 1324 GEO 215 1145282 MD. SHAHJALAL 1325 GEO 216 1118146 AKLIMA KHATUN 1326 GEO 217 1127003 SHUVRO AHMMED 1328 GEO 218 1110696 SAYEDUL HASAN 1329 GEO 219 1149835 BISHNU SUTRADHAR 1330 GEO 220 1103633 MD. MAHIN UDDIN 1331 GEO 221 1110024 NYMOUR RAHMAN 1332 GEO 222 1103503 TASKIA AKHTAR 1333 GEO 223 1107704 MD MIZAN MUNSHI 1335 GEO 224 1115438 MD. SUMON AHMED 1336 GEO 225 1133948 TUSHER CHANDRA SINGHA 1337 GEO 226 1108113 MD. SAHIN AKHTER 1338 GEO 227 1118554 MAMUNUR RASHID KHAN 1339 GEO 228 1105255 SHAHNAZ SULTANA 1340 GEO 229 1116548 MD SHOFIUZZAMAN 1341 GEO 230 1109465 A. N. M MASUM BILLAH 1342 GEO 231 1107044 SONJIT MONDOL 1343 GEO 232 1132708 MD. RUHUL AMIN 1344 GEO 233 1143342 CHANDAN SOUROV BISWAS 783 MAT 234 1133130 MD. ABU RAYHAN 801 MAT 235 1122256 A. K.M. NURULLAH JUNAYED 810 MAT 236 1114913 ARIFUL ISLAM 816 MAT 237 1118099 IMRAN HASAN 821 MAT 238 1112147 H. M. JAMEUL HAQUE SARKER 835 MAT 239 1106953 AVISHEK MUHURY 881 MAT 240 1147199 SHEIKH SHIMOMOUR RAHMAN CHOWDH 884 MAT 241 1115892 AB-E-KAWSER 885 MAT 242 1144403 MD. SHAHIDUL ISLAM 894 MAT 243 1103821 BIBHUTI BHUSHAN DAS 897 MAT 244 1107328 MD. LOKMAN GANI 900 MAT 245 1118962 MD. WALIUL ISLAM 902 MAT 246 1118540 MD. SAJU HOSSAIN 906 MAT 247 1111733 SHAFIQUL ISLAM 910 MAT 248 1115164 MD. IJAJ SAYIM 911 MAT 249 1120404 FARZANA AKTER 925 MAT 250 1174874 NUSRAT JAHAN ANIKA 926 MAT 251 1137478 MD. MOSHAROF HOSSAIN 931 MAT 252 1123158 PARTHA SAHA 932 MAT 253 1139907 MOHAMMAD ARIFUL ISLAM 933 MAT 254 1139457 MD. FOZLE RABBI 934 MAT 255 1101931 MD. ABDUR RAZZAK RAZA 935 MAT 256 1173751 ANANDA CHANDRA DEY 936 MAT 257 1171561 JAKIR HASAN 937 MAT 258 1134184 FATEMA TUZ ZOHRA 938 MAT 259 1104841 ABUL BASHAR 939 MAT 260 1138417 SHEIKH ATIYA ISLAM 940 MAT 261 1112000 RAKIBUL HASAN RAJIB 941 MAT 262 1140817 FAHIMA SULTANA 942 MAT 263 1148937 TARIQUL ISLAM 943 MAT 264 1106384 KAMRUL HASAN 945 MAT 265 1135025 MD. SHOHIDUL ISLAM 946 MAT 266 1170053 MD. SAZZADUR RAHMAN 947 MAT 267 1134858 SHAMIM YESDANI 948 MAT 268 1124320 SANJIDA KHANAM TAMANNA 949 MAT 269 1139166 SHAH MD. FUAD HASAN 950 MAT 270 1100079 SYEDA SHIRAJUM MUNIRA 952 MAT 271 1120428 ZUHAYER MAHMUD 953 MAT 272 1140179 MD. MILON SARKAR 955 MAT 273 1121315 BIDISHA GHOSH 956 MAT 274 1104767 MUHAMMAD SHAJJAD HOSSAIN 957 MAT 275 1119091 FARJANA JAHAN NISA 958 MAT 276 1133101 MD. ABDULLAHIL KAFI 960 MAT 277 1133039 IMAM AL FAYED 961 MAT 278 1104461 JOYANTO KUMAR BISWAS 965 MAT 279 1176716 SAMEER ROY 966 MAT 280 1120248 SHUBHA MAJUMDER 970 MAT 281 1122057 MD. MEHEDI HASAN 971 MAT 282 1133199 SABRINA SHAHRIN SHAMMI 972 MAT 283 1107635 MOST. SUMAIYA SOMPA 973 MAT 284 1108210 MD. HASIBUL HASAN 974 MAT 285 1114982 S. M. RAJIB HOSSAIN 975 MAT 286 1144238 S. M. TANVIR RAHMAN 976 MAT 287 1108660 MD. JASHIM UDDIN HAWLADAR 977 MAT 288 1121850 MD. SHAFIUR RAHMAN KHAN 980 MAT 289 1135309 SHIHAB TAUSIK MIZAN ORITH 981 MAT 290 1106319 MD. TAHMIDUR RAHAMAN 982 MAT 291 1142439 SHEKH TAWHID AHMED 983 MAT 292 1177144 SAYEMA ARIF 984 MAT 293 1127847 MD. LATIFUR REZA 986 MAT 294 1128865 MD. ARFAN HOSSAIN 987 MAT 295 1100937 KHANDOKER FOISAL AZAM 989 MAT 296 1143660 ABDUR RAHMAN 990 MAT 297 1121943 MD-ABU RAIHAN 991 MAT 298 1115569 SOHEL RANA 994 MAT 299 1100178 MD. OSMAN GONI 995 MAT 300 1116226 MD. FARID MONDOL 997 MAT 301 1107073 MD. HABIBUL HASAN 998 MAT 302 1129886 MD. ALMAMUN PERVEZ 999 MAT 303 1130654 SHAMS UDDIN 1000 MAT 304 1101891 ISRAT ZAHAN ESTI 1002 MAT 305 1104544 REZWANA AKTAR 1003 MAT 306 1145004 J. M. RASEL HASAN 1005 MAT 307 1133622 MUNTASIR MAMUN SHAFI 1007 MAT 308 1131906 MD. SHARIFUL ISLAM 1008 MAT 309 1109700 PRANGAN MAJUMDER 1009 MAT 310 1120537 MAHMUDUL ALOM POLASH 1011 MAT 311 1135540 MUHTASIM KADIR 1012 MAT 312 1140825 FARIHA TASNIM 1013 MAT 313 1179455 TAREK HASAN 1014 MAT 314 1105424 MD. ANIK AHMED 1016 MAT 315 1128360 MD. MEHFUZUR RAHMAN 1017 MAT 316 1103733 MD. PARAG CHOWDHURY 1018 MAT 317 1140778 MUNIA KHANOM 629 MIC 318 1106642 MD. ISMAIL HOSSAIN 642 MIC 319 1102972 MD. MASHRUKUZZAMAN NAYEM 651 MIC 320 1110257 ZANNATUL NAYEM 755 MIC 321 1110391 MD. IMRAN HOSSAIN 767 MIC 322 1127571 MD. AL-HELAL 768 MIC 323 1127669 G. M. SHAHARIAR 770 MIC 324 1107977 HUMAIUN KABIR 772 MIC 325 1115741 MD. MUSFIQUR RAHMAN 774 MIC 326 1126807 ANANNA SAHA 775 MIC 327 1106154 SUSMOY BHOUMIK PRANTO 777 MIC 328 1118788 MD. FIDA HASAN 778 MIC 329 1114839 PRATIM SAHA 780 MIC 330 1129442 ABDULLAH-AL-MASUD 322 PHA 331 1111533 MD. RABIUL ALAM 444 PHA 332 1126651 RABEYA BASRI 448 PHA 333 1118980 MD. SHAZZAD HOSSAN 535 PHA 334 1144094 NIDHIR CHANDRA DAS 617 PHA 335 1125581 JANNATUL FARDUSH 586 PHY 336 1104894 MD. NAZMUL ISLAM 762 PHY 337 1140359 SAGAR HALDER 766 PHY 338 1120991 MD. SAIFUL ISLAM 773 PHY 339 1128024 ABDULLAH AL MAMUN 776 PHY 340 1113118 TASNUBA BINTE JAMAL 779 PHY 341 1127078 MEHSANUN MASHUD SUHI 781 PHY 342 1105185 UMMEA TAMIMA ZENIA 784 PHY 343 1126770 MD. MOSTAFIZUR RAHAMAN 785 PHY 344 1170940 MD. JAHANGIR ALAM HASAN 786 PHY 345 1132410 MOSTOFA ISMAEEL RAYHAN 788 PHY 346 1110616 MAHMUDUL HASAN 790 PHY 347 1102959 ABDUL AZIZ SHUVO 791 PHY 348 1102124 SADIA AFRIN 792 PHY 349 1103981 MD. ASRAFUL HASAN APU 794 PHY 350 1122008 AFSAR UDDIN 795 PHY 351 1101768 MD. PARVEZUL ISLAM 796 PHY 352 1111732 FAHMIDA KABERY 797 PHY 353 1100435 MD. MOSTAFIZUR RAHMAN 802 PHY 354 1115377 NAYON ACHARYYA 804 PHY 355 1172094 MD. SAMRAT HOSSAIN 805 PHY 356 1128437 MD. MEHEDI HASAN REDOY 806 PHY 357 1114811 ARIFUL ISLAM 807 PHY 358 1116042 DILRUBA HOSSEN 808 PHY 359 1113863 MD. SUMON HOSSEN 809 PHY 360 1117453 SULTANA RAZIA 812 PHY 361 1116908 ARIF AHMED 813 PHY 362 1179001 MUHAMMAD HUMAYUN KABIR 814 PHY 363 1134601 M. A. WAHED 815 PHY 364 1134765 ALI AHSAN ULLAH 817 PHY 365 1125380 MOHAMMAD RAHAT HOSSAIN 819 PHY 366 1128053 MD. SAJJAD HOSSAIN 820 PHY 367 1114170 PIJUSH KARMAKAR 823 PHY 368 1114196 MD. HABIBUR RAHMAN 824 PHY 369 1105480 KHONDOKER ISTIAK AHMAD AYON 825 PHY 370 1112874 AFRANUL QADER OVI 826 PHY 371 1178555 EFFAT NOURIN CHOWDHURY 829 PHY 372 1126679 MD. MONIR HOSSAIN 830 PHY 373 1110483 ASIF HASAN MIM 832 PHY 374 1103446 KAZI ABU RASEL 833 PHY 375 1104911 PRADIPTA BISWAS 834 PHY 376 1112149 MD. TOKI YEASIR 838 PHY 377 1108290 MD. OMAR FARUK 841 PHY 378 1119334 SYED ANISUR RAHMAN 842 PHY 379 1172571 RIMON SARDER 843 PHY 380 1142598 WORTHY RAHMAN 848 PHY 381 1102391 LUTFUN NAHAR PREITY 849 PHY 382 1116266 MD. GOLAM MOULA 852 PHY 383 1174687 SUMAYA AZIZ 853 PHY 384 1115615 DIP KUMAR SAHA 856 PHY 385 1147368 MEHEDI HASAN SUFI 857 PHY 386 1134242 MD. MONIRUZZAMAN 860 PHY 387 1175466 MD. SAJIB 864 PHY 388 1144401 MD FARHAN TANVIR 865 PHY 389 1142853 DOLA DAS 869 PHY 390 1113213 MD. RIAD HOSSAIN 871 PHY 391 1116980 MD. MEHEDI HASAN 872 PHY 392 1129410 AHSHANUL HOQE 873 PHY 393 1144695 MD. FIRDAUS HOSSAIN 874 PHY 394 1110061 MD. ABUL HASNAT 877 PHY 395 1103159 MD. ABDUL WADUD 878 PHY 396 1121119 RANA HOSSAIN 880 PHY 397 1146258 FARIA AZAD 822 PSY 398 1131547 ISHRAQUE BIN KHALIL 882 PSY 399 1105718 AHSANUL HAQUE MAHIN 916 PSY 400 1115192 MD. SHEHAB UDDIN RICU 924 PSY 401 1136828 MD. SARWAR HOSSAIN 996 PSY 402 1103383 MD. SADDAM HOSSAIN 1025 PSY 403 1138596 KABERY RANI SARKER 1052 PSY 404 1111712 MD. ROKIBUL ISLAM 1054 PSY 405 1143198 MOHAMMAD ZESANUR RAHMAN 1056 PSY 406 1102866 TASLIMA AKTER 1107 PSY 407 1116257 BADRUNNESSA KHAN 1108 PSY 408 1100295 MD. IBRAHIM ALI 1126 PSY 409 1109627 TAHMINA AKTER 1131 PSY 410 1101440 JASIF RAHMAN SHARDAR 1147 PSY 411 1135175 MD. AZIZUL ISLAM 1153 PSY 412 1119461 HABIBUR RAHMAN KHAN 1181 PSY 413 1132360 TANJINA TAHER 1185 PSY 414 1110370 IFTEKHAR IBN MASUD 1196 PSY 415 1122585 MD. MAINUL ABRAR 1199 PSY 416 1111964 SHUZAUDDIN AHMMED 1206 PSY 417 1143954 MASHILA MAHBUB TOMA 1213 PSY 418 1145789 NASRIN SULTANA 1230 PSY 419 1103498 NAEEM MD. SAMI 1256 PSY 420 1127327 FOJLA RAHMAN 1263 PSY 421 1129503 BIROL ROY 1270 PSY 422 1119923 TONOY KUMAR MONDAL 1281 PSY 423 1170700 BIJAY KUMAR NATH 1295 PSY 424 1102806 MD. TUSHER HASAN 1297 PSY 425 1143857 MD. AFZAL HOSSAIN 1300 PSY 426 1113908 MD. RADIFUL ALAM 1301 PSY 427 1116910 IFFAT ARA JASMIN 1302 PSY 428 1132730 ASHIK KHANDAKER 1305 PSY 429 1145581 FARIHA ISLAM 1309 PSY 430 1148645 HARIPADA CHANDRA DAS 1345 PSY 431 1128461 SUSHMITA ROY 1346 PSY 432 1125939 FOWZIA TASNIM 1347 PSY 433 1100798 UMMEHANI RIA 1348 PSY 434 1138090 MD. RAGIB AHSAN 1349 PSY 435 1105260 MD. OSMAN GONI 1350 PSY 436 1103311 MD. MAMUNUR RASHAID 1351 PSY 437 1119911 FARHANA HAQUE 1352 PSY 438 1146545 N. M. ARIFUL ISLAM 1353 PSY 439 1177006 JAHID HASAN 1355 PSY 440 1115124 SUMAYA AFRIN 1356 PSY 441 1107176 ABUSHAMA 1357 PSY 442 1177792 MD. ROWNAK HOSSAIN CHOWDHURY 1358 PSY 443 1103475 KHURSHEDA AKTER 1359 PSY 444 1143299 FARIHA AFRIN MUSTAFA 1360 PSY 445 1100636 SAMIRA JARIN KHAN 1361 PSY 446 1102361 ABDULLAH AL NOMAN 1362 PSY 447 1100904 DEWAN MAHBUB HOQUE 1363 PSY 448 1128990 K. M.KAMRUL ISLAM TAREQ 1364 PSY 449 1112721 MD. HOSSAIN AHMED 1365 PSY 450 1113200 MD. SEFAT E MAHADI 1366 PSY 451 1139303 ADEEB BIN ISLAM 1367 PSY 452 1133850 IMROSE MOHAMMAD 1368 PSY 453 1104865 MD. SHAKIBUR RAHAMAN CHOWDHURY 1369 PSY 454 1111914 PROTIK PAUL 1371 PSY 455 1116159 JAKIR HOSSEN 1372 PSY 456 1107242 ZAHIDUL ISLAM 1373 PSY 457 1102497 FARZANA ISLAM ADIBA 1374 PSY 458 1128185 MD. DELOAR HOSSEN 1375 PSY 459 1105862 NAJNIN AKTER NIVA 1376 PSY 460 1125364 ANUSREE SARKAR 1377 PSY 461 1102885 SHATABDI HOSSAIN 1378 PSY 462 1128135 DURJOY GHOSH 1379 PSY 463 1170968 ANIK ROY 1380 PSY 464 1112307 MD. NURA. ALAM UZZAL 1381 PSY 465 1176063 MD. EMAMUL KABIR 769 STA 466 1106715 KRISHNA KANTA ROY 840 STA 467 1110285 MD. HARUN UR RASID 851 STA 468 1115405 MUFRAT MOHAMMAD NASIMUL HAQUE 858 STA 469 1146157 MD. MEHEDI HASAN JOY 867 STA 470 1149551 MD. NAJMUL HASAN NAHID 868 STA 471 1170976 SHAMIMA AKTER NILA 930 STA 472 1132614 MD. BAZLUR RASHID SAZOL 967 STA 473 1124393 SUMONA SHOBNOM 968 STA 474 1106558 MOHAMMAD SABBIR HOSSAIN 985 STA 475 1114430 MD. ABU SYED 988 STA 476 1109911 TAYEABA JANNAT 993 STA 477 1103749 MD. RAFAYEL BISHAL 1006 STA 478 1172820 JUBAIDA JAMAL JOYA 1010 STA 479 1104299 MD. SHOVONUR RAHMAN 1015 STA 480 1116622 MD. ROBIN SARKAR 1019 STA 481 1147875 MD. RABBI HASAN 1021 STA 482 1101742 ZAKIA AKTER 1022 STA 483 1108386 MD. TOFAYEL AHMED 1023 STA 484 1100597 ABDULLAH AL MAMUN 1026 STA 485 1147533 NUR SHADIA 1027 STA 486 1172114 AL-MAHAMUD JOY 1033 STA 487 1145606 MD. HASNATE RABBI 1035 STA 488 1101967 BIJOY PAUL 1037 STA 489 1101806 MD. MOSIUR RAHMAN 1039 STA 490 1118000 MD. SHAKIL AL KAJEM MONDAL 1040 STA 491 1141258 RAIHAN AHAMED 1043 STA 492 1112634 HASIBUL HASAN DEW 1046 STA 493 1143347 SHAILAN CHANDRA DASH 1051 STA 494 1130958 SHAHRIAR KHAN 1053 STA 495 1117197 MD. MONJORUL ISLAM 1059 STA 496 1119342 MD ARIFUL ISLAM 1061 STA 497 1108192 MD. JOYNAL ABEDIN 1062 STA 498 1111724 DIPTA SAHA 1064 STA 499 1102639 MD. SHARFUDDIN 1067 STA 500 1140560 MD. FAZLA RABBY 1068 STA 501 1100374 MD. NASIR. UDDIN 1069 STA 502 1112886 SHEGUFTA ZAHAN SUMAIYA 1072 STA 503 1133241 MOAZZAM HOSSAIN 1074 STA 504 1132072 MD. SAZZIL HOSSAIN 1075 STA 505 1130272 MD. RAUFUN IMRAN SHAHID 1082 STA 506 1128550 TANVIR HASAN 1083 STA 507 1106287 SHARMIN SULTANA TANIA 1086 STA 508 1137759 MD. ENAMUL HAQUE 1089 STA 509 1138355 PRITISH GHARAMI 1090 STA 510 1104290 KAISER M MOHAIMEN 1094 STA 511 1122115 UMMAY SALMA 1095 STA 512 1103142 MD. ABU AHAD REJA 1096 STA 513 1172805 MAMNUN-UL-ALAM 1097 STA 514 1104848 SABBIR AHMAD 1098 STA 515 1136192 TAHMID ANJUM ABIR 1099 STA 516 1139809 REBEKA SHULTANA RUPA 1100 STA 517 1115572 YEASIN ARAFAT 1101 STA 518 1136759 MD. SANAULLAH 1103 STA 519 1175099 AKIKUL HAQUE CHOWDHURY 1104 STA 520 1107889 LABIBA ALAM 1112 STA 521 1101941 FAHMIDA MAHJABIN 1116 STA 522 1125297 MD. SHAHIDUL ISLAM 1117 STA 523 1101209 TAMANNA MOLLA TANNI 1118 STA 524 1122180 TIMIR KUMAR SAHA 1119 STA 525 1100579 TANIA AFRIN 1123 STA 526 1102640 SARUAR ALAM 1124 STA 527 1101924 BIKASH CHANDRA HALDER 1127 STA 528 1116100 MD. SHAHINUR ISLAM 1128 STA 529 1146214 MD. KOWSAR HAMID 1130 STA 530 1101866 MD. ALHAZ HOSSEN 1132 STA 531 1117023 BILLAL MIAH 1135 STA 532 1108644 JAHIDUR RAHMAN 1137 STA 533 1126447 MD. ABDULLAH AL-IMRAN 1138 STA 534 1179548 S. M.ABU NAYEM 1139 STA 535 1107362 MOHAMMAD ULLAH 1140 STA 536 1131353 NUR MOHAMMAD 1141 STA 537 1119210 MD. MEHEDI HASAN 1142 STA 538 1109823 MD. MAHFUZUL ISLAM 1144 STA 539 1138105 SABBIR AHMED 1145 STA 540 1111804 MD. HUMAYUN KABIR NAYON 787 ZOO 541 1117800 IMTIAZ AHMED 799 ZOO 542 1100969 MD. TAHMUDUL HASAN TAREQ 811 ZOO 543 1143218 MD. ABU SAYEED 831 ZOO 544 1100333 MD. AMINUL ISLAM 859 ZOO 545 1172961 AKIBUL HASSAN HOWLADER 904 ZOO 546 1123696 MD. ABUJAR GIFARY 905 ZOO 547 1129498 SUDIPTA DATTA 927 ZOO 548 1114636 RIFAH TASNIMA 951 ZOO 549 1115312 MD. LIKHON MIA 954 ZOO 550 1124053 PALLAB KUMAR DAS 962 ZOO 551 1101554 NISHAT TASNIM 963 ZOO 552 1104964 MD. ANAETH ULLAH RAFI 969 ZOO 553 1174386 GAZI AZAZ AHMMED SOHAN 978 ZOO 554 1140296 RUMANA ZANNAT SUCHI 992 ZOO 555 1141449 ANIK KUMAR MOULIK 1024 ZOO 556 1110172 SHUVO KUMAR MONDOL 1028 ZOO 557 1117105 MD. SOHAG HOSSAIN 1030 ZOO 558 1120686 TASKIRA ISLAM HOIMONTEE 1031 ZOO 559 1116284 MD. SOUROV AL HASAN 1032 ZOO 560 1122468 SUSHMA CHAKROBORTTY 1034 ZOO 561 1139489 MD. NAYEEM ABDULLAH SIDDIQUI 1036 ZOO 562 1147772 IRFANUL HASAN RAFI 1041 ZOO 563 1170987 FARHANA RASHID 1042 ZOO 564 1103025 ABU. SAYEM 1044 ZOO 565 1107103 ABU NASIM HAIDER 1045 ZOO 566 1123903 HADID AHMED NOOR 1047 ZOO 567 1140407 TAMANNA BINTE ARFAN 1055 ZOO 568 1111645 MD. NAYAMUL HOSSAIN 1057 ZOO 569 1121130 MD. OMAR ALI 1060 ZOO 570 1110207 RIPON PAUL 1063 ZOO 571 1137143 MD. RAJON HOSSAIN 1066 ZOO 572 1104252 SAIMA BINTA SATTER 1070 ZOO 573 1102035 DURJOY KHAN PRANTO 1073 ZOO 574 1134199 MD. GOLAM RAFE 1076 ZOO 575 1101336 MD. NAZRUL ISLAM 1077 ZOO 576 1120838 MD. ABDUS SAMAD 1079 ZOO 577 1109425 JENARUL ISLAM 1081 ZOO 578 1118949 HUMAIRA JIM 1084 ZOO 579 1114916 TAREKUL ISLAM 1087 ZOO 580 1136930 MASHQURA RAHMAN MOON 1088 ZOO 581 1105891 MOHAMMAD ALI SIDDIKY 1091 ZOO 582 1124887 AINUNNAHAR 1092 ZOO 583 1131958 ZARIN TASNIM 1093 ZOO 584 1131493 SHAMMI AKTER 1102 ZOO 585 1112442 HASHEM ALI 1105 ZOO 586 1139124 SAIKAT MIA 1106 ZOO 587 1105322 MD. NAZRUL ISLAM 1109 ZOO 588 1117891 KAZI TASNIM AHMED 1110 ZOO 589 1107401 ANANNA RAHMAN 1114 ZOO 590 1147748 JOYANTICA DAS 1115 ZOO 591 1111983 ASHIQUZZAMAN 1120 ZOO 592 1125471 MD. MARUF HASAN TOHIN 1122 ZOO 593 1171074 ASHRAF AHMED 1148 ZOO 594 1121741 MD. IBRAHIM 1149 ZOO 595 1134155 MD. TAIFUR RAHMAN 1150 ZOO 596 1107794 SOJIB CHANDRA SARKER 1151 ZOO 597 1129279 ASHIK CHOWDHURY 1152 ZOO 598 1144931 SYIDULISLAM 1155 ZOO 599 1144858 NAHIM HOSSAIN 1156 ZOO 600 1116655 MD. MIZANUZZAMAN KHAN 1157 ZOO 601 1138162 ALIN ISLAM 1158 ZOO 602 1146202 MD. JAKER HOSSAIN 1159 ZOO 603 1124637 NOMAN MOSTOFA 1161 ZOO 604 1137875 SOURAV KUMAR PAUL 1162 ZOO 605 1136542 WALID MAHMUD 1163 ZOO 606 1122782 APON SARKER MONISHA 1166 ZOO 607 1118177 SAIDUR RAHMAN 1167 ZOO 608 1102143 RAHAT AMIN 1168 ZOO 609 1109068 MD SHOHAG KHAN 1169 ZOO 610 1142879 TAHMID AHMOD 1171 ZOO 611 1114969 FARIHA AHMED 1172 ZOO 612 1135267 MD. JUWEL RANA 1173 ZOO 613 1101222 NABILA BILKIS SHOVA 1174 ZOO 614 1108998 ILLEN BINTA MUKSUD 1175 ZOO 615 1119274 MOHAMMAD ARIQUL AZFAR ADNAN 1176 ZOO 616 1114356 KAZI MUSHFIQUE MOHIB 1177 ZOO 617 1137210 MD. MOHI UDDIN KHAN 1179 ZOO 618 1106905 MD. SHAFIQUL ISLAM 1180 ZOO Timeline Photos Share this picture to help her and parents thanx Sabet - Read more. , ----- Mohit Ur Rahman Shanto Sultan Mirza Ashiq Rono Md Hassan Anoy Mukherjee Ahammad Jamal Apan Rahman Biplob Kumar Dey Ahmad Ali Sikder Alamgir Hossain Haque Mozammel Liton Chandraroy Sabiqun Nahar Pakhi Moktel H. Mukthi Alfa Prince Kamrul Hasan Shivly Anwar Dipak Kumar Banik Dipu Rupkotha Das Sultana Yeasmin Shameem H Chowdhury Md Jafar Khan Tahmina Shahid Rita Roy Mithu Kohale Quddus Mukti Bappy Haven Michale Chowdhury Shuvo Paul Mominul Ahsan Mohiuddin Sikder Lipu Md Nazim Uddin Nayan Abdul Majed Gazi Zahid Dil War Hanif Bablu Ataur Rahman Khan Nurul Islam Nasrin Akhter Kumkum Tuhin Nayeem Harun Rashid Jinat Marzan Shahidul Alam G M Hera Bachu Hasan Bin Bangla Razwanul Karim Ahmed Feroz Abu Yousuf Choudhury Arup Biswas Noor Muhammad Salahuddin Ripon Fuad Adnan Bin Jamal Rengcheng John M Ahsanul Hoque M Kafil Uddin Suprio Chandra Das Sami Joti Jahangir Alam Pothom Dakha. Babul Chandra Paul Taj Champion Bcl Narail Uzzal Kumar Km Azam Ashikul Bari Imran Ikram Mridha Kh Shamrat Khaleda Akand Peaceful Boy Uzzal Monir Ahmed Sabet Ullah Rafiul Karim Azib Ullah Nil Sarker Fahim Saharir Ananto Anamul Hoque Khan Idris Rahman Ratan Majumder Abdullah Harun Jewel Saikat Cool Al-Amin Babu Saifur R. Mishu Pensive Humayun Saha Gowrab Saha Zitu Khondoker Mizanur Rahaman Nayon Sayed Apu Ukil Nuruzzaman Khokon Khokon Subrata Sarker Sowmen Boss Saif Jhalak . Shuvo Chakraborty . Anwara Sultana . Shafiqul Islam Kazal . Nurul Abedin Kawsar Hussain Joy Khan Mohammad Ali Linkon Mollah Khorshed Alam Alam Shah Salim Reza Azmol Hossain . Muhammad Mra . MD Udoy Hossain . Gulzar Ahmed Shabel MD Sabbir Hossen . Asif Ahmed . Kalponik Babu . Abdur Razzak Farazi . Sushanto Sarker . Zahirul Islam Shahriar Siddiqee Mohiuddin Sohel . Engr Hanif Mridha . Jahangir Shikder . Rafiqul Hassan Rasel Farjana Sharmin Moushumi Gnanendra Chanda Shahidur Rahman Aditya Nandi Debasish Biswas Shanto Nazmul Mahesh Babu Afsana Ila Ila Ali Mortuza Next Jomraj Sonar Bangla Mahbub Rahman Babu Ashiqur Rahman Syeed Rahman . . Engr Shahid Sheikh . Sabina Tuhin Mp . Sarker Abul Kalam Azad . Abdur Razzak . M Kabirul Islam Akash. Jalal Hawlader . Shafiqulislam Hobby Wahab Babu Sarkar Md. Rafat Rupen Acharya Shafiqul Islam Wares Ahmad Babu . Sharifur Rahman Babu . Md Monir . Feroz Manna Tofaiel Ahmed . Saddam Hossain . Nirjhar Roy Chowdhury . Toriqul Rinqu - . - , - Read more. , ----- Mohit Ur Rahman Shanto Sultan Mirza Ashiq Rono Md Hassan Anoy Mukherjee Ahammad Jamal Apan Rahman Biplob Kumar Dey Ahmad Ali Sikder Alamgir Hossain Haque Mozammel Liton Chandraroy Sabiqun Nahar Pakhi Moktel H. Mukthi Alfa Prince Kamrul Hasan Shivly Anwar Dipak Kumar Banik Dipu Rupkotha Das Sultana Yeasmin Shameem H Chowdhury Md Jafar Khan Tahmina Shahid Rita Roy Mithu Kohale Quddus Mukti Bappy Haven Michale Chowdhury Shuvo Paul Mominul Ahsan Mohiuddin Sikder Lipu Md Nazim Uddin Nayan Abdul Majed Gazi Zahid Dil War Hanif Bablu Ataur Rahman Khan Nurul Islam Nasrin Akhter Kumkum Tuhin Nayeem Harun Rashid Jinat Marzan Shahidul Alam G M Hera Bachu Hasan Bin Bangla Razwanul Karim Ahmed Feroz Abu Yousuf Choudhury Arup Biswas Noor Muhammad Salahuddin Ripon Fuad Adnan Bin Jamal Rengcheng John M Ahsanul Hoque M Kafil Uddin Suprio Chandra Das Sami Joti Jahangir Alam Pothom Dakha. Babul Chandra Paul Taj Champion Bcl Narail Uzzal Kumar Km Azam Ashikul Bari Imran Ikram Mridha Kh Shamrat Khaleda Akand Peaceful Boy Uzzal Monir Ahmed Sabet Ullah Rafiul Karim Azib Ullah Nil Sarker Fahim Saharir Ananto Anamul Hoque Khan Idris Rahman Ratan Majumder Abdullah Harun Jewel Saikat Cool Al-Amin Babu Saifur R. Mishu Pensive Humayun Saha Gowrab Saha Zitu Khondoker Mizanur Rahaman Nayon Sayed Apu Ukil Nuruzzaman Khokon Khokon Subrata Sarker Sowmen Boss Saif Jhalak . Shuvo Chakraborty . Anwara Sultana . Shafiqul Islam Kazal . Nurul Abedin Kawsar Hussain Joy Khan Mohammad Ali Linkon Mollah Khorshed Alam Alam Shah Salim Reza Azmol Hossain . Muhammad Mra . MD Udoy Hossain . Gulzar Ahmed Shabel MD Sabbir Hossen . Asif Ahmed . Kalponik Babu . Abdur Razzak Farazi . Sushanto Sarker . Zahirul Islam Shahriar Siddiqee Mohiuddin Sohel . Engr Hanif Mridha . Jahangir Shikder . Rafiqul Hassan Rasel Farjana Sharmin Moushumi Gnanendra Chanda Shahidur Rahman Aditya Nandi Debasish Biswas Shanto Nazmul Mahesh Babu Afsana Ila Ila Ali Mortuza Next Jomraj Sonar Bangla Mahbub Rahman Babu Ashiqur Rahman Syeed Rahman . . Engr Shahid Sheikh . Sabina Tuhin Mp . Sarker Abul Kalam Azad . Abdur Razzak . M Kabirul Islam Akash. Jalal Hawlader . Shafiqulislam Hobby Wahab Babu Sarkar Md. Rafat Rupen Acharya Shafiqul Islam Wares Ahmad Babu . Sharifur Rahman Babu . Md Monir . Feroz Manna Tofaiel Ahmed . Saddam Hossain . Nirjhar Roy Chowdhury . Toriqul Rinqu - . - , Shafiqul - Read more. , ----- Mohit Ur Rahman Shanto Sultan Mirza Ashiq Rono Md Hassan Anoy Mukherjee Ahammad Jamal Apan Rahman Biplob Kumar Dey Ahmad Ali Sikder Alamgir Hossain Haque Mozammel Liton Chandraroy Sabiqun Nahar Pakhi Moktel H. Mukthi Alfa Prince Kamrul Hasan Shivly Anwar Dipak Kumar Banik Dipu Rupkotha Das Sultana Yeasmin Shameem H Chowdhury Md Jafar Khan Tahmina Shahid Rita Roy Mithu Kohale Quddus Mukti Bappy Haven Michale Chowdhury Shuvo Paul Mominul Ahsan Mohiuddin Sikder Lipu Md Nazim Uddin Nayan Abdul Majed Gazi Zahid Dil War Hanif Bablu Ataur Rahman Khan Nurul Islam Nasrin Akhter Kumkum Tuhin Nayeem Harun Rashid Jinat Marzan Shahidul Alam G M Hera Bachu Hasan Bin Bangla Razwanul Karim Ahmed Feroz Abu Yousuf Choudhury Arup Biswas Noor Muhammad Salahuddin Ripon Fuad Adnan Bin Jamal Rengcheng John M Ahsanul Hoque M Kafil Uddin Suprio Chandra Das Sami Joti Jahangir Alam Pothom Dakha. Babul Chandra Paul Taj Champion Bcl Narail Uzzal Kumar Km Azam Ashikul Bari Imran Ikram Mridha Kh Shamrat Khaleda Akand Peaceful Boy Uzzal Monir Ahmed Sabet Ullah Rafiul Karim Azib Ullah Nil Sarker Fahim Saharir Ananto Anamul Hoque Khan Idris Rahman Ratan Majumder Abdullah Harun Jewel Saikat Cool Al-Amin Babu Saifur R. Mishu Pensive Humayun Saha Gowrab Saha Zitu Khondoker Mizanur Rahaman Nayon Sayed Apu Ukil Nuruzzaman Khokon Khokon Subrata Sarker Sowmen Boss Saif Jhalak . Shuvo Chakraborty . Anwara Sultana . Shafiqul Islam Kazal . Nurul Abedin Kawsar Hussain Joy Khan Mohammad Ali Linkon Mollah Khorshed Alam Alam Shah Salim Reza Azmol Hossain . Muhammad Mra . MD Udoy Hossain . Gulzar Ahmed Shabel MD Sabbir Hossen . Asif Ahmed . Kalponik Babu . Abdur Razzak Farazi . Sushanto Sarker . Zahirul Islam Shahriar Siddiqee Mohiuddin Sohel . Engr Hanif Mridha . Jahangir Shikder . Rafiqul Hassan Rasel Farjana Sharmin Moushumi Gnanendra Chanda Shahidur Rahman Aditya Nandi Debasish Biswas Shanto Nazmul Mahesh Babu Afsana Ila Ila Ali Mortuza Next Jomraj Sonar Bangla Mahbub Rahman Babu Ashiqur Rahman Syeed Rahman . . Engr Shahid Sheikh . Sabina Tuhin Mp . Sarker Abul Kalam Azad . Abdur Razzak . M Kabirul Islam Akash. Jalal Hawlader . Shafiqulislam Hobby Wahab Babu Sarkar Md. Rafat Rupen Acharya Shafiqul Islam Wares Ahmad Babu . Sharifur Rahman Babu . Md Monir . Feroz Manna Tofaiel Ahmed . Saddam Hossain . Nirjhar Roy Chowdhury . Toriqul Rinqu - - , Sourav Out of sight is out of mind. I dont believe this Rhl moga. matro 110 jn online a. Koushik Saha Sandip Dey Sdy Pritika Dey Kushal Chakraborty Pritam Rudra Paul Sky Blue DebaSmita Sarkar Bipasha Chowdhury RiYa Saha SubhaJit Prince Banik Anamika Debbarman Rakesh Paul Barnali Paul Paul Shamu Subhankar Read more. Sriyashi Acharya Staylen Debnath Raju Welson Debusree Datta Dipa Das Suman Deb More Friends Abhi Jeet Banik Abhijit Modak Adi AmAn Biswas Amin Khan Ananya Roy Chowdhury Apu Bhowmik Arindam Chakraborty Arup Sarkar Ashim Sutradhar Bijoy Debnath Bikram Deb Bindu Dey Bishal Singh Biswanath Karmakar Bjy Roy Kapur Crezy Priyanka Das Prasenjit Debasish Saha Dipankar Das Dipika Moon Chakraborty Dx Dx Prasen DsT hL Shbh Evilz Whiz Amit Gaurika Saha Humane Biraj Ishita Datta Joy Deb Ghosh Joy Dip Kishan Saha Knl hng Mimo Debnath Moon Sarkar Must Be Prakash Nandini DS Pinak Pani Ghosh Pj Pritam Prabir Nath Prajna Chakraborty Prasenjit Sarkar Pratik Dtta Prince Rudra Pritm Rudr Sh Puja Chakraborty Rahul D Punk Rahul Dey Raj Deep Rajat RZ Paul Rajdeep Saha Rajesh Saha Rajib Shil Rajon Ghosh Rani Roy Ranjan Barman Ranjan Sarkar Rdx Tutan Rickey Saha Rima Das Ritesh Jain Rohaan Saha Rohan K Sharma Ruman Sarkar Rhul Hgd Sad Rahul Sagarika Chakraborty Samrat Ghosh Satisfy Kaushik Gupta ShauKeens Boy Deep Shivam Bhowmik Shubhajit Das Shubhankar Datta Sid Saha Sombuddha Debnath Soumen Dey Subham Banik Subham Saha Subhrajit Deb Sujoy Saha Sumit Deb Nath Suvajit Chakraborty Suvam Saha TaNu MOy SaHa Tanmoy Roy Troublesome DEb Ur Hrt Rahul Vishal Dey Ywr Besty Birat Ywr Prience Kishan bhijit Banik wr Hrt Subham i Sh Al v P Chittagong A1 -- ( ) Freedom Fighter (Son/Daughter) Quota (FFQ1 Read more. ) SL Roll Name Score 1 08907 MD. ASHRAFUL ALAM 79 2 07538 TANZINA FERDOUS 73.25 3 00525 BIBI AYSHA RIMA 72.75 4 08121 MD. HASANUL HAQUE 72 5 05339 MD. FAKHRUL ALAM 71.29 6 13055 MD. SHAHADAT HOSSAIN 70.75 7 00226 MUBASHIR MURSHED 70.26 8 11237 MIR MOHAMMAD FOKRUL ISLAM 69.5 9 13418 MD. FAHIM ISTEHAD 68.43 10 16126 BASIRUL FAHAD CHOWDHURY 67.8 11 07729 CHOWDHURY JUNAYED MAHMUD ABRAR 67.75 12 07356 MD. SIRAZUL HAQUE 66.55 13 05101 MD. JAKARIA AHAMMED 66.25 14 08828 MOHAMMED SAZZED ANAM 65.57 15 08862 MOHAMMAD BABUL 65 16 09262 MD. MAHMUDUL HASAN 64.85 17 07995 GOLUM RABBY 64 18 07337 ABDULLAH AL KAWSAR 63.72 19 04485 MD. SIRAJUL MOSTAFA CHY. 63.7 20 08827 MD. HASANUL KARIM 63.08 21 04504 SHARMIN MUSTARY NAZU 61 22 05364 IFTEQAR HASSAN 60.75 23 07423 MD. SHAHRIA ABSAR AYAN 60 24 05607 MAHFUJA ZAMAN MILVA 59.81 25 15469 MST. FATIMA 59.5 26 13225 MEHERUN NESA 59.25 27 07562 IFAT NUR DIBBO 59.25 28 11070 KAZI JAHIDUL ISLAM 59.19 29 15865 WAZAHAT ULLAH 58.75 30 00769 RIAZUL HAKIM CHOWDHURY 58.55 31 01681 MD. ANISUR RAHMAN MOHISEN 58.55 32 15234 NADIA MONIRA 58.28 33 09729 REZA-E-ALAM DOSTOGIR 58.13 34 11951 MD. RUHUL AMIN 57.53 35 07078 MD. IMRAN HOSSAIN 56.03 36 07717 TANZIMA AKTER TANIA 56.01 37 09887 MD. SOURAV MIAH 55.56 38 15002 MD. SHAJJAD HOSSAIN 55.55 39 03245 SAMIA FARHANA 55.54 40 02991 MUNIRA REZA 55.22 41 00464 SATIRU BILLAH 54.88 42 05188 A. R.M IKHTEAR UDDIN 54.81 43 04951 SHADMAN SAKIB 54.28 44 10869 MOKSODUR RAHMAN 54.12 45 00163 MD. AKTARUZZAMAN BABU 51.45 Freedom Fighter (Grand Son/Daughter) Quota (FFQ2) SL Roll Name Score 1 08098 NAIMA SULTANA ALAM SUPTI. 83.75 2 06956 JINIA SHAILA JAHAN 82.25 3 05367 MD. MASUD RANA 81.75 4 13198 JABED HOSSEN EMON 79.5 5 04566 MD. WASIUN NABI 77.5 6 05444 MD. MIN-HA-ZUL ABEDIN 75.03 7 07317 MOHAMMAD ROICH UDDIN 73.02 8 08072 LUTFUN NAHAR 72.58 9 15189 MD. HOSSAIN SHOHIDULLAH FAHIM 71.75 10 15222 FARHAN AL MUHIB 70.01 11 02075 ISRAT JAHAN EVA 69.5 12 07475 MALIHA BINTE MAMUN 69.45 13 08429 ANIKA MEHEJABIN 67.06 14 15292 SAJIN AHMED 67 15 03314 NUSRAT JAHAN SULTANA 65.94 16 05933 TANMAY GHOSH 65.76 17 15421 TANBIN ZAMAN 65.5 18 10922 JONAYET HOSSAIN 64.78 19 06228 FOYSAL AHMED EMON 64.75 20 08621 TAHRIMA HOSSAIN 64.5 21 07388 SILVIA AKTER 64.3 22 11008 SETU CHOWDHURY 64.25 23 05593 RASHIQUE FARHAN 63.75 24 06655 ROYSUL ISLAM OMAR 63.48 25 02311 ARZU AKTER SHERMIN 63 26 08210 FAHAD IBNE JAHIR 63 27 12896 MD. ASIFUL ISLAM MAZUMDER 62.75 28 12780 MD IMRAN HOSSAIN 62.25 29 08272 PRANTIKA BHOWMIK 61.78 30 01362 NUSRAT AFRIN. 61.32 31 05921 DIPA ROY 61.27 32 12400 MOHAMMAD SHAHED IQBAL 60.5 33 14048 SABIHA FERDOUS 60.5 34 05397 ZUBAYER HOSSAIN 60.27 35 12977 MD. MAHAMUDUL HASSAN 60.25 36 10554 MD. ATIKUL HAQUE RANA 60.11 37 00723 MOHAMMAD ABIRUL ISLAM JISAN 58.82 38 04477 TANJILA MUNALISA 58.77 39 14539 NURUL MOMIN 58.57 40 13854 MD MUFAZZAL HOSSAIN 57.75 41 00503 MD. NAIMUR RAHMAN 57.59 42 07515 MD. SHARIAR KABIR SAIKOT 57.58 43 09714 MD. MOINUL ISLAM 57.25 44 15323 SONCHITA AKTER SHAILA 57.13 45 11067 MD. ABU NOMAN BHUIYAN 57.06 46 04378 SEEMANTA DAS 55.81 47 02552 MD. MOSHARAF HOSSEN 55.62 48 08688 IMRAN AHMED 55.28 49 05410 MORSHEDUL ALAM 55 50 10749 FARJANA YASMIN 55 51 00275 JARIN TASNIM NISHA 54.54 52 13101 MD. ABU HANIF 54.53 53 11037 KANIS FATEMA 54.4 54 04498 MD. SHAHEDZZAMAN SHAHED 54.32 55 12478 MD. SHAZZAD HOSSAN CHOWDHURY 53.58 56 00205 KAZI TANZILA JAHAN DISHA 53.09 57 01189 RAJAUL HAQUE 52.45 Ward Quota (WQ) SL Roll Name Score 1 00485 FARJANA JAHAN TAMANNA 74.25 2 11847 NABILA NAWSHIN 73.75 3 01613 ARSHIANA SHAMIR 67.4 4 00330 IFATH ARA 65.61 5 05820 FABIHA TAFANNUM 64.04 6 01449 NILOY BARUA 63.54 7 00070 NASRIN NAHAR 57.9 8 01357 ROKIA FAIZA 57.33 9 00570 FAHMIDA BINTE BASHER 55.07 10 02498 MUHAMMAD IKRAM HOSSAIN 53.98 11 01175 ISRANA TASNEEM 53.34 Tribal Quota (TQ) SL Roll Name Score 1 00012 RIPON MARMA 75 2 05020 RIMI CHAKMA 70.25 3 00768 TONMOY CHAK 69.91 4 08843 UKING WONG MARMA 69.02 5 01589 NIBIR CHAKMA 67.1 6 04593 KRA SHWEE NU 66.54 7 09500 MIM HAJONG 64.82 8 08135 MONG TING WONG MARMA 64.23 9 03750 AKHI RONGDI 62 10 02385 SUMITA CHAKMA 62 11 03107 JUHI CHAKMA 61.27 12 02709 ETAMONI CHAKMA 59.9 13 01520 ARPAN CHAKMA 59.17 14 06545 UKYAWON MARMA 59.04 15 03461 TRIRATNA CHAKMA 58.76 16 03612 KAY KAY SHAIN MARMA 58.75 17 04249 BINOY JOYTI CHAKMA 58.05 18 09254 NEA JAW RAKHINE 57.96 19 02892 RUMEN CHAKMA 57.93 20 04897 MAUCHING MARMA 57.34 21 05878 IRIS CHAKMA 57.25 22 11408 MONGSAIMARMA 55.83 23 03208 HITA CHAKMA 55.3 24 00993 KALLYAN CHAKMA 54.49 25 10597 SURESH TRIPURA 52.96 26 00140 ROLI DEWAN 52.64 Non-Tribal Quota (NTQ) SL Roll Name Score 1 11275 JANNATUL FERDAUS 82.59 2 05123 SHAON SAHA 76.02 3 07621 PRANTA DAS 75.5 4 02779 TASLIMA AKTER SIFAT 72.26 5 07260 MD. JALAL UDDIN 72.25 6 13959 MOHAMMED IMRAN HOSEN 71.84 7 07180 SANJOY DEY 71.67 8 05465 EVOY CHOWDHURY 70.85 9 03192 TAGAR CHOWDHURY 70.76 10 15929 FAHIM AFRAD 70.25 11 08317 MD. SHAJAHAN MONNA 68.75 12 08807 JONI PAUL 66.94 13 07142 MD. NAZMUL ABEDIN 66.93 14 08493 MD. MASHOD RANA 66.73 15 08297 MUMTAHIN AHAMMED 63.75 16 08601 MARIAM AKTHER 63.53 17 02246 SATYAJIT CHOWDHURY 63.25 18 01675 SIDRATUL MONTAHA 63.09 19 01980 MD NASIR UDDIN 62.76 20 06377 KHAIRUN NAHAR SWEETY 62.68 21 06331 MUNIRA HAQUE 62.55 22 04038 PIYAL BARUA 62.31 23 01728 ABDULLA AL MAHMUD 62.06 24 15109 SHAPLA DAS 61.81 25 07253 SIFAT ULLAH TASNIM 61.5 26 09648 UMMAY KULSUM SHAKILA 60.34 27 12508 ABDULLAH MAHMUD PAMEL 60.25 28 05901 MUHAMMAD MAHBUBUR RAHMAN 60.06 29 03158 ANIK BARUA 59.26 30 01681 MD. ANISUR RAHMAN MOHISEN 58.55 31 04690 MOKIMUL ISLAM 58.51 32 06926 SAMSHUL HAQUE 58.12 33 13421 H. M. ABIR MAHMUD 58.06 34 11151 SUVO DAS 57.77 35 00897 ASMA AKTER 57.1 36 09033 ANIK DEBNATH 56.5 37 02837 SHOWMITRA BISWAS 56.48 38 00704 JANNATUL FARHA 55.54 39 04620 MD. SHADAT ISLAM 55.43 40 15288 ABDULLAH AL HADY 55.42 41 00271 SHAKILA TABACCUM 54.99 42 00984 UTTOM BANIK 54.6 43 00755 SHILA DEB 54.3 Small Ethnic Group Quota (SEGQ) SL Roll Name Score 1 10404 KYAW HLA SAING CHAK 69.75 2 02892 RUMEN CHAKMA 57.93 Sports Quota (SQ) SL Roll Name Score 1 15291 MOHAMMAD SAGAR 81.75 2 03146 JOYBRATA CHOWDHURY 76.98 3 04640 MOHAMMAD FAYZUL KARIM 72.65 4 05461 ABDULLAH AL MAMUN 72.51 5 09927 ROWNAK TASNIA JAHAN 69.33 6 02701 MUNNA PAUL 69.03 7 14097 MD. SAIFUL ISLAM SUMAN 68.5 8 10819 MD. MUSTAFIJUR RAHMAN 68.25 9 11996 MD. MASUK RAHMAN KINGSHUK 67.75 10 07784 OMAR AL - ZABIR 66.03 11 11260 MD. FARUK HOSEN 65.1 12 15182 SHAKHAWAT HOSSEN 63.34 13 09978 MD. SAIFUL ISLAM SHAHED 63.25 14 01777 SAZZADUL ISLAM 62.39 15 12845 MUHAMMAD FAISAL AKHAND 62.25 16 04102 MD. SHORIFUL ISLAM 61.9 17 05240 ASIFUR RAHAMAN 61.8 18 13964 MD. ABUJAR HOSSAIN 61.6 19 13157 DEBASHISH KUMAR GHOSH 61.34 20 13704 MD. RASEL HOSSEN 61.32 21 12902 MD. RABAB ZAHEDI 61.25 22 01666 MD. MEZANUR RAHAMAN NAYAN 60.5 23 12926 JANNATUL NAYEEM 59.09 24 01681 MD. ANISUR RAHMAN MOHISEN 58.55 25 07529 MD. MEHEDI HASAN 58.53 26 01414 MD. SAHADAT HOSSEN 58.25 27 13177 MD. SHAHIN SHARIF 58.04 28 00411 MOHAMMED FORKAN UDDIN 57.97 29 06332 SAIFUL ISLAM RAHAD 57.28 30 09771 H. M. KAISERUL ISLAM 56.55 31 00408 MD. HASANUR RAHMAN 56.27 32 07222 MD. NAZMUS SAKIR 54.06 33 01019 ASHFAK MAHMUD 53.82 34 01846 ISMAIL HOSEN IMRAN 53.33 Artist Quota (AQ) SL Roll Name Score 1 00131 NUR MEHARUMA CHOWDHURY 90.51 2 11025 DEBOSMITA CHOWDHURY 87.25 3 01162 ZARIN TASNIM 86.5 4 08790 SUJOYA CHAKRABORTY 79 5 01445 CHAYAN BARUA 74.94 6 11926 PARTHA SAMANTA 70.04 7 13347 ASMA-UL-HUSNA 69.52 8 05964 MOITREE SAHA 69 9 14746 HABIBA JAHAN NIPA 68.5 10 07836 MASHHURA HOSSAIN ANCHOL 68.21 11 00664 FABIHA ZAMAN NEETU 68 12 13732 NUSRAT JAHAN MIMI 67.76 13 05985 JANNATUL NAIMA 67.53 14 06217 FAHMIDA ALAM 67 15 02790 TISHE DEY 66.5 16 00348 TRISHNA DATTA 66.26 17 14662 SHOVON DASH 66.25 18 01758 FAREHA HASAN 65.28 19 14444 ARITRI CHOWDHURY 65.05 20 00454 SUSMITA SAHA 64.8 21 13868 MD. MASIAT ROUSHAN MASRAFEE 63.25 22 14685 PRIA BANIK 63.01 23 10195 TANDRA SINGHA 61.79 24 03344 FARHANA ARZU RAHA 61.29 25 04670 DIBBYA BHATTACHARJEE 61.05 26 04504 SHARMIN MUSTARY NAZU 61 27 03320 JAYA DAS 60.91 28 05167 MD. SABADUZZAMAN 60.5 29 05607 MAHFUJA ZAMAN MILVA 59.81 30 09773 SRIKRISHNA CHAITANYA NANDI 59.77 31 03731 SHUME BARUA 59.57 32 00198 PUJA CHAKRABORTY 59.5 33 00734 FARIHA AHMED 59.03 34 00900 OISHE TALUKDER 58.89 35 16460 PROMETE PAUL POOJA 58.82 36 10405 NASRULLAH RAFI 58.75 37 09316 HIMEL DAS 58.74 38 15483 PRANTA NAG 58.71 39 01531 MOUMITA CHAKRABORTY 58.63 40 08664 RUBAIYA HASNAT 58.55 41 07024 INDRANI GUHA 58.3 42 00235 SUBARNA DEVI PALI 58.25 43 01414 MD. SAHADAT HOSSEN 58.25 44 03426 AHMAD AJMAIN FAYEK 58.1 45 04137 BADHON DAS 57.96 46 02656 SWASTIKA DEY 57.75 47 05499 CHOYON DAS 57.75 48 04617 SHIBIKA PAUL 57.51 49 15341 ANNA PAUL 56.5 50 00408 MD. HASANUR RAHMAN 56.27 51 13219 MD. IMRAN KHAN 56.08 52 00708 SHARMIN NAZ TAZRIN 56.08 53 00710 ANINDITA SHEKHAR 53.74 54 06125 JUI BARUA 53.58 55 11950 AFSANA NAZNIN ASHA 53.56 56 15681 SUJAN GHOSH 53.19 57 03163 KANTA CHOWDHURY 52.68 58 08527 HABIBA SHULTANA 50.42


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